Arms dealer from Hogwarts

Chapter 46 Competition Victory

Chapter 46 Competition Victory
In the second month of school, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was sent to Azkaban.

A little meddling in the plot creates such a drastic deviation that Jemini develops a deep understanding of the butterfly effect.

The impact of the matter is more than that, such as Hagrid.

He has been in a bad mood for the past few days, firstly because Lu Wei - his three-headed dog was killed by Jamie, and secondly because his own three-headed dog almost hurt Jamie, Hai Grid has been sad and blamed himself in recent days. After a sincere apology to Jemini, he has been locking himself in a small room for self-reflection these days.

Furthermore, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class began to be replaced by Snape, and Snape's original Potions class was allocated some class time to Professor Sprout. Medicine also has no small attainments.

Originally, Jemini thought that Snape was already very busy teaching seven grades by himself, and it was impossible for him to have time to substitute Defense Against the Dark Arts for the students, but it turned out that he underestimated Snape's enthusiasm for Defense Against the Dark Arts. .

After Quirrell was sent to Azkaban, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the first grade became a big class, taught by the four colleges together, and the defense against the Dark Arts in the senior grades was taught by Professor Flitwick, so that It's too busy to share it.

The Hogwarts class schedule that I saw in the forum post bar in my previous life was full, but it was actually not the case.

At Hogwarts, there are not many first-year classes, at most three classes a day, each class lasts two hours, and Defense Against the Dark Arts has only one class a week.

And there are a lot of elective courses in the senior grades, such as Divination, Muggle Studies, etc. A teacher can still be busy teaching seven school years, but it is a bit difficult to substitute for the class. Without Professor Sprout and With the help of Professor McGonagall, it is impossible for Professor Snape and Flitwick to take the time to substitute Defense Against the Dark Arts.

In addition, although there are not many class hours every day, the homework is disappointing. At Hogwarts, homework is due once a week, and it is calculated by size...

As we entered November, the weather became very cold, and the mountains around the school looked gray and covered with snow and ice.

A lot of homework and cold weather made the students more anxious, but this state did not last long, and a piece of news made the students active again.

Quidditch season has begun!

The first match was Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, and the second was Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw.

In other words, Jemini will soon step into the Quidditch field as a Seeker.

"Come on, Master Fox."

"We firmly believe that you will usher in the ultimate victory."

"Jemini, you must be better than Harry Potter!"

The little Snakes in Slytherin spoke super nicely, regardless of whether Jemini was embarrassed or not, they just blew it hard.

"The game of Quidditch has more than 700 fouls, and they all occurred in a World Cup game in [-]-what the hell happened in that game?"

Early Wednesday morning, Jemini was flipping through "The Magical Quidditch Ball" while eating grilled fish.

"I heard that the first death of a referee happened after that year's game." Draco said, "But it didn't happen very often after that. The Ministry of Magic is very strict about this aspect."

"It's really hard to be a referee." Jemini smiled.


A sound of flapping wings sounded above the head. On the skylight of the auditorium, a large group of owls flew in in groups and dropped packages to their little masters.

Several long-eared owls caught Jemini's attention, and the several long-eared owls were jointly carrying the same package-a long box.

Don't even think about it, it's probably a broomstick.

Which lucky one is this?
Jamie rested his chin and looked around curiously.

Immediately afterwards, six long-eared owls swooped down and threw the package in front of Jemini, knocking over his plate of grilled fish fillets.

"For me?" Jemini was suddenly surprised.

Judging from the address and name marked on the package, there was no doubt that the item was mailed to Jamie.

Jemini opened the box, and sure enough, there was a broomstick inside.

It was a brand new Nimbus 2000, with red lacquer and smooth branches, and it also came with a broomstick maintenance box and a sticky note.

'If you can't win the championship, you can pay back the money slowly.

—Sever Snape'


Swallowing in embarrassment, Jemini's mood was very complicated at this time.

On the one hand, I am very grateful to Snape for his donation, on the other hand, I can't help but feel fucked by Snape's awkward character...

How do I subtly tell him that I have a faster and better broom?
After thinking about it, Jemini decided to forget it.

As long as the game was won, Snape probably wouldn't care about these details.

Finally, Saturday.

Today is the day of the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin match.

At around 10:30 in the morning, the stands of the entire Quidditch stadium were already full of people.

And in the entire stand, only a quarter is a green zone, and the remaining three quarters are all red oceans...

"There is an away game feeling..."

In the dressing room, Jemini changed into a green Slytherin uniform.

"It's normal." Derian laughed: "When we played against Gryffindor, the stands were red, when we played against Ravenclaw, the stands were blue, and when we played against Hufflepuff. Sometimes, the stands are yellow, and for us, their support is not important at all, victory is our ultimate goal."

Jemini smiled: "It seems that you are very confident?"

"Absolutely not."

Derian shrugged: "It's easy to say if it's Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, but facing Gryffindor...Although I hate those restless guys, to be honest, there is a difference between our two teams. The difference is not small."

Jemini nodded, and glanced at the stupid faces of the other team members: "I can tell."

Derian sighed: "The lineup of their team is perfect, especially the cooperation of the three female chasers, you should really see it, it is simply an art, why are the girls in our yard so delicate ?”

"Anyway, do your best." Jemini stretched his waist: "Within the rules, play rough, such as Transylvania fake moves, if the gap in strength is really too big , Let’s all return to defense, and I will end the game as soon as possible.”

Jemini's words had a sense of order in it, but no one had any objections. Whether it was from Quidditch skills or personal combat effectiveness, Jemini had the capital to completely dominate the team.

After waving his hand, he took out the Nimbus 2000, and Jemini handed it to Derian: "Ride this during the race."

Derian was startled: "How is this possible? You are a Seeker, and the core of our battle is based on you."

"I ride this." Jemini took out the Firebolt from the storage space.

Derian opened his mouth to say something, but finally closed it.

Although it is not clear what kind of broom Jemini took out, the top-level workmanship still shows its extraordinary.

Another point is that Derian doesn't dare to defy Jemini's will.

Finally, with all eyes on, Jemini walked out of the locker room with a Firebolt on his shoulder, three Chasers, two hitters and a keeper in two rows behind him.

There were cheers in the stadium stands, although most of the cheers were given to the opposite side.

Jemini saw that in the opposite Gryffindor team, Harry was standing anxiously beside Wood.

Ms Hooch stood in the middle of the field, her broomstick in hand, waiting for players from both sides to take their positions.

"Listen, I want everyone to play fairly and honestly!"

Ms. Huo Qi looked at everyone like a falcon: "Now, please ride on the broomstick."

Jamie didn't ride his Nimbus 2000?

Harry got on the broom and stared at the Firebolt under Jemini with burning eyes.

He didn't know what kind of broom it was, but his intuition made him care about it very much.

Before he could think about it, a golden light flew up, it was the Snitch, and it had been released. Immediately afterwards, two Bludgers flew into the sky, and the Quaffle was also thrown high by Ms. Hooch.

The next second, Ms. Huo Qi blew the whistle, and in the blink of an eye, fifteen brooms soared into the sky, rising high into the sky—the race began!

"The Quaffle was immediately snatched by Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor - what a Chaser that girl is, and she's pretty good looking -"

In the teacher's stand, the twins' best friend Lee Jordan was explaining the game. He was a black boy with a sharp mouth and a sharp tongue. He was the commentator of the Hogwarts Quidditch match.

"Jordan!" Professor McGonagall shouted seriously.

"I'm sorry, Professor." Jordan shut up wisely. Suddenly, his eyes froze: "My God, what is that?"

"Jeminy Fox, the Slytherin Seeker, is flying at an unreasonable speed. What kind of broom is that? The speed is far away from Harry Potter's Nimbus 2000. He spotted the Golden Snitch !"

"He actually bit the Snitch tightly at the beginning of the match! God, what kind of eyes does he have?!"

"Fred and George, the Gryffindor batsmen, did a two-handed combo. It was a really hard Bludger. The Bludger went to Jemini's head. He didn't react. It was too much. Concentrated? Guess he might do a sloth-hugging roll to get away from this—"

"Oh—Merlin's rusty briefs! He exploded the Bludger with his bare hands! How did he do it? Is this guy really human? I guess his ancestor must have married a dragon!"

"Jordan—" Professor McGonagall's stern voice sounded again.

"Would that count as a foul - well, Ms. Hooch says play is on! Backup Bludger goes up!"

"At this moment, Harry is hanging tightly behind Jamie. No one expected that the Seekers on both sides would start chasing after the start of the match. The distance between Harry and Jamie is constantly widening. Angelina dodges Derian Pusey's interception to score the first goal of the game in this period! Jemini is getting closer to the Snitch! The Snitch is turning sharply, can he- he caught it Golden Snitch!!"

"One minute into the game, Jemini caught the Snitch, and Slytherin won the game 1:150!"

The next moment, Slytherin's cheers resounded throughout the audience!

 Asking for a monthly ticket, asking for a reward, asking for a recommendation, asking for a collection, everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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