honor me as god

Chapter 90 The Birth of Silence

Chapter 90 The Birth of Silence
Silence, the second in the list of magical soldiers, a terrifying metal with an indeterminate shape, unknown weight, and a mysterious aura. According to legend, it reflects all things in the world, and the eight blades of longevity are buried around it, giving some comfort to those who are destined to be destroyed.Countless traitors went to the place of the Lord's ascension, believing that seeing this thing would cleanse their souls and purify their souls, and all beings could neither speak nor listen in front of it.Silent as night, it is the voice of death walking in the world. —— "Divine Soldier Catalog: Silence"

The neon lights with blue and purple as the main colors reflect the moonlight, full of technology under the night, little halos flow between the buildings, huge virtual images are projected on the top of the high-rise buildings, shaking their heads vividly, some companies even Simply put the dazzling program code on the LED screen and flash line by line.

This is a high-tech park. Although it is early in the morning, there are already countless luxury car lights intertwined into a net, pedestrians are scattered, some are walking on all kinds of single-wheeled machinery, and some are walking slowly Enjoy the night before dawn and look up at the stars.

No one would have thought that this was just a cover on the surface. Under the ground of this park, there was a huge monster lurking.

A dark Maybach s900 drove into the park, with a streamlined body and low-key color matching, calm and restrained, like an elegant black swan.

This is the driver's seat that Chino just bought, 1400 million, and you can get it after paying 140 respect points.

Maybach drove into a warehouse, Chino stretched out his hand from the car window, picked up the landline phone in the corner, and dialed an internal number: "Come on, let me down."

When Chino returned to Maybach, there was a sudden tremor in the warehouse space, and the ground slowly sank. When it sank to seven or eight meters below the ground, the hidden passage was finally revealed.

The sports car drove into the hidden passage, and the sunken ground rose again and returned to its original position.

Chino left the garage and came to a steel gate. After entering the password, through pupil recognition and physical detection, the steel gate quietly opened.

In the past, he shook his head and greeted him here: "Yo, Nuobao, I'm back. I haven't seen him for half a year."

Chino asked, "How about the thing that I commissioned you to do half a year ago?"

"It's already done and put it in the warehouse. I'll show you." Chuxi took Chino to the warehouse and opened the door.

In the warehouse are neatly placed sets of well-made individual equipment, saber, chain mail, outer armor, harness, lance. Everything is available.

Sitting on the table in the past, dangling his legs, he said, "According to your request, I use the materials you provided me to forge with modern technology."

The power of science and technology is endless, and modern craftsmanship means reaching the extreme in the utilization of raw materials, forging and quenching, and internal mechanics.

Kino picked up a saber, wiped it with alcohol, and put his finger on the blade lightly.

The fingertips were cut like tofu, scarlet blood flowed from the wound, and bone was visible deep.

"Wow, silly, I have a knife test stone, why do you try it with your own hand, does it hurt?" Chuxi found a medical bag and helped Chino wrap her fingers, she suddenly remembered something, "Oh yes, you have CIP congenital analgesia, you can't feel pain. Then you go on and increase the intensity!"

Chino ignored the words and took out a bank card: "1 million, the processing fee for these 2000 sets of equipment."

"Thank you." Chu Xi was also unceremonious, took the card directly, and then smiled mysteriously, "Okay, let's take a look at the real good stuff."

In the past, he opened the door of the internal research room and took Chino inside.

What appeared in front of Chino was a giant machine. The cantilevers on both sides showed some kind of subtle distortion. There was a drop of liquid floating in the center. If you looked closely, you would find that it reflected all the surrounding scenery, even the most sophisticated technology today. Observation instruments can't match its imaging details, like tears dripping from the pupils of the gods.

Chino looked at the giant machine, squinted and asked, "Is this a gravitational field generator?"

"Yes, the internal repulsion peak point and the attraction peak point of the strong interaction material have coincided. All atoms stop vibrating and are evenly arranged, and then lose friction. The surface is infinitely smooth and cannot be directly grasped by any object. Only the most basic The rules of mechanics maintain its balance." The old little hand rested on his chin, shook his head and said, "So I was thinking, you asked me to do this kind of thing, how do you manipulate it?"

Chino's telekinesis can directly control this thing, but the rules of reincarnation can't be said, only silence.

In the past, I also understood, no longer asking, she smiled: "Last time you gave me 22 grams of free matter, and finally, under the operation of this genius, the utilization efficiency is relatively high, and 0.3 grams of strong interaction material was created, which is more efficient than 0.22 grams. The expected 0.08 grams is [-] grams more, please praise me!"

Chino gave a thumbs up: "Amazing."

"Che, it's so perfunctory, it's boring." Chu Xi crossed his arms and said triumphantly, "Have you thought about what to call it? I even thought of the name for you."

Chino: "You said."

"Silence." Looking up at it in the past, there was no serious look like just now, and his eyes were full of enthusiasm for the new creation, "As long as there is a mass object, there will be a gravitational lensing effect, and the mechanical medium of photons and sound transmission is not Exception. The gravitational lensing effect of the strong interaction material is greatly amplified, and when I keep it afloat with a gravitational field, it causes a silence where nearby sound cannot travel, so it's called 'silence'."

In the past, she clumsily climbed onto the gravitational field generator, as if she didn't feel bad about this high-end instrument being stepped on.

As she drifted toward "silence" in the past, her voice became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely, and she could only be seen grimacing beside the silence, all her voice being swallowed up by the gravitational lensing effect.

Kino smiled and said, "I listen to you, let's call it this name."

In the past, he stuck out his ear and put his hand on it to make a trumpet, indicating that he could not hear.

Chino made an OK gesture.

In the past, he swam out of the gravitational field in a freestyle posture, climbed down from the machine, and said with satisfaction: "You must use silence well, and go to another world to smash those feudal savages! Let them know the power of Newton's three laws!"

Chino silently put 0.3 grams into his space ring, and then looked at the triple shackles.

Respect has 49512 points.

He exchanged 10000 Respect Points for a mortgage of 10 billion in cash that was still silent, and then exchanged 30000 Respect Points for 3000 grams of new free substance, leaving the remaining 9512 Respect Points aside for emergencies.

He transported the new free substance into the container and said, "This is new material, you keep making it, and I will come back next time to receive the goods."

"No problem, hee, hee hee hee." Once upon a time, sitting in front of a mountain of 10 billion banknotes, he smirked and drooled.

Chino asked, "By the way, what happened to the organization after the leader and the Twelve Committee members were eliminated by me?"

Chu Xi turned his head and said casually, "Just like that, each faction seized power and attacked each other.

"The processing warehouse, is it still there?" Chino's eyes flashed a deep color.

In the past, without thinking: "Here, I often need living people to do human experiments, so I simply bought the processing warehouse."

"Very good." The corners of Chino's lips raised a mysterious arc, "There is a very important matter that requires you to cooperate with me."

(End of this chapter)

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