honor me as god

Chapter 899 My Lord is God

Chapter 899 My Lord is God
(Three in one big chapter, together today and tomorrow)
The 525th day of returning to snow in the year 30 of the Fire Calendar is a very special day for the Kingdom of Dogland.

This day is the birthday of Queen Laurel, and citizens all over the country will offer blessings to the Queen on her 26th birthday.

At the same time, today will also be "the day the sun goes down".

This year, the Queen of Laurel, Solandelle, has revealed the true face of the Sun King to the world, and has won the support of citizens all over the land.

In addition to exposing the atrocities buried in the dust of history to the sun, she also decided to do a very symbolic thing-to tear down the central square of the king's city today, which was built by the ancient king and stood erect in the Kingdom of Dogrand. Statue of the Sun King from 525.

The Sun King died in the Fireless Era. However, he passed through the 2188-year God's Fall Calendar and the 525-year Fire Calendar. During this entire 2713 years, he still lived in the hearts of the world in the form of faith and became invisible. Invisible shackles.

Now that the sea has changed, the faith is dead, and when the statue of the Sun King falls, all his influence and the disasters he caused to the living will end here forever.

In the early morning, the rays of dawn rise from the eastern sky, and the mountaintops behind the peaks are shrouded in a hazy glow. The dark blue sky is soaked in the sunset, and the golden morning light sprinkles all over the world.

In the residence mansion by the warm water lake, the bright sunshine brought a bit of warmth to the winter, and Solandelle was arranging her appearance in front of the fitting mirror, preparing for the upcoming ceremony.

Lorna stood behind and helped Solandelle hold her long hair. Although they were both grown up now, they were no longer the little girls they were back then, but the close cuddling appearance was the same as when they were children.

Solandelle was wearing a snow-white inner lining and a tailor-made queen's robe outside. There were no luxurious jewelry decorations on the clothes, only the curve-fitting design stood out from the crowd.

After finishing her clothes, with Lorna's help, she arranged her long hair and put on hair accessories, then turned around and put Lorna's arm around her and asked, "Nana, won't you go with me?"

Lorna shook her head: "This is your moment, and I haven't been out of the palace for a long time, and I'm not used to the scene full of people."

Since Denisa's death, Lorna's personality has undergone drastic changes. She no longer likes to play or laugh. Usually, if she has no business, she can stay at home for several months without going out, often doing nothing, just being alone. People sat from dawn to dusk, staring at Denisa's relics in a daze.

Solandelle saw Lorna's changes over the years and felt pain in her heart, but she didn't know how to heal her friend. She could only hug Lorna and said softly: "I promise you, wait for this After everything is over, I will put down my official duties and take you out for a trip. Half a year, a year. Let's go around the world!"

Lorna nodded slightly, and hugged Solandelle: "Go, come back early."

After a moment of tenderness, Solandelle left the mansion, facing the bleak winter wind, and walked towards the final battlefield.

When she came to the central square accompanied by the imperial guards, the place was already crowded with people.

Dogrand citizens from Wangcheng and from all over the province crowded the streets and alleys. Everyone was holding platinum laurel flowers, looking sincerely at the flower-like queen.

Solandelle stood in the center of the square, with a vast crowd of people in front of her, and behind her was the statue of the Sun King who was once revered by the world.

The statue was 70 meters high, and Solandelle looked like an ant under its feet, but when the rising sun fell, she shone brighter than the statue in golden light.

Solandelle's eyes slowly swept across the crowd, staring at the faces of the people: "Once upon a time, I also worshiped the Sun King like everyone else, and firmly believed that all the good things in the world are the result of the strengths of the gods. bestow, and we shall return with the most pious faith.”

"It wasn't until I came into contact with the soul shrine and learned the real history that I really discovered the ugly face under the skin of the Sun King."

"The Sun King stretched out his cruel hands to the people who were originally equal, and created an unshakable iron law through the belief of others in himself, creating the existence called 'slaves'."

"The Sun King puts slaves in shackles, tortures them, abuses them, draws strength from their pain and screams, and turns into a monster that embraces fear."

"Such a shadow has shrouded the world for thousands of years, so that it has always existed after the founding of the ancient king."

"Many people used to have no choice, because they were too weak, they could only bow their knees and linger on, and they were even numb for a while, thinking that since what the Sun King said was the truth, this is the life they should have."

"But now I want to tell you! It's not like that! No matter whether you are a nobleman or a slave, no one should live in the shadow of others, and no one should be born in shackles!"

"The so-called faith! It's just a tool in the hands of the kings of all ages. You use your freedom of thought to exchange for the stability of your rule!"

"There were many people who didn't understand my actions and asked me why I dared to challenge the authority of the Sun King? As a mortal, what qualifications do I have to fight against the gods?"

"I told them, so what about mortals? The so-called gods are just more powerful mortals, relying on their strength to stand tall, immersed in their own dreams, thinking that they are some kind of higher existence."

"The gods require the world to respect him, but he has never revered the world, never revered those lives like him. A person who doesn't even know how to fear life is even worse than ordinary people."

"Remember, my fellow citizens, never ever forget—if you kneel and look up at the god, he will not see you when he looks straight ahead."

Thousands of people are reflected in Solandelle's pupils, and her voice is filled with unprecedented hot power: "The shackles of the Sun King are completely ended at this moment, and now—"

"You are free!"

"Boom—" The moment Solandelle finished speaking, with the roar of gunpowder, the bottom of the Sun King statue completed a directional blast.

The colossal statue that stood for 525 years, and the crazy shackles that lasted 2713 years since the Fireless Era, finally came to an end.

Under the eyes of the world, the statue of the Sun King fell with a roar, and every inch it fell, the shadow cast by the backlight on the ground disappeared.

"Boom——" When this giant collapsed completely, the sun that had been covered by it finally reappeared, and the bright sunlight sprinkled all over the square and fell on everyone's faces.

In an instant, the atmosphere at the scene was boiling, and unprecedented cheers erupted from the crowd. Everyone waved the laurel bouquets in their hands, shouted the name of Solandelle, and gave her the warmest praise and blessings to celebrate this great moment .

This is the scene that Solandelle dreamed countless times. She tossed and turned in bed during countless lonely nights, lost in the present and at a loss for the future.

From the moment she embarked on the road of fighting against the gods, she was doomed to be alone.

Because no one has walked this road, there are no footprints of predecessors under our feet, and there is no guiding flame in the distance.

She herself is the only light, illuminating the way forward for all those who follow behind.

now it's over
From planting the seeds at the age of 12 to realizing the dream at the age of 26, it has been 14 years, and the hard work of more than half a lifetime has finally come to an end.

At this time, Solandelle really wanted to cheer with the people, dance and sing with them, but at the moment when the burden was unloaded, what awaited her was not the joy and joy in her imagination, but a sudden burst of joy. pathos.

She stepped back unconsciously, and her legs softened and she sat down on the ground. She tried to hold back the sourness that welled up in her heart, because the queen must maintain her majesty at all times and cannot cry.

But the more she endured, the stronger the sense of sadness. The choking feeling of suppressing the crying made her almost suffocate, and she couldn't help coughing, tears and sobs gushed out at the same time.

After 5 years, Solandelle felt that she was strong enough to never cry again, but she still shed tears.

"I did it." She tightly held the piece of rag on her wrist that had accompanied her for 14 years, as if she was holding on to a dead person.

She raised her head to look up at the clear blue sky, her gaze seemed to penetrate the sky and time, and she looked at the little girl who was holding a puppy and spent only one day with her, sobbing uncontrollably: "But I still don't know you name"

Her Majesty's crying made the accompanying imperial guards a little nervous. They surrounded each other and used their bodies to block the sight of the public so that no one could see Her Majesty's tears.

A royal guard handed over a spare handkerchief and said with concern: "Your Majesty, wipe away your tears, we should go back."

Solandelle took the handkerchief and wiped away her tears, stood up with the help of the guards, and rode on her white horse.

Looking back at the cheering crowd on horseback, she glanced at the sunny little faces, stayed for a while and then looked into the distance, as if she was staring at a wider border.

The dangerous mines that devoured human life were sealed up, and the mountains that had not been visited for a long time faded away from the usual ash pollution, and beautiful flowers bloomed. The bees shuttled among the flowers, and the beeping between the bee wings played the movement of life.

There are no more serfs weeping and laboring in the scorching sun on the farm. The drops of sweat that once flowed under the whip evaporated and condensed in the wind, turning into rain and dew that bred vitality, and fell on the endless wilderness.

Countless children are frolicking, many of them could not be born, or will be branded with an inescapable mark, but now they follow the teacher who spreads knowledge and run freely in the campus.

That year, when he stumbled to power, a group of demons rose together, and the state affairs were in chaos.

Today, the mother's ceremonies are in the world, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and time has washed away all the wind and frost.

A smile finally appeared on Solandelle's tear-stained face. She lightly pulled the rein and turned around, turning her back on the crowd and heading home.


everything is over.

As the sun shines, the country is peaceful and the people are safe.

There is no need for a Laurel Queen in this country.

Because there is no turmoil and disputes here, people's bodies will not be oppressed and exploited, their minds will no longer be imprisoned by shackles, and the queen's dream is over at this moment.

The sound of "Glory to the Sun" dissipated together with the shadow of the god on the dome, never to appear again, and the world finally raised its head to face the sun, the real sun.

No one can override life and dignity.

Everyone will be happy, free, and live in a world without a supreme god.

She believed so firmly.

"Glory to my Lord!!!"

A cry from nowhere sounded like the noise of a waking dream.

At this moment, time seemed to go back to the distant past, back to the once dark and lightless years, and also brought back the shadow that enveloped the high sky.

Solandelle was sluggish, dazed, anxious, uneasy, manic, and emptiness. All kinds of negative emotions came to her heart, the tiniest human voice seemed to become extremely harsh, her body shivered without warning, even Now that the sun is shining brightly, I feel that the light is disappearing bit by bit, and the whole world has turned into black.

She twisted her stiff neck, looked back with difficulty, and looked at the place where the voice came from.

A black flag is coming towards the wind at the end of the road in the distance. It is a security patrol force. The members are all wearing black shirts. The appearance is clearly the same as that of a human being, but there is no emotion that a human should have in their eyes and expressions. It is full of coldness and death. the chill.

Everyone knows that these people in black shirts are not human beings, they are bionics, great existences created by the Lord Regent, the famous suicidal birds.

When the Death Bird passed through the square, the crowd fell into a frenzied agitation. They just stood up, and now they scrambled to kneel down, bowing their heads to the Death Bird, as if they were facing some kind of supreme existence.

In front of the crowd bowing their heads, the dead birds just walked silently. Their sound-capturing devices picked up all the sounds around them. As long as no illegal or taboo content was detected, the emergency procedures would not be activated, and they would not care about these panicked people.

The black flag hangs behind these mysterious existences and flutters in the air, symbolizing the unshakable power and dignity of the god of death, and also arouses the long-lasting awe in people's hearts.

Some of the kneeling crowd chanted "Glory to the Lord" and tried their best to show their piety.

Some bowed their heads to the ground and murmured blessings, hoping that their prayers could be heard by the god of death through these death birds.

Occasionally, a few innocent children jumped up and down, looking at the suicidal birds curiously, but they were quickly pushed to the ground by their parents and asked to kneel down, and at the same time there were scolding and disrespectful scolding.

A young girl nestled in her mother's arms, pointed at the dead bird and asked childishly, "Mom, who are they?"

The mother looked ahead devoutly, as if she was looking at some kind of higher existence: "My child, they are suicidal birds, and they are the apostles of the Lord Regent."

The little girl is only three or four years old this year. She has not yet reached the age of schooling, and she has not accumulated much common sense in life. She tilted her head and asked curiously: "Mom, who is the Lord Regent?"

The mother lovingly stroked the little girl's head, her tone was full of reverence, and she said persuasively: "Your Majesty Regent, you are the greatest existence in this world!"

"He conceived life with great power, gave us inexhaustible milk and bread, and protected the world from hunger."

"He brought medicines that wiped out all diseases, cured countless dying patients, and kept us safe from disease.

"He built countless magnificent high-rise buildings, so that there will be no more homeless people in the world, and everyone will have a place to shelter from the wind and rain."

"He lights up the light, suppresses the darkness, and erases everything that makes people unhappy. We are happy because of him! Dogorand is also brilliant because of him!"

The little girl's mouth was wide open, and her face was full of longing: "The Lord Regent is so powerful!"

The mother was amused by her daughter's expression, and said slowly close to her little face: "The Lord Regent has traveled all over the kingdom, from the southern border to the snowy field, from the Sea of ​​Broken Moon to the border of the desert, he shines in Doguland In every corner of the world, countless blasphemers tried to defeat him, and finally burned to the ground."

"Baby, do you still remember that my mother taught you how to read yesterday? Our ancestors were originally slaves and were not qualified to study. It was because the Lord Regent helped Her Majesty implement the New Deal that my mother was able to study further and get in touch with those who were once out of reach. touch knowledge."

"My lord regent gave my mother a soul and a mind, and gave her a chance to meet my father. In the end, I had you! Without my lord regent, we wouldn't be where we are now."

Tears welled up in the mother's eyes when she said this, and she hugged her daughter tightly, tears and gratitude in her eyes: "Everything we have is given by our Lord!"

"The Sun King is just a false god, but my lord is the light of the world! It is salvation! It is the truth! Everyone in the world is born under the protection of our lord, and we are all willing to die for our lord!"

The little girl's eyes reflected the rising sun in the sky, as if exuding the same pious light as her mother: "Mom, what should I do for the regent king and my lord?"

The mother kept her kneeling position, raised the little girl up to face the death bird, shed tears of frenzy, and her voice seemed to resound in the world: "Respect him as a god!!!"

"False gods are dead! Glory to the Lord! False gods are dead!!! Glory to the Lord!!!" The shouts of the crowd became more and more violent, and everyone bowed and kowtowed to the death bird, hoping that their voices could pass through the crowd. The apostle passed into the ears of the god of death.

The little girl couldn't wait to jump out of her arms, imitating her mother, knelt on the ground and kowtowed, shouting "Glory to my lord" in a childish voice.

Solandelle looked at all this blankly. The crowd came and went, and the shouts echoed endlessly in the royal city. It was obviously an extremely lively and lively scene, but it cut her heart like a knife, and she was completely surrounded by a huge sense of helplessness. .

Her pupils trembled, her gaze crossed the crowd, and she looked at a more distant place. Time seemed to become chaotic at this moment, and the scenes of thousands of years intertwined and changed, making her unable to tell whether it was the past or the present. .

The House of the Gods, where the Nine Gods returned to their thrones, and the majestic array of tall stone pillars are proud to build the largest palace in the world. The ancient nobles raised their heads, stared at the supreme sun, and thanked him for his gifts and gifts.

In the supreme hall of Dougland, the shadowy regent sits alone behind the scenes, playing the piano vigorously and vigorously. The ministers with great power listen to the sound of the piano, speculate on his intentions and try their best to cater to him, hoping for his appreciation and pity.

In the dark place of slaughter, the blood spread wantonly, the corpses of the slaves piled up like a mountain, the blackened blood dried up and became viscous due to long-term exposure, and the broken limbs were twisted and entangled together, as if they were praying during life and after death, the gods Watching all this coldly from above.

The noisy battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke, the armor wreckage stretches endlessly, the sky is surrounded by endless haze from the gunpowder smoke produced by the explosion, the giant steel bird soars past, the scorching sky fire falls to the ground like a meteor, setting off a torrent that devours life, the demon is burning in flames smiling heartily.

In the ancient capital of the gods, the ignorant people worshiped the Sun King. They gave up their personalities, had no independent thinking, and only regarded it as the most advanced existence. Salutation is a "glory to the sun".

In the Royal City of the King Regent, the carefree people knelt down and shouted at the god of death in the dusk. Even though they had enough food and clothing and the wisdom of the people, they still respected the gods, because everything in people's lives was bestowed by the gods. The second knock on the capital is a sentence of "glory to my lord".

The dazzling sunlight entangles and diffuses in the sky, appearing from the horizon and disappearing at the cape, as if forming a road to leave the mortal world.

Where the statue of the Sun King fell, the bird of death soared.

Countless voices that had been dissolved in the years suddenly reappeared, converging together like a torrent, and echoing in Solandelle's ears:

"Angels and demons love each other, and they often end in misfortune. Demons have their own stories."

"Remember, Solandelle, as long as you listen to me, you can get everything you want."

"Respect me as a god!"

"It was your misfortune to meet me."


"From the beginning to the end, I haven't changed."

In Solandelle's gradually blurred vision, the world seemed to lose its original color and become gray and dark. Everything was distorted like a devil's claw, and there were bloody scars on her heart.

Tears had spilled out of her eyes at some point, flowed down her cheeks, and fell down her chin to the skirt of her clothes. She closed her eyes, her shoulders kept trembling as she sobbed, and her eyelashes were wet and stuck together with tears, drooping weakly.

The dream world is clearly ahead, so gorgeous, yet so strange, the huge feeling of bewilderment is like twisted tentacles, unscrupulously piercing into the body, entangled from the heart to the lungs, making her suffocate and numb.

The wheels of destiny meet end to end, and it seems that there is no end from beginning to end.

The old gods are dead, and the new gods are born.
It's like an endless cycle.

When the imperial guards saw the death bird just now, they were also kneeling in that direction to show awe, and did not notice Her Majesty's tears.

They didn't turn their heads to look at Solandelle until the sound of horseshoes sounded slowly.

Queen Laurel's face was full of tears, she looked at the death bird in the distance, her eyes were full of determination again at some point, just like the previous half-life 14 years.

It doesn't matter
She told herself in her heart——

Everything, but start all over again.

Seeing Solandelle raising her long whip, the imperial guards were stunned, and it was too late to catch up with her, so they could only shout at her back: "Your Majesty, where are you going?"

The sun was shining high above the sky, Solandelle galloped towards the unknown road facing the sun, the cold winter wind howled around, leaving behind her unshakable voice:

"We're going the wrong way."

(End of this chapter)

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