honor me as god

Chapter 886

Chapter 886
(I forgot to update it yesterday, today I will add a three-in-one chapter, including tomorrow's one)
The moment Solandelle touched the altar of the soul, the foreground was instantly shattered, and her consciousness entered a mysterious realm that had never been seen before.

There is clearly a vast void, there is no concept of space, but there is an endless flow of mysterious substances, which are composed of endless numbers, symbolizing endless time, spreading to the endless past, surging to the endless future.

Solandelle's consciousness is ups and downs in this torrent of time, unable to escape, unable to resist, unable to feel the temperature, and unable to hear the sound, just like a lonely boat on the black ocean, it can only be manipulated by it.

Gradually, her vision became mottled, and one picture after another flowed rapidly, but they were too fast to see clearly, and countless pictures were crowded together to form snowflake-like noise.

As the noise became infinitely dense, suddenly overwhelming blazing lights lit up, she opened her eyes suddenly, and saw the wild world that existed in ancient legends.

It's a very subtle feeling
Different from sitting off the stage watching an immersive performance, Solandelle has become an "actor" on stage at this time. She exists in a body and can see what she sees through his eyes. The ear listens to what it hears.

The cold temperature, the touch of the wind on the skin, the scent of the beast in the air...it's all so clear.

She can even feel the ups and downs of the body master's thoughts and emotions, as if they have merged into one body and completely become each other.

Solandelle knew that she had entered the memory of the Sun King, and what she was about to experience next was what the Sun King had experienced.

As a true bystander, she cannot change anything, but can perceive everything from the inside out.

Solandelle couldn't know what year it was now, but it was obviously a very early memory of the Sun King, because she felt the emotions that any mortal would have in the heart of this "leader of the gods"—




Why the Sun King appeared here is unknown, he just wandered helplessly, and Thorandell from thousands of years later accompanied him all the way, like a ghost of time spanning endless years.

Following in the footsteps of the Sun King, Solandelle also has a preliminary understanding of the times. This is a lifeless world without fire, cities, and civilization. Primitive humans are uncivilized. They drink blood and express themselves with gestures and calls. Consciousness is like wild beasts.

The more places I traveled, the more empty and lonely I felt.

What a feeling that was.
Just like a wanderer who has left his hometown and can no longer find his way home, the huge sense of loss is like slender tentacles, unscrupulously penetrating into the skin, entangled from the heart to the lungs.

Suffocation, numbness. The unknown world lies ahead, so huge, but I don't know where is the shelter.

In the end, the Sun King was tired. He sat on the cliff and looked at the strange world, feeling sad and bowed his head unconsciously.

Solandelle found that the vision she saw began to become blurred, as if some kind of liquid filled the eye sockets, and finally, the ground in front of her eyes was wet with a few drops of water falling down, which were the tears of the Sun King.

The sight suddenly fell into the darkness, the first memory came to an abrupt end, and as the noise reappeared, Solandelle entered the second memory.

I don't know how long the time has passed since the last memory, but Solandelle could feel that the daze and helplessness in the Sun King's heart had faded a lot. Maybe it was forcing himself to accept the reality, and he began to have the courage to go on.

During the journey, the Sun King came into contact with some primitive tribes on the wild land. Although he could not communicate with them in language, he could still convey meaning through some gestures.

Soon after, the Sun King joined a tribe of hundreds of people and lived with those primitive humans.

The following pictures kept flickering, and the time range changed rapidly. It seemed that there were some memory fragments that could not be seen by others and were deliberately deleted.

Solandelle can only capture from fragmentary pictures that this tribe became more and more prosperous after accepting the Sun King, and the primitive people who could only be accompanied by stones suddenly possessed iron tools.

No one knows where the knowledge and technology of the Sun King came from. He taught the tribal compatriots how to use fire, and made farming and nomadic tools that spanned the ages. Don't cover your body, don't have enough food.

The Sun King also invented ancient graphic characters based on common objects, further transformed them into language, and taught them to the tribe.

The ignorant and chaotic primitive people thus got rid of the beast-like howling, and from the very beginning of simple communication, they completely integrated language into their lives in the end.

The Sun King brought unprecedented prosperity to the tribe. These people who grew up in the wild seemed to regard him as some kind of more advanced creature, set up a totem for him, held sacrifices, and worshiped him.

In the days to come, the Sun King was often in a state of meditation, but every time he entered meditation, there would be white blazing lights. These memories seemed to be forcibly erased, and only some fragmentary moments remained.

Solandelle only vaguely heard that the Sun King communicated with some beings in consciousness, and she was sure it was not with his tribe, because the Sun King used a language she had never heard of.

throbbing, excited
This feeling is like being on an isolated island, surrounded by a black ocean. I thought I would be trapped here forever, but suddenly found other isolated islands at the end of the ocean, and there were people like him on them.

In this way, the Sun King was immersed in the worship of his clansmen, and a spark was burning in his heart, and his endless and complicated thoughts finally converged into one thought——

I may be able to go to the end.

Time passed quickly, and the tribe led by the Sun King became more and more prosperous.

With the help of production tools, they not only solved the problem of food and clothing, but also built simple wooden houses, no longer need to live in caves all day long.

In their spare time, they can even rely on cattle and sheep, singing songs that the Sun King made up for them.

We're headed toward a better future—everyone's dreaming of that.

However, the good times did not last long.

There are countless primitive tribes in the wild land. When the Sun King tribe sang wine, they struggled and rolled in the mud. When the Sun King tribe stroked cattle and sheep, they faced ferocious beasts.

Jealousy is one of the innate emotions of human beings.

The rich life made the Sun King tribe be targeted by the enemy, and the killing began.

Those savages appeared from all directions, there were too many of them, and they could not see the end at a glance. They mercilessly slaughtered everyone in the Sun King's tribe, regardless of men, women, or children.

Blood stained the fertile cultivated land red, the screams of the tribe mixed with the neighing of cattle and sheep, and even the howling wind was filled with the smell of blood all the time.

The tragedy of the Sun King is inevitable. He has advanced wisdom but no powerful force. He gave the tribe compatriots a prosperous life, but he failed to give them the sharp edge to protect this life.

The peaceful life was destroyed overnight, and the false gods were pushed down from the gods.

In exchange for a chance to survive, the survivors of the Sun King tribe surrendered one after another, voluntarily serving as barbarian coolies, not only handing over all the stored food and production tools, but also handing over the creator of all this—they told the Sun King's hiding place Barbarians, in exchange for their own safety.

After the Sun King was captured, the barbarians did not kill him, but cut off his limbs and raised him in captivity, eating his flesh and drinking his blood.

Because they firmly believe that this person is indeed a "god", as long as they eat his flesh and blood, they can also have god-like wisdom.

In those days of being imprisoned and tortured, besides the pain, another emotion emerged from the Sun King—hatred.

I am kind and have compassion for you.

I led you out of the darkness, and finally betrayed me.

I see you as human beings, and you see me as a pig and dog.

It's disgusting.
So disgusting!
disgusting! ! !
Severe pain, hatred, and despair, accompanied by an uncontrollable desire to vomit, rolled wantonly in his heart.

I will never fall here!

Not long after being captured, the barbarians found that the Sun King's flesh and blood didn't work, and it didn't taste super delicious at all. They gradually lost interest in him and planned to slaughter him to make rations.

Later, in the bloody struggle, the Sun King broke the straw rope that bound his body, and instead of climbing out, he waited quietly in place for his "prey".

When a barbarian warrior came, the Sun King suddenly tripped him with his stump, and in the chaos, he bit off the opponent's throat like a beast.

The barbarian warrior fell in a pool of blood, his dying eyes stared at the Sun King, and his eyes were filled with another primitive emotion inherent in human beings—the fear of death.

At this moment, Solandelle suddenly had a strange feeling, the fear in those eyes seemed to have a substance, turning into an unspeakable heat and flooding the whole body.

Soon, something even weirder happened. Solandelle felt that the infinite heat flow was finally condensed in a certain area of ​​consciousness, and when it surged violently, it brought some unprecedented power.

The body of the Sun King was emitting white smoke. Both the severed limbs and the cut flesh were growing again. Although it was extremely slow and took more than an hour, it was already beyond the reach of ordinary people. .

Solandelle couldn't understand where this power came from, and how it could appear out of thin air. She only knew that the Sun King started his revenge from this moment.


Endless killing.

Not only killing the enemy, but also killing the people who betrayed him.

Every time someone is killed, every time someone falls in front of him, that weird heat will surge through his body.

Even if you don't make a move, just facing the enemy's terrified eyes will cause a surge of heat. The more fearful the opponent's emotions, the stronger the surge will be.

At the end of the fight, the Sun King drained every drop of the enemy's blood. When he stood among the corpses all over the ground, Solandelle could clearly feel the frantic agitation in his heart——

kindness?Kind?I was wrong all along.

In this savage world, nothing but strength lasts.

From today, give up illusions and embrace power!

I will go to the end!
The time and place of the next memory spans a wide range. The previous scene is still in midsummer, and the next scene is already in cold winter. Originally, it was in the mountains and fields, but it suddenly moved to the deep ocean.

And what these memories record are the great legends about the Sun King in later generations.

war, conquest, fusion
Countless tribes were defeated by the Sun King, those who rebelled died forever, and those who followed were condensed into a larger collective, and the first light of civilization was thus lit.

He taught language and writing to these ignorant and chaotic people, completely separated from the ranks of primitive animals, and began to have prosperous thoughts.

He waved the scepter, separated a ray of his soul, and created unpredictable soul art;
Holding the dragon gun alone, he set foot on the top of the world, launched the dragon blood crown to defeat the immortal ancient dragon, and the rolling dragon blood began to flow in his body;

He set sail to the endless ocean, awakening the ancient and evil existence under the sea, and suppressing it in the abyss;

He lights up the divine seal between his eyebrows, and spreads his faith to the vast world, so that every follower has the power of the golden fire of the sun.

Every scene in front of me is the history that Solandelle has read in the book. It is no longer a dry text, but is one with the Sun King's memory and ideas, and experience everything from his perspective. The kind of experience that is vast The feeling of the years makes the blood spurt.

In the end, from the beginning of that weak fledgling, the Sun King stood on top of the world. He conquered every tribe he could step on, and mastered all the power he could find. in the world.

However, for some reason, in those endless nights, the Sun King would always sit on a high place alone, looking up at the starry night sky. He was not sentimental in the night like ordinary people, nor was he thinking about life as if he had passed away.

What Solandelle felt in his heart was the initial bewilderment.

He obviously has everything, but it seems like he has nothing.

Although he has already stood on the top of the mortal world and is regarded as a god, but because of a higher existence, he is still as humble as an ant.

During this period, the white glow continued to surge, and the memory images Solandelle saw flickered frequently, as if some memory had been forcibly erased.

Solandelle only knew that every scene was full of devastation, the Sun King stood on the broken battlefield, his deep anxiety penetrated deep into his bones, and he was constantly entangled in his heart.

It feels like I thought I ran to the end of the road, but found that there is still an endless road ahead.

I don't know where to run, how long to run.

At this time, Solandelle would hear a voice in her heart—become stronger.

Get stronger by any means!
Memories continue to span, and historical images reappear countless times before our eyes. The Sun King has traveled all over the continent, from the Sea of ​​Broken Moon in the west to the Thorn Mountains in the east. Believers are all over the world. This great god has also established human history. The first unified regime in the world.

Headed by the Sun King, the seven strongest generals who followed him to fight in all directions, together with the immortal ancient dragon conquered by him in the crown of dragon blood, jointly formed the House of Gods, ruling all the order in the world, they are The ancient "nine gods" who had a profound influence on future generations.

However, even though the darkness of the Fireless Era has dissipated and the sun's brilliance spreads all over the world, the Sun King's heart has not changed from the beginning to the end.

Become stronger!

he kept telling himself.
Become stronger! !
Get stronger by any means! ! !
In the end, the shackles that imprisoned the bodies and minds of the world for thousands of years appeared.

Under the irresistible will of the Sun King, the House of the Gods issued iron laws to the entire mainland, reorganizing the social classes. The three-tier class system that ended in 515 of the Huo calendar—nobles, commoners, and slaves.

And in this memory, Solandelle saw three unforgettable scenes——

The Sun King stands on the top of the House of the Gods, and the eight gods are lined up under him. The sun from the dome sprinkles golden light on his body. God of status.

The Sun King opened his arms, as if to embrace endless nobles, and the resonant voice resounded throughout the House:
"You guys, you need to respect me!"

The screen quickly jumps to the next scene. The Sun King is in the main city square. People who are classified as "civilians" kneel on the ground, kowtowing in the direction of the leader of the gods, thanking him for his gift, but afraid of losing In the end, all of this can only be placed on faith wholeheartedly in exchange for the mercy of the gods.

The sun king's eyebrows were burning with the seal of God, and the golden fire of the sun was burning all over the sky, like the voice of thunder piercing through the ears:

"You guys, be in awe of me!"

The final scene is in stark contrast to the previous vast and turbulent scene. It is a hell, a hell on earth made of flesh and blood.

The air is filled with the smell of blood and carrion, like the breath of a demon, the ground is full of beheaded heads and headless corpses, and the original fertile soil has a shocking reddish-brown color, extending far to the end of the horizon.

In hell, there are lifeless dead and trembling living. Three feet below the palms of each person has a brand of iron, which is the inferior class divided by the Sun King's iron law-slaves.

The number of slaves accounts for 70% of the population of the entire continent. Under the iron law, they have no personality, no dignity, and no basic right to life. They are just bipedal animals. Both civilians and nobles can be slaughtered at will. so it is.

There is no why.

What the gods say is the truth!
The Sun King floats above hell, the raging sun and golden fire towering high into the sky, as if to pierce the vast sky, the raging murderous aura erupts like a stormy sea, I don’t know how many slaves have been killed, thousands, ten thousand, or millions
The Sun King looked down at the ants who were still alive, devouring their trembling and fear, and the cruel voice penetrated hell, as if to reach all the slaves in the mortal world:
"You guys, you will be afraid of me!"

"Hiss—" The hellish picture shattered, and Solandelle woke up from the residual memory of the soul niche and returned to reality.

Her whole face was pale, she was in a trance, she could hardly stand upright, staggered several steps and fell to the ground, just sat there sluggishly.

The amount of information in that scene is really too great, even if you have come into contact with the soul niche, there are still many questions that have not been answered.

Like where did the Sun King come from?Why is there wisdom far beyond the wild?What are those memory fragments erased by the white glow?
All these questions made Solandelle more bewildered than before, but compared to her bewilderment, her heart was now filled with an unprecedented emotion - trembling.

Solandelle originally thought that the Sun King's iron law and the classification of slaves as livestock was due to the times. Perhaps it was the dark and ignorant era that imprisoned his thoughts and allowed him to formulate policies full of historical limitations.

But now Solandelle realizes that she was wrong. It has been wrong all along
The Sun King is not ignorant. This leader of the gods can spread civilization, open up ideas, integrate all ethnic groups in the mainland, and establish the first unified regime in human history. Everything proves that his existence is far ahead of the times.

And the reason why he deliberately divided so many slaves and arbitrarily deprived them of their right to life was for one thing—to reap fear!
What is the principle here?Solandelle didn't know that she only knew that when the Sun King killed the first enemy, facing the fearful eyes of the opponent before death, some kind of mysterious power began to grow in the body.

This is not a metaphor, nor is it a change of heart, but under the fear of the enemy, he has become stronger in a real sense!

Endless journeys, endless wars, he became stronger step by step in the fear of the enemy, and finally became the "leader of the gods" in the eyes of the world.

And when the mainland is fully unified and there is no more war, the Sun King is still pursuing power and "fear".

Therefore, he created an enemy in peace, or in other words, he created a harvest target—slave.

The Sun King established an iron law, depriving slaves of their most basic personality and right to life from the legal level, stripping them from their human identities, and slaughtering them wantonly.

These slaves are animals in the true sense. The only difference between the Sun King and mortals here is that mortals harvest the fur and flesh of animals, while the Sun King harvests the fear in the animals' hearts.

The Sun King kept slaves in captivity like this, numb them to reproduce in the same way as animals, and then killed them batch after batch in fear.

It's not that the slave made any mistakes, it's just that the Sun King is pursuing power, and he is doing everything possible to become stronger.

To this day, Solandelle is not the first person to touch the soul shrine. All 25 kings have touched it before. The scene she saw just now has been seen by every king, but it is known from generation to generation. , from generation to generation.

Perhaps the Sun King had made up his mind a long time ago. The iron law he established was not only a shackle, but also the cornerstone of aristocratic rule.

Regardless of thousands of generations or eternity, those high-ranking nobles will continue to strengthen the unbreakable class through the iron law and the world's belief in the sun, so as to maintain the rule forever.

As long as the sun never sets, the Sun King will always be the leader of the gods.

From this moment, Solandelle finally knew what she was facing.

Her enemy is not the iron shackles that oppress the slaves, not the ignorant common people, not the aristocratic group that is superior to mortals, but a ghost with crazy ambitions that still haunts the sky of Dogland thousands of years after his death.

It was a monster dressed in the cloak of a god, fed on fear, and made of the flesh and blood of the world!

(End of this chapter)

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