honor me as god

Chapter 866

Chapter 866
Fitch's earliest memory is the quiet night sky illuminated by the stars. She doesn't know who her parents are, and it doesn't really matter. She grew up with wolves in the dense forest, and she travels freely in the shade every day. In the forest, I have never felt lonely.

One day when Fitch grew up, a pioneering team came to the forest. In order to build a city, those humans razed the once green forest to the ground and hunted animals recklessly. Because of this, Fitch was separated from the wolves and found her. The pioneering team members brought back human society.

However, the girl who dances with wolves has long been incompatible with the word "human". Even if she wears bright clothes, eats well-cooked food, and lives in a sheltered house, she will still look into the distance alone. The direction of the hometown.

In the deepest part of her heart, Fitch knew that she did not belong to the steel city. What she wanted most was the forest, or the place that could truly be called "home".

However, the home that has been lost in the years. Can it really be returned?


[.The brand of the rejecter, severely damaged]


The vast forest is full of life as always, but now it is dusk, and the night begins to occupy every corner of the sky. Only the eastern sky is still a little red, the surrounding light has become dim, and the tall trees are full of shadows.

After a day of hunting, the wolves returned to their habitat on the mountain. Fitch sat beside the cliff to watch the scenery, and the white wolf also lay beside him and enjoyed the comfort of the evening breeze.

Fitch lied on the white wolf's back coquettishly, and asked with a smile, "Mother Wolf, can you dream?"

The white wolf tilted its head, obviously, it could not understand human language.

Fitch held his small face and said to himself, "I don't know if wolves can dream. Anyway, I often dream. Some dreams are very real. After waking up, it feels like a lifetime."

"Whenever this happens, I always think. Did I wake up from the dream, or did I fall asleep in the real world and have a dream?"



【.IPS stem cell reserves drop to critical point】


Fitch looked at the white wolf, and his eyes were full of innocence and lingering: "Sometimes I think that when a dream is realistic enough, it is actually reality. Maybe it's a good thing to live in a dream?"

"For example, in the years when I was first taken out of the forest, I dreamed of everyone every day and every night. You run in front, and I will chase after you. It's really happy in the dream~"

"However, every time I was about to catch up with everyone, I would wake up from a dream and want to go to sleep and then find you guys, but what I dreamed was another scene, and I couldn't continue.

"From then on, I understood that a dream is always just a dream. No matter how beautiful and memorable it is, it will be shattered in the blink of an eye. No one can live in a dream."



【.The gluttony gene is being swallowed】

【.The rejecter is about to die】


Fitch hugged the white wolf's neck, rubbed his face on its fur, and said with a smile: "I am very happy to be back with you these days, and I really want to be with you forever and ever."

"However, after all, this place is just a vain dream, and it doesn't belong to me. So thank you for your company during this time, and I am very satisfied to see you again!"

"If there is a chance in the future, let's run together again - in the real world."

"Now, my lord is still waiting for me there."

"Pfft—" After finishing speaking, Fitch grabbed the white wolf's neck and snapped at its throat. Under the heart-piercing mourning of "Mother Wolf", the whole world was dyed scarlet with blood, and then shattered in an instant. , turned into the sky fluorescent light dissipated.

Fitch opened his eyes abruptly, and his pupils reflected the overwhelming sarcomas. The invisible flesh and blood were covered with a pair of eyes, staring at her from all directions. Originally, it was extremely ferocious, but at this moment, it was full of consternation and fear.

"Good morning, I woke up~" Fitch grinned, the sharp teeth in his mouth reflected bloodthirsty sternness, and the strange-colored pupils were full of cold light, "Are you my breakfast!"

"Roar!!!" The roar like a beast sounded, Fitch's body completely disintegrated, and the flesh and blood twisted in the air to form the same scarlet tentacles.

The pair of eyes on the surface of the invisible flesh and blood trembled, and the sky was full of scarlet dancing. Among the scarlet tentacles drilled out of Fitch's body, even the smallest one was more terrifying than its largest tentacle.

This is the ultimate power possessed by orthodox "gluttony".

Inside the invisible flesh and blood, the vocal organs squeaked out, which seemed to be mourning in the face of fear, but it could not change the reality of destruction.

"Chi—" The moment Fitch's scarlet tentacles pierced through the invisible flesh, the huge body occupying the depths of the ground was dissolved in a very short time. All flesh, all eyes, and all tentacles were all swallowed by Fitch. Not even a trace was left.

At the same time, an icy voice sounded in Fitch's consciousness, and the brand of the rejecter flickered:

[The incomplete gene fragment has been completed]

[Rejectors enter the final stage]

[Full body qualification, generation]

[Gluttony acquires the ultimate ability - perfect creature]

On the surface of the royal city, the Archbishop and the core members of the Scarlet Church stood in front of the huge void, staring at the bottomless abyss in front of them, as if waiting for a final moment.

With the shaking that enveloped the whole city, there was a roar from the ground, which became louder and louder. When a huge shadow that had never been seen before rose from the abyss against the trend, everyone fell into horror.

It is a life form that is difficult to describe accurately in words. The primitive and undetermined cytoplasm expands endlessly, and thousands of huge mouths are differentiated on the surface. The huge volume casts endless darkness on the ground, as if to devour everything in the world .

At the top of those terrifying substances, Fitch's body quietly emerged, and scarlet and demonic tentacles grew out of the body. Unlike the original smooth tentacles, these tentacles took on the shape of thorns, just like the gods in the fable descended. curse.

Everyone in the Scarlet Church screamed in horror, and the thorns and tentacles attacked the sky and pierced the fleeing church members one after another. Everyone was without exception. The bones and flesh were instantly dissolved into the most primitive cellular fluid, as if returning to their home. It was sucked into Fitch's body by the thorn tentacles and turned into nutrients.

The thorny tentacles danced wildly in the sky, and only the archbishop was still standing there numbly. Fitch descended in front of the archbishop surrounded by tentacles, looking down on him like a queen, with a deep and muddy voice, whispering like a beast: " You are at the mercy of my lord."

The transformed gluttony was reflected in the pupils of the archbishop's eyes. Even though his body did not suffer any trauma, it seemed that all his vitality had been sucked away, and his eyes were lifeless. He was like an old dog with a broken spine, humming. He said to himself: "If you win, the world will be in a bad place."

(End of this chapter)

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