honor me as god

Chapter 862 The Fall of Gluttony

Chapter 862 The Fall of Gluttony
When Lorna and Kino attacked the palace, the fierce battle in the city continued non-stop.

There were dead bodies everywhere on the battlefield, and the blackened blood had flooded people's ankles. The blood had become dry and viscous due to long-term exposure to the air, and the shoes would be stuck directly when they stepped on them, and they could not be pulled out for a long time.

In this disgusting blood, the remnants of the soldiers of the Cardinal Garrison Legion were lying all over the place, some were breathless, and some kept whining about dying, and finally gradually fell silent.

The surrounding buildings have long been devastated, and the battlefield is like a meat grinder, devouring life constantly, and there is only one instigator of all this.
In the center of the battlefield, the shattered bodies of rotten dragons and cardinal guards were piled up into a mountain of corpses tens of meters high. A petite figure stood at the top, bathed in thick blood mud all over his body. Se Tong overlooked the battlefield from a high position, staring at everyone with chilling eyes.

More than half of the cardinal garrison corps that fought fiercely here had been lost, and the remaining soldiers looked at the figure on the mountain of corpses, feeling a terrible chill in their hearts, and none of them dared to meet her gaze.

This may be the most tragic moment since the establishment of the Cardinal Garrison Legion, because they are not facing a strong enemy in the normal sense, but another kind of incomprehensible creature.

This girl has infinite vitality, and no means can kill her. The wound cut by the blade will heal instantly, and the limbs shot by the ballista will recover in the blink of an eye. Even if it is scorched by the fire, the flesh and blood will heal instantly.

At the same time, she has beast-like sharp claws and teeth, and every part of her body is full of human-thirsty aggression. Even the blood splashed from the wound will twist and split in the restlessness, turning into a mouthpiece Bite the human body.

Since the establishment of the Legion at the beginning of the founding of the country, the Cardinal Guard Legion has fought hard and fierce battles. In the "Laurel War", they even had more than a hundred out of a hundred and were wiped out by the established system.

No matter how bloody and brutal the battle situation is, as long as the legion's glory and faith are still there, the remaining soldiers can continue to fight bloody battles.

However, at this time, they dare not go up anyway.

A creature that cannot be killed and should not exist in the mortal world
This has nothing to do with courage, nothing to do with glory, it is the most primitive fear deep in the genes of human beings when they face monsters.

At this moment, crisp footsteps sounded from far to near, and the front-line commander of the Cardinal Garrison looked over, and his expression suddenly became serious: "Master Archbishop, this place is very dangerous, please don't approach!"

The person who came was none other than the archbishop of the Scarlet Church, and the core believers who followed him behind him.

The archbishop's eyes fell on Fitch far away. She was gnawing on the dragon that once belonged to Sting. The scene of flying flesh and blood could make anyone who was not determined enough to vomit.

However, this scene filled the archbishop's eyes with fanaticism.

"Eat, eat the food I prepared for you, eat it." The archbishop smiled and whispered, the corners of his lips raised a strange arc, "After eating——"

"You will be the last fragment of the gluttonous awakening."

As soon as the archbishop finished speaking, Fitch's devouring action suddenly froze, her eyes began to blur, she nodded unconsciously, her eyelids were as heavy as lead, and she yawned unconsciously.

Fitch patted his face, his expression was full of confusion, as if he was very puzzled, why he suddenly wanted to sleep
Simply patting couldn't dispel the drowsiness, so she tore it hard on her face with her nails, and large pieces of flesh and blood were torn off by her, regenerated, and torn off again, but she couldn't stop the growing drowsiness.

Gradually, Fitch's movements came to a standstill, her hands were hanging powerlessly by her legs, and her body also fell towards the corpse of the rotten dragon. She wanted to fight against the oncoming drowsiness with willpower, but she couldn't stop those who were flooding her vision. black wave.

The archbishop looked at the drowsy Fitch, with unspeakable fanaticism in his smile: "Sure enough. You and him are of the same origin and belong to gluttony."

"Your creatures are too perfect. As long as there are enough nutrients, they will not age, be damaged, or die. I paid an unknown price in order to control him. Countless people died to find the one that can His way of sleeping."

"The flesh and blood you swallowed just now contains a lot of things that can make you fall asleep. When he swallows you in your sleep, you will become complete. The real gluttony will be resurrected here!"

"Roar—" There was no warning, a hoarse and frantic roar resounded across the battlefield, thick and dull like a hammer hitting the heart, shaking people's heartstrings.

In astonishment, everyone discovered that the voice came from underground.

In the next second, countless cracks appeared on the battlefield, and there seemed to be something wriggling in the cracks leading to the ground. If you observe carefully, you will find that they are endless scarlet tentacles. Rising against the trend.

Fitch fell on the body of the rotten dragon, his eyes were completely closed, and he couldn't do anything.

"Pfft!!!" The huge mouth covered the entire battlefield, taking everything it could reach into the mouth, and finally closed it violently, Fitch's whole body was crushed and swallowed, not even a drop of blood leaked out
In the reincarnation space, the members of the Emperor's Lin team were resting, but now they gathered in the square due to a sudden change.

All the team members looked up at the starry sky representing the heavens and worlds, their eyes were full of surprise.

"Hey, I'm not mistaken." Xiahou rubbed his eyes and said puzzledly, "Is it getting cold from overeating?"

In the vast starry sky of ten thousand realms, there are seven giant stars hanging above the stars, which are the seven rejector planes that symbolize the supreme enemy.

The seven stars were originally shining brightly, as if to declare their majesty to the reincarnated, but at this time, the superstar symbolizing "gluttony" has become extremely dim, almost disappearing.

Experienced reincarnation practitioners are very clear that starfall is the signal of death for those who refuse.

This scene means that gluttony is about to fall.

But the strange thing is that now is not the time for reincarnation hunting, there is no team hunting and gluttony, how could this strange phenomenon suddenly appear?
Xia Hou said in a humorous tone: "It's interesting, there is no reincarnation hunting, and the rejecter suddenly becomes cold by himself, and the coldest one is the most savage gluttony. This is really the first time I have seen it."

Huan played with the Rubik's Cube as usual, and said lightly: "This generation of gluttony has come for a long time, and it should have been invincible in the local world long ago. It is unlikely that he died on his own territory."

"The greatest possibility is that arrogance has accumulated enough awe points and has mastered the ability to "summon" rejecters. This gluttony is likely to be an accident in the world of arrogance. "

Xiahou squinted his eyes and said, ""Summon"? It has already been unlocked to this point. It seems that the day when Dilin and Kino meet is not far away. "

(End of this chapter)

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