honor me as god

Chapter 853

Chapter 853
On the tower of Sad Wind City, Kino has been motionless for several hours, just standing there looking at the distant horizon, no one knows what is going on in his heart at this moment.



Nobody knows.
"Fitch." As the last rescue force withdrew to Sadwind City, Kino finally spoke, and the red setting sun was reflected in his pupils, exuding blood-like light, "The Royal Army has more than 400 million troops on the battlefield. , can you and I work together to solve the problem?"

Fitch was lying on the city wall blowing the wind. Growing up in a wild environment, she didn't have so many complicated emotions, and she didn't know how to empathize with others. She only had the bestiality of the weak and the strong in her bones.

She sat up, scratched her ears, shook her head and said, "I can't do it, there are too many. Such a large-scale enemy can consume all the IPS stem cells in my body even if I eat them while beating them. Can't keep up with the speed of consumption."

"But." Fitch put his fingers against his lower lip and tilted his head, as if he was thinking about something.

Chino: "But?"

Fitch: "I have devoured so many creatures so far, and hunted a lot of genes. The gluttony ability in the brand of the rejecter is actually almost unlocked."

"However, there is another ability in the deepest part of the gene. My devouring amount has clearly reached the standard, but I can't unlock it until now. I don't know what is restricting it."

"If you can unlock this ultimate ability, maybe there is a way." Fitch lay back on his stomach again, rubbing his stomach and said, "But I don't know what the unlocking conditions are. Obviously the number has reached the standard, why not give I unlocked it. I feel like something is missing.”

Every rejecter has different abilities, Kino is not a gluttonous rejecter, of course he doesn't know what she is talking about, and there is no way to peek into her rejecter brand.

Anyway, summed up now, there is no way to deal with the more than 400 million Royal Army on the frontal battlefield.

Kino squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, and fell silent again.

Solandelle was standing beside Kino at this time, and she hadn't participated much in this war before, because compared with Kino, she was too weak in these fields, no matter in terms of military talent or experience.

The best she could do was to give everything to Kino without hesitation, trust him, and support him in all his decisions.

Now that the army was defeated and the game was over, Solandelle didn't blame Kino, and it was impossible for her to do so. She just walked behind Kino, gently grabbed his hand and said, "If Andre still Willing to negotiate. If you hand me over, you can save the rest of the people. Please don't hesitate."

"What are you kidding!" Lorna pulled Solandelle back forcefully, and said angrily, "Do you think Andre will let everyone go easily? Even if he wants to, I won't let anyone hand you over!"

Solandelle said quietly: "All of this is because of me. It is better to die for me alone than for everyone to die."

"Slap!" For the first time in her life, Lorna slapped Solandelle across the face.

Lorna opened her eyes wide, grabbed her shoulders and shook vigorously: "Be sober! Can you?! Why do you think I came here?! Do you think I really care about slave uprisings?!"

"Those slaves are not relatives to me. One hundred, one thousand, ten thousand died. I don't care if everyone dies! I left my family and everything, and came here just for you! I only care about you , understand?!"

Lorna gritted her teeth tightly, and pulled the corner of her mouth stiffly: "This war, if you lose, you lose. Let's admit defeat! Can't we lose this throne?!"

"Let's go now, leave Dogrand, and find a secluded paradise to hide. From now on, we don't care about anything in the world! Yes. Let's go now before the airspace is blocked."

Lorna was about to forcibly drag Solandelle away, but the silent Kino suddenly moved. He reached out and grabbed Lorna's shoulder, pulling her away from Solandelle, his eyes were as unfathomable as the sea: "Still Not so far."

That night, the unavoidable and heavy situation had caused the morale of the rebel army to drop to the bottom. Although the Royal Army was still camping in the surrounding area and did not launch a general offensive for the time being, it was like a slowly tightening rope, and every second passed it would make people Feel more suffocated.

In order to boost everyone's morale, the chef chose the best ingredients and tried his best to cook a sumptuous dinner. The tempting aroma could be smelled even in the deepest alley, but few soldiers came to eat.

Apparently, in the face of hopelessness with nowhere to escape, people are deprived of even the most basic desire to eat. Even a glutton like Lorna just sits at the dining table with his head bowed, without taking a bite of the barbecue on the plate in front of him. verb: move.

Lu Ge was sitting opposite Lorna. If it was normal, seeing Lorna so depressed, he would open a few barrels of wine to drink with Lorna to make her change her mood.

But in this situation, he really couldn't bring himself to do it.

While Lugo was eating dryly, Solandelle trotted over and said, "Lugo, Kino asked you to go to his room."

Lu Ge raised his head and asked suspiciously: "Are you calling me, or calling us together?"

Solandelle shook her head: "I only want you to go."

Lu Ge didn't understand. At this moment, what Chino wanted to discuss was definitely not a personal matter, but if it was an official matter, why did he only ask him?

It was useless to think about it here, Lugo asked Solandelle to stay for dinner, and hurried to the house where Kino was.

Pushing open the door and entering, the room was very dim, with only a few candles flickering. Kino was leaning on the recliner, and the flames fell on his face flickering.

Chino: "Sit."

There was no map, no sand table, nothing in the room, only a chair facing Kino. Lugo swallowed his throat, sat down and asked softly, "My lord, do you have any instructions for me?"

Chino: "Lugo, how long have you been with me?"

Lu Ge was stunned for a moment. He didn't know why he asked this suddenly, but he quickly replied: "We met on the 512th day of Luoying in 12 of the Huo Calendar. Now it is the 515th day of Frost Day in 24. I have been with you for 1092 days."

"So it's only been more than three years?" Kino murmured silently, "I always feel that I've known you for more than ten years."

Lu Ge didn't know whether it was derogation or praise, he sat there silently, waiting for Kino's next words.

Chino looked at Lugo, and the next words made his heart beat faster: "If I say, I have a way to reverse the defeat, will you help me?"

"Don't rush to answer." Before Lugo could speak, Chino interrupted him first, "Because there is a price."

"The price?" Lugo murmured and repeated these two words.

Kino: "The price is that you have to become a person like me, a devil."

(End of this chapter)

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