honor me as god

Chapter 850

Chapter 850 End Everything

(Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will go for several inspections, and I will not issue leaflets to ask for leave at that time, and I will update the two-in-one chapter in advance today and the day after tomorrow)

"Baisa." Paladin knelt on the ground weakly, as if his spine had been pulled out, his desperate eyes reflected the backs of his brothers, his voice trembling uncontrollably, "What have you done?"

Among the five troops that carried out the blitzkrieg, Paladin and Baisa jointly led one of them. Their task was to attack the Flying Kite Province from the flanks after Chino had attracted enough main forces of the Royal Army, so as to have a vital force against the enemy in mobile warfare. Complete the division and annihilation.

The task of this army should be the easiest, because in the plan, what they will face is the regular kingdom army whose elites are mostly transferred away to garrison Sadwind City, and the front line is loose in the rush to support.

Without the threat of elite transcendental beings, with the impact of the armored troops, coupled with the exquisite attack route planned by Kino in advance, the Royal Army's troops can be cut into pieces like hot knives cutting butter, and the siege can be easily completed.

However, the battlefield at this time presents a completely different scene.
The sky is filled with turbulent energy flows, and one after another airship is shot down by the soul art released by the high-level soul master. The originally clear sky was clouded by the smoke from the explosion, and the burning wreckage of the airship pierced like a meteor. Skyrim, fell to the ground.

The misery in the sky is like grand fireworks. From a distance, there is only the flames of the explosion, and it is difficult to see blood and corpses. The battlefield on the ground is a hell made of flesh and blood.

Looking around, the soil on the battlefield showed a shocking reddish brown color. I don’t know if it was just like that, or it was stained red by the blood that pooled into the ocean. The corpses of rebel soldiers and armored wreckage densely extended to the end of the horizon. It smelled of blood and gunpowder all the time.

The overwhelming banners of the Royal Army swept across the battlefield, dividing the remnants of the rebel army into dozens of pieces. The ground-moving dragoons charged back and forth, trampling tanks and chariots into scrap iron, and the fleeing soldiers were pierced by lances one by one, howling. fell down with a sound.

In the air above the head, heavily armed dragon knights swept past, while shooting down the airships controlled by skilled pilots, while searching for the enemies on the ground who were still resisting, the dragon's breath and flames fell from the sky, melting everything.

Just as the Royal Army was slaughtering wildly, more than a dozen blazes rose from the end of the sky. They were the rebel missile units equipped with mass destruction warheads. They launched a bombardment towards the rear of the Royal Army, trying to save the defeat.

However, as the sound of the high-ranking soul master's chanting resounded in all directions, the majestic soul barrier enveloped an area tens of miles in radius, and more than a dozen missiles hit it and exploded one after another, blazing flames burning all over the sky. But it failed to hurt the enemy at all, only the mushroom clouds one after another spoke of powerlessness.

Just like what happened to Roman and others, this rebel army also encountered an ambush, and it was an ambush from the most elite transcendents. They waited like wild beasts at the border of Feiyuan Province, waiting for their prey to "arrive as promised", and to They showed their sharpest fangs.

It was impossible to rewrite the battle situation. The elite butcher knives of the Kingdom Army kept waving at the desperate rebels, and blood buds bloomed everywhere, making scarlet the main color of the battlefield.

In this one-sided killing, only two members of the rebel army were not involved.

Paladin was kneeling dully and weakly, and Baiza was standing not far away with his back facing him. The two seemed to have some kind of force field.

Among the chaotic army, a slave who was being chased stumbled and ran to Baisa. He subconsciously thought that it was a friendly army who fled together, and shouted: "Run! Run!"

"Hey!——" The dragon spear descended from the sky, piercing through the slave and the exoskeleton armor full of battle scars, and nailed him to Baiza's side.

The dragon landed in front of Baisa, and the dragon knight drew back the blood-stained dragon spear, leaned down and patted Baiza's arm, and gave a silent greeting, like a comrade in the trenches.

Paladin witnessed all this in a daze, his voice trembling uncontrollably: "Baisa, what have you done?"

Baisa didn't respond, Paladin's eyes were open, and his roar was extremely loud: "What have you done??!!"

Baiza still did not look back at Paladin, only a faint voice came: "I am making up for the mistakes I have made all along."

After rounds of raids by the Kingdom Army, the killing on the battlefield has basically come to an end, the fierce battle has stopped, and only the supplementary killing of those who slipped through the net is left. The killing sound returned to silence.

Not long after, the king's laurel flower flag, which symbolized the royal family, appeared on the edge of the battlefield. Seeing this, the soldiers of the Kingdom Army put away their weapons, knelt down on one knee in the direction of the king's flag, and bowed their heads in salute.

The sound of horseshoes came together with the fluttering king's flag. Accompanied by more than a dozen imperial guards, the "Right Hand of the King" Lan Xian Heqi was wearing a long robe and proudly rode on the horse's back. His pair of deep eyes scanned the The battlefield finally fell on Baisa, with a faint smile.

Lan Xian seemed to ignore the difference in status and status between the two, and greeted Baiza very friendly, and said with a smile: "Mr. Baiza, you should have been personally received by His Majesty, but please understand, the front line The battlefield is too dangerous, His Majesty cannot come here at will."

"But it doesn't matter, when you go to Wangcheng, you will definitely get the courtesy you deserve."

Paladin glared furiously, rushed forward and grabbed Baisa by the collar, and yelled at him, "Are you a traitor? You betrayed everyone?! Why are you doing this!!!"

Lan Xian signaled the imperial guards to pull Paladin away, and said gracefully: "Forgive me, Mr. Paladin, your statement is very problematic. Traitors? You are now rebels, enemies of the entire kingdom, leave the rebels to serve the orthodox , This is not called a traitor, this is called abandoning the dark and turning to the light."

"Besides, I also hope that you can understand my good brother's painstaking efforts, because you were not on the exemption list, it was Baiza who promised to give up all future titles and rewards, and His Majesty agreed to exempt you together, otherwise you are already exempted now. It is one of the tens of thousands of corpses."

After hearing these words, Paladin was completely stunned: "You suddenly betrayed everyone, and you don't want titles and rewards. What are you planning?"

"Paladin." Baiza's eyes were completely blank, and he suddenly asked a strange question, "Do you remember Kino Van Helsing?"

".What?" Paladin thought for a moment that he had heard wrong, or Baiza was crazy, and asked such an inexplicable question.

Baisa said silently, "It's not the current one. I'm referring to the former Chino Van Helsing, the weak, introverted, and incompetent civil affairs officer of Xilin Township."

Paladin's pupils were out of focus for a few times. If Baisa hadn't mentioned it, he would have forgotten that there was such a person, and he would have forgotten that this "Kino Van Helsing" was actually another completely different person. different people.

Baisa’s eyes are full of memories, vicissitudes: “For so long, do you know who is the person I miss the most? It’s him—the Chino Van Heil who always speaks submissively, has a hippie smile, has no ability and never causes trouble pungent."

"If he is still alive and has never died, we should still be the centurion of Xilin Town, drinking and singing every day, keeping aloof from the world, instead of struggling in these whirlpools."

Paladin gritted his teeth and said, "I don't understand. You think this Kino ruined your stable life? So you want to take revenge on him?"

Baisa smiled, a little sadly, as if he was laughing at the fact that the brother who had known him for more than ten years did not understand him, he asked slowly: "Please answer me a question first, do you think that this Kino has gone all the way now, What does he want?"

Paladin subconsciously wanted to answer, but suddenly realized that he, the one who followed Kino the first time and claimed to understand this lord best, couldn't even answer the most basic question right now.

What does Chino want?
Money, fame, wealth, power, status? .
It is true that Kino has obtained these along the way, but is this all he wants? .
Baiza broke Paladin's silence: "Since I followed Kino with you, I have been thinking about the answer to this question."

"In the beginning, I felt that Chino was unwilling to be content with the status quo and wanted to leave the poor place like Xilin Town, so he risked his life and fought a beautiful battle with the horse bandits to obtain an extraordinary promotion."

"I was very happy at the time because he got the promotion and we got the credit, which is good for everyone."

"Later, Dusk City was continuously invaded by aliens, and we learned from the clues that Kino does not belong to this world, but is a member of the aliens."

"At this time, I felt a little bitter, but I can still sympathize with him, because I can imagine the feeling of being in a strange world and being threatened with life all the time."

"Who doesn't want to live? Don't aliens have the right to live? I think what he wants is very simple, that is to live, nothing more."

"Later, the "Resisting the Enemy Act" was promulgated, the death squad was established, and the aliens who invaded this world became vulnerable. Kino no longer had to worry about his life, and he was promoted all the way in the political field. position, and was immediately involved in the crown prince dispute."

"I was thinking at the time, didn't Kino just want to live? If that's the case, why did he take the risk to support Solandelle? With the resources in his hands, as long as he is loyal to Andre, Dougrand can achieve the most stable life. The kingship is too much, and his life can go on as before."

"But he still stood by Solandelle. I struggled for a long time, but I still chose to understand, because I believe that everyone has private thoughts, and it is normal to reach out to help the person you care about. If it were me, I would also I hope that the person in charge is an important person in my heart, not a stranger."

When Baisa said this, his eyes became heavy: "But until the end, I found out that he asked Lugo to form an army when the situation was still unclear, and he was directly provoking class conflicts, and prepared to overthrow the regime when he lost power. Realize the answer to the question."

"This person doesn't care about fame and wealth, personal safety, the Kingdom of Dogland, or the little princess he talks about. What he wants...is everything."

"It's not a person, it's not a family, it's not a country. What he wants is all the dead things that can be used in this world, and all the living beings. He wants to be the master of everything and realize a crazy ambition that no one knows about. "

Paladin couldn't understand Baiza's logic, and asked angrily: "What is Kino going to do, and what does it have to do with you?!"

"Of course it matters, because we are the price!" Baiza said sadly, looking at the corpses of the rebels all over the mountains and plains beside him, "Think about it carefully, has Kino lost anything from Xilin Town to today?"

"Nothing! Because he is not from this world! Everything here has nothing to do with him. He has no relatives, no lover, no destination, and he doesn't even have the empathy that humans should have."

"He doesn't care how many people die. He doesn't care how many things are destroyed. This world is a chessboard for him. If he wins, he gets what he wants. If he loses, he just starts over from scratch."

"If this war breaks out in a normal form, no matter whether the nobles suppress the slaves or the slaves overthrow the nobles, it will be the trend and law of history."

"But now, this war is dominated by an extraterrestrial visitor who does not belong to this world. Behind the scenes, he provokes, instigates, and manipulates our compatriots to kill another group of compatriots!"

"From the very beginning, we made an extremely fatal mistake. The Defense Against the Enemy Act was a mistake, and the existence of Kino itself was also a mistake. Any help we gave him was a mistake."

Baisa's eyes were staring blank, as if a flame was burning: "Didn't you just ask me why you betrayed the rebel army? Now I will tell you the answer."

"I don't think greedy nobles are superior to others, and I don't think brutal and brutal slaves deserve sympathy. I don't give the war information to Andre for fame and title, nor is it to punish slaves for slaughtering nobles in Twilight City."

"I just want to end everything that Kino brought, and prevent you, me, and all life in this world from becoming pawns any longer!"

"Boom——" As soon as Baisa finished speaking, a huge and strange shadow appeared in the sky above the battlefield. The deep stream of light diffused and converged, and the cracks quietly opened in the sky, opening a giant eye overlooking the world.

The pupil of divine vision.

The twilight god of death thousands of miles away is watching everyone here.

The huge pupils of divine vision reflected the entire battlefield, like a god staring at the world, everyone felt chills in their limbs, as if the entire sky collapsed in an instant, and the majestic pressure rushed to their faces.

The pupil of divine vision swept back and forth, and finally the focus was on Baisa, and a certain death-like terrifying aura emerged spontaneously, which was so huge that it had never been seen before.

Baisa stood upright with his mortal body, looking directly at the pupil of the gods that does not belong to the mortal world, as if he was also looking directly at the person behind it, his voice was full of unshakable power:
"Kino Van Helsing! Do you still remember that the maid Bai Zhi who liked to make cakes for you was buried in the flames by your own hands?

"Remember little Wendy in the bakery, who was implicated to death because of your existence?"

"Everything you have touched will be turned into ashes in the end. All people who come into contact with you will die in the end!"

"From now on, all past mistakes will be made up for, we will uproot everything about you, and you will be expelled from this kingdom, this world... forever!"

Unprecedented blazing light shone in the pupil of divine vision, almost making the surroundings lose their original color, ripples spread rapidly along the surface of the giant eye, and the entire giant eye seemed to be ignited.

After staring for a long time, the pupil of divine vision gradually closed, and the moment it closed, there seemed to be some kind of strange scream in the void, hovering continuously in everyone's consciousness, which made people feel lingering fear.

The hustle and bustle of the battlefield was completely silent at this moment, except for the heavy breathing of everyone, there was also faint sobbing.

Paladin knelt on the ground, covering his face with his hands and crying: "Baiza, you are so wrong, you are going to kill everyone"

(End of this chapter)

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