honor me as god

Chapter 845 Blessings Before the War

Chapter 845 Blessings Before the War
After hearing this, Roman touched the back of his head and asked cautiously, "Then can you make a safe talisman?"

Shangguanxue took out a sewing kit from her luggage, tossed it in the air, and said casually, "How can a swindler know what an onmyoji can do? Originally, there was a fee for asking me to make amulets. It's rare to work together. It's free." It's done for you."

"Okay, okay, thank you." Roman nodded, "What do I need to do now?"

Shangguan Xue took out a blank spell, drew patterns symbolizing blessings on it, and then used a sewing kit to sew a small red lucky bag, put the spell in it as the bottom, and said, "You need to give me something, and one thing is in it." Things that are extremely important in your mind and that entrust your deepest affection. For example, tokens of love."

Roman's face turned red again: "No, I told you everything, it's just Zhan Zhan, comrade-in-arms, where's the token of love?"

Shangguan Xue was convinced of this innocent young man, and said weakly: "Then don't make a token of love, give me the most important thing in your heart."

After hearing this, Roman fell silent for some reason. He subconsciously reached into his arms and took out something. It was a very childish hairpin. It was very old in terms of texture, but it didn't have any rust or dirt. You can see The owner has cared for it over the years.

Apparently, it was the hairpin of Roman's childhood lost sister, and he had kept it for all these years.

To say what is the most important thing to him is only this card issued by seeing things and thinking about others.

However, Roman did not hand over the issuing card to Shangguan Xue, but held it tightly, his hands trembling from time to time.

Having worked together for so long, Shangguanxue knew more or less about Roman's past, and also knew that childhood memories were tormenting him.

Roman has come to this day with the obsession to find his sister, but in fact, everyone knows that his obsession is doomed to fail.

Find?How to find it?
There has been no clue for more than ten years. The royal family has helped him find it, and Kino has also helped him find it, but he still has no direction, no goal, and he doesn't even know whether his sister is dead or alive.

Even if she is still alive, after such a long time, she is no longer the little girl next to that brother. Even if she meets in the vast crowd, can she recognize her?
To put it more cruelly, she has grown up now, no matter how good or bad her life is, she has her own life path, so it must be a good thing for siblings to reunite and disturb each other's life at this time?
People can't live for obsession forever, instead of being trapped in memories, the people and things in the moment are more worth cherishing.

Of course, this is just Shangguanxue's idea. She didn't intend to point fingers at other people's obsessions, so she said softly, "It's okay, we're just going through a process, and we don't necessarily have to ask for the most cherished things. You can take whatever you want." Give me whatever you have."

Roman held the hairpin and trembled for a long time. In the end, something seemed to disappear in those confused eyes. He stretched out his hand and resolutely put the hairpin into the lucky bag.

Shangguan Xue was silent for a moment, staring at him deeply: "Decided?"

Roman nodded heavily.

Shangguan Xue said nothing more, holding the lucky bag in one hand, and waving the flower umbrella with the other hand, the yin and yang spells turned into surging energy, the soft and shimmering light from the lucky bag fluttered gently in her palm, and the mottled light spots swirled down, like A shocking rain of light began to fall.

"Stretch out your hand and hold it." Shangguan Xue slowly moved the lucky bag to Roman's palm, with a gentle voice, "Make your wish."

Roman held the peace talisman tightly, stuck it to his heart, closed his eyes and murmured: "Nicole, be safe, Nicole, be safe."

Shangguanxue: "Brother, you can just recite silently in your heart, you don't need to recite to me, I'm not a Bodhisattva."

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward, Roman smirked twice, and continued to read silently until the light dissipated, which also meant that the safe talisman was officially completed.

As soon as Shangguan put away the snow umbrella, he said lazily: "Okay, go ahead, give the amulet to Nicole, and let her wear it."

"Thank you! I took your troubles!" Roman thanked Shangguan Xue with a dignified bow, and left in a hurry.

"Roman." Shangguan Xue called him suddenly, and said deeply, "Protect her and don't let her get hurt."

The sky is getting brighter, the assembly time is getting closer, and the blitzkrieg is about to start.

The only ones who really knew the details of this operation were the members of the Helsing family who were in the command room at the time. The slave rebel army below did not know the overall plan, but each combat unit had its own goals. The atmosphere on the eve of the war made them both excited and excited. And nervous.

Nicole had already gotten up and started counting the equipment. Suddenly, she saw Roman waving not far away.

"Morning, Roman~" Nicole also waved.

Like a thief, Roman whispered, "Nicole, come quickly, let me show you something good!"

"What?" Nicole trotted over curiously.

Roman spread out his palms, revealing the small red lucky bag, and said with a smirk, "The peace talisman, I asked for it from Shangguan Xue, put it on quickly."

"Safety Talisman?!" Nicole opened her eyes wide and said in disbelief, "You mean the kind of thing in the Far East legend that can block bloody disasters after wearing it?"

"That's right! Wear it, and you will be safe in this war~" Roman said, stuffing the little lucky bag into Nicole's pocket.

Nicole touched the pocket, overjoyed, she hurriedly asked, "What about you, do you have it? If not, I'll give you mine!"

Roman touched the bridge of his nose and said with a smile: "Yes, I asked for two, and mine is already in my pocket, don't worry."

"Thank you." Nicole smiled sweetly, she pursed her lips, looked into Roman's eyes secretly, and a little dodged, as if there were stars shining in her eyes, "Roman, there are some things I have always wanted to say, but I can't find them." No chance."

"I don't know if it's appropriate to say this now. It was during the time in Wangcheng. The happiest thing for me was getting to know you."

For a moment, Roman didn't know where to move his hands. He touched his chin and scratched his ears again, and his face was flushed: "Hahaha, you... this... make me feel a little embarrassed."

"Yo, flirting early in the morning?" Lugo yawned and swaggered over. Paladin and others were also watching them not far away.

Nicole blushed and said angrily, "What are you flirting with, we two old comrades-in-arms, what happened to catch up before the war?"

Lu Ge laughed out loud, put his hand in the air, and said, "The army will be divided soon, and we will not see each other for a long time. Come, fold your hands and cheer together."

Nicole and Roman looked at each other and smiled, Paladin, Shangguan Xue, and Shangguan Ba ​​also walked over, and everyone stretched out their hands and folded them together.

"Come on! One, two"

As soon as Lugo counted twice, Paladin gave him a hammer: "Hey! You didn't wake up early in the morning, did you? There's no one here, why are you so anxious?"

Paladin turned his head and waved: "Baiza, come here!"

I saw Baiza standing in the corner, looking at the distant sky with deep eyes, he heard the call and said "oh", and came over and folded his hands.

"Haha, I'm sorry brother, I was so confused in the morning that I missed you." Lu Ge regained his strength and said in a confident voice: "One, two, three!"

The seven hands pressed hard, and it spread out like petals in the wind.

"See you in Sad Wind City, everyone!"

(End of this chapter)

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