honor me as god

Chapter 842 The Fear of the Unknown

Chapter 842 The Fear of the Unknown
This is a powerful tactic created by Guderian, the famous general of the Third Reich in the Second World War in the previous life.

The core system of blitzkrieg is to seize air supremacy, storm strategically important locations behind the enemy, paralyze its logistics and command system, and use armored forces to storm the weak points of the front. The enemy deployed, and finally completed the division and encirclement, and annihilated them.

This is a tactic of exchanging "time" for "space". In addition to the requirements for air supremacy and mobility of the troops, what is more important is the suddenness of the attack. It is the so-called attacking the unprepared and taking the unexpected, thus producing strong combat effectiveness. .

In modern warfare, the blitzkrieg that relies on armored clusters and aerial firepower has long been outdated, and sophisticated information warfare has long replaced the torrent of steel.

However, Kino is not fighting a modern army now. The Dogrand Kingdom Army he is facing is a feudal army. Although there are a large number of superhumans among them, their tactical system is still full of cold weapon thinking, and it is even far inferior to those who were not as good as those during World War II. French troops engaged in trench warfare.

Compared with the modern and backward blitzkrieg, it is definitely an unprecedented advanced tactic in this world, and it can even be said to be a dimensionality reduction strike.

As long as the tactics are implemented properly, how the German army blitzed Eastern Europe during World War II, and now the rebel army can defeat the Royal Army in the same way.

Kino introduced the tactical ideas of the blitzkrieg to everyone. He swiped the baton on the sand table continuously, and finally touched a city with a laurel flower flag, saying: "Our main goal at this stage is here, the city of sad wind. .”

Sad Wind City is a city built in a valley. It is located on the border of the Cardinal Province. It is an important transportation hub and extends in all directions. This is the most important front-line base of the Royal Army, and according to the scout information, this is also where their headquarters is located.

If Sad Wind City can be captured, the deployment of the Royal Army will be completely disrupted, and the rebel army can also use this as a springboard. If they advance, they can attack the Cardinal Province and threaten the Royal City. If they retreat, they can spread their forces to other provinces along the main traffic routes. , to drag the enemy into their own war rhythm.

Of course, between Sadwind City and Beacon Province, there is a defense line composed of millions of Dogoland troops. If you want to capture the city, you must first break through the depths, and this is exactly the tactical goal that the Blitzkrieg needs to achieve.

In view of the characteristics of the Royal Army's front line, Chino made deployments in the command room:

First of all, the uprising army was divided into five groups.

Among them, Kino will lead Lorna and Fitch to lead an elite army to launch a fierce attack on the "Wolf Fortress" controlled by the Royal Army from the front, assuming a posture of storming and breaking through.

With the strength of the Royal Army in Canglang Fortress, it is absolutely unable to withstand an attack of this intensity, and the commander will definitely ask the surrounding troops for help.

Once the enemy begins to rescue, the deployment will change from static to static, and gaps will appear in the defensive front.

At this time, the remaining four insurgents launched a breakthrough to the gap, using the mobility and air superiority of the armored forces to advance in depth, continuously dividing the enemy army, and finally closed in a pincer-shaped offensive to complete a large encirclement of the enemy's main force.

Once the siege is formed, the main force of the Kingdom Army's front line is annihilated, and then Beifeng City is taken down, the whole situation will be revitalized, and the initiative will be completely controlled by the rebel army.

After hearing Chino's deployment, everyone was astonished by this unheard-of blitzkrieg surprise attack, and unprecedented confidence was also ignited in their hearts.

That night, the sky in Fenghuo Province was as dark as ink, and the coming lightning would cut through this dense night.

"Boom——" the blazing thunder suddenly appeared, splitting the black night, and the sky was as bright as day in an instant, and the Thunder Snake danced wildly in the sky, as if wantonly laughing at the tiny human beings who were as small as ants.

Different from the scorching front line, the weather in Wangcheng tonight is not very good. The torrential rain swayed in the sky between lightning and thunder.

It was the wee hours of the morning, when the sky was about to break, and it was the darkest and most drowsy time.

Andre sat alone on the throne, facing the empty hall, the civil servants had already returned to the pavilion to rest, the generals were still suppressing the rebel army on the front line, he was the only one here.

Andre stayed up all night, but his face was not tired at all. His pupils reflected the candlelight, and he was staring straight at the entrance of the closed hall, as if he was waiting for something.

At this moment, the side door of the side hall was opened, and Lan Xian walked in from the outside. He closed the umbrella and shook off the water drops, and came to Andre and bowed slightly, "Your Majesty, don't you rest? Please leave this war to those invincible warriors, our military strength is far superior to the opponent, and the slave riots in various parts of the province have also been suppressed, and those rebels are now just caged beasts."

Andre didn't look at Lan Xian, but still stared at the gate of the palace, and said indifferently: "Do you know what is the scariest thing in war?"

Lan Xian thought for a moment, and then gave his own answer: "Dragon Knights? They ignore the land line of defense, appear and disappear, and many battles have been reversed because of the existence of Dragon Knights."

Andre chuckled lightly, shook his head, and said, "Since you already know the characteristics of the Dragon Knight, there is nothing to be afraid of. Whether it is coercion before the battle, or using the Dragon Prison Formation to lay an ambush beforehand, there is always a way to deal with it." them."

"In my opinion, the most terrifying thing in war is the unknown." Andre's eyes became darker, "The rebel army led by Chino assembled extraterrestrial weapons on a large scale, and we have little information about these weapons. I don't know anything about the tactical system it can bring."

"Haven't you ever thought about it? We are in a very dangerous situation now, because Chino is using a completely unknown tactical system to deal with our troops that have been thoroughly researched long ago."

"I don't know what the mood of the frontline soldiers is now, high? Excited? Want to seize this opportunity to make contributions? I think it's bad, because if I were them, I would only feel one emotion - fear, fear of the unknown fear."

Lan Xian nodded slightly to show humility: "Does Your Majesty have any instructions to pass to the front line?"

"I'm waiting." The candle reflected in Andre's pupils flickered, "Waiting for someone to unveil the unknown veil for me."

Not long after Andre finished speaking, the door of the palace that had been closed for a long time finally opened. A royal guard ran in from outside, knelt down in front of him, and handed him a letter wrapped in waterproof paper. Letter: "Your Majesty, Feishu from Twilight City!"

"Boom!" The thunder light outside the hall door surged like a tide, filling the entire hall, illuminating Andre's face in every detail.

He opened Feishu, read the content on it, and slowly leaned back on the back of the throne chair, with a slight arc appearing on the corner of his lips

(End of this chapter)

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