honor me as god

Chapter 84 I Am the Sun

Chapter 84 I Am the Sun
While writing his own confession, Chino telepathically connected to Lugo, "remotely" him to speak his confession.

Not long after, two confessions were written and presented to Barty, and Lugo was brought back.

Barty scanned the two confessions carefully.

The details of the meeting are basically the same, and most of them can be matched.

In the dialogue, the matching degree is about 80%, the central content is the same, and the remaining differences are some tone, word order, and irrelevant auxiliary words.

A person's memory is limited. Unless you remember it deliberately, it is difficult to remember every word spoken a few days ago.

If the confessions of the two were written exactly the same, there was no doubt that they had colluded in advance, and Barty would immediately arrest them and escort them to the Fengyunguan Tribunal for trial.

And like now, there are some differences in the minutiae, but it is more convincing.

Barty read the confession and gave it to others to read.

The other three had different expressions, Rezakhal was very relieved, Jashan nodded thoughtfully, and Irene was pale.

At this time, the guard in charge of collecting evidence also came back: "Lord Barty, we have asked. On the night of the explosion, the Chino administrator did behead and executed the alien visitor in the square one mile away from the government residence. Beautiful women, many civilians are willing to testify for him."

Irene questioned: "How do civilians know that the woman is a foreigner?"

Resakhal said: "I can testify about this, when I arrived at Dusk City, the Chino magistrate killed the last of the extraterrestrial visitors, and their bodies were as written in the history books-burned in Starfire. One of the headless corpses was a woman."

Barty nodded and looked at Irene with an ugly face: "I think, this should all be explained clearly."

Irene clenched her fists tightly: "He must be hiding something. Definitely."

Barty sighed: "I know Brooke's death hurts you, but innocent people shouldn't be blamed unless you have solid evidence to question him."

Irene gnashed her teeth and looked at Kino: "Someone must be responsible for this! Kino is the host of the banquet and has the responsibility to protect every guest! Any bloodshed is his dereliction of duty!"

"It is the despicable attackers who should be responsible for this, not the administrators who fought bloody battles in person." Resakhal retorted, "It is difficult to prevent the attacks of foreigners in advance, not to mention that they have been executed and given to the dead. Let the author explain, and it should all be over.”

Just when the two were arguing, Jashan suddenly narrowed his eyes and asked meaningfully: "I have a question, Chief Chino, the aliens have disappeared for 2700 years. Why did they reappear recently? And they are in The two attacks on Xilin Town and Dusk City seem to involve you, why is that?"

The question silenced the atmosphere.

This is everyone's question, but everyone is deliberately avoiding it.

The four words "visitors from outside the sky" are too heavy for this world.

The great Sun Kings fell because of alien visitors, who were synonymous with destruction and blasphemy.

Everyone wants to know the reason for the reappearance of the alien, but they dare not go into it, for fear that this will open the magic box.

Now that Jashan has boldly asked this question, everyone knows that there is no turning back and can only wait for Chino's answer.

The surroundings were dead silent, and even the sound of breathing became cautious, and the sound of the heart beating through the body could be vaguely heard.

Chino looked at the crowd from the courtyard, and the sunlight pouring down from the dome was reflected in his pupils, as if an inch of light was blooming.

The corners of his lips raised a mysterious arc, and the next words made everyone's heart stop for a moment: "Maybe, I am the next Sun King?"

As soon as these words came out, after a brief silence, the whole court was in an uproar.

Barty widened his eyes in astonishment, and subconsciously covered his left chest with his hand, his dry lips trembling: "You are blasphemous!"

Chino: "The premise of blasphemy is to be self-sufficient and compare yourself to gods. But in fact, I did what the Sun King failed to do, and twice."

"I don't know why the aliens reappeared, and I don't know why I became their target. I am as confused as you, and I don't know anything about it. All I know is that I eliminated the aliens, and now I'm standing in the dock Don't you think this kind of thing is funny?"

"Instead of judging me here, it is better to ask yourself, are you going to stand by and watch me fight alone, maybe one day I will die like the Sun King; or will you stand beside me, see me as a robe, and end with me The eternal invasion."

Barty's eyes were terrified, and he didn't even dare to look at Chino, and tremblingly wrote on the paper: "I have no right to make a decision on this. Every word you say will be written on this piece of paper, named by the raven. Enter the king's city and hand it over to the king himself."

Kino's smile became deeper and deeper: "Please."

The atmosphere became very depressed, everyone didn't speak, and the initiator of the topic, Jashan, was even more livid, obviously regretting asking this question.

Irene breathed heavily, staring at Chino gloomily: "I don't care about your rhetoric, I'm here this time just to seek justice for my brother."

Chino spread his hands innocently: "I can give money. Brooke is the military commander, I am the administrator, and he is my subordinate. I will provide pensions to his family according to the standard of death."

"Money?!" The sanity in Irene's eyes collapsed, she slapped the table angrily, and her voice was a little distorted, "If money can be traded with the god of death, I will let you die a hundred times now!"

"Calm down." Barty stroked Erin's back to comfort him. "As far as I know, Brooke's death has nothing to do with Chino Administrator. The direct cause of his death was caused by another person."

"Who?!" Erin roared.

Barty said to the guard, "Bring up that commander named Palatine."

Paladin was quickly brought up. In front of so many high-ranking people, he was a small commander who didn't even dare to let out the air, and his body was shaking.

Barty explained to Irene: "I heard from the soldiers present that the centurion used a ballista and accidentally shot Brooke while killing the alien visitor, which eventually led to his death."

"Is this true?" Irene looked at Paladin, with blue veins on her forehead, and she almost screamed, "My brother! A nobleman of the Troy family! Died at the hands of a lowly commander like you?!"

Paladin shrank his head, his lips trembled, and he did not dare to speak at all.

Kino raised his hand: "Let me explain. Paladin fired the ballista purely to kill the aliens and relieve me. And Lord Brook, you know, that day was the night of the double moon volley, and his beast transformation The body was out of control, and after the ballista was fired, it strayed into the ballistic trajectory, and it was misfired."

"Lying! Lying!! Lying!!!" Her brother died so absurdly, Irene had lost the ability to make rational judgments, her fingers slid across Palatine and Chino's faces, and screamed, "You colluded well All this is done by you in collusion!"

Batty motioned for the guards to appease Irene, then stood up and said, "Since Administrator Chino said it was a mistaken shot, how about we go to the scene and have a look. I happen to have a ballista shooter under my command, who is extremely skilled and has shot and killed After more than 40 wild dragons, let him judge whether it was a mistaken shot."

(End of this chapter)

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