honor me as god

Chapter 838 History repeats itself

Chapter 838 History repeats itself
When the two sides confronted each other, the atmosphere became more dignified than ever. It was said that a sword has no eyes, but it can be stopped at least if it is cut out. For things like guns, once the trigger is pulled, there is no turning back.

Everyone held their breath, no one spoke, only the sobbing of the little noble girl behind Baiza echoed faintly.

"What are you doing?!" At this moment, there was a loud shout, and Paladin rushed to the scene in time, angrily yelling at the crowd: "Just after winning the battle, you are fighting among yourself? Put down your guns!"

However, Paladin obviously has no prestige here. After all, he is not related to these slaves. He was not there during the independent space training, and some people didn't even know who he was.

If Lugo shouted this, the slaves would put down their guns obediently, and it would be useless for Paladin to shout. Everyone would not listen to him, and would still point their guns at Baisa.

Paladin is not an impulsive person, and he doesn't get angry when he loses face. Since his own words don't work, he directly changed the subject: "Okay, everyone is very dignified when they pick up guns. But don't forget, who is the gun in your hand? given!"

"My words don't work, right? Then I'll go find Master Kino. I want to see what happens if you point guns at his subordinates!"

As soon as these words came out, the slaves were finally shocked. If Lugo was their creator, then Kino who created Lugo was like a god in their hearts.

Everyone put down their guns unanimously, not daring to point at Baisa again, but the gloomy look on their faces remained undiminished.

Mark said in a deep voice: "There must be an explanation for what can be done and what can't be done. Can the nobles of Twilight City kill them today, or can they not kill them?"

"If Mr. Kino says you can't kill him, then we'll stop. But if Mr. Kino says you can kill him"

Mark didn't continue talking, leaving plenty of room for imagination to Paladin and Baixa.

Regarding Kino's attitude, Paladin certainly couldn't lie, and said truthfully, "Master Kino didn't say he could kill him."

He paused, and continued to say the second half of the sentence: "I didn't say that I couldn't kill him."

The slaves looked at each other, and they all saw the cruelty in each other's eyes. Mark also sneered and said, "That is to say, the lord has not expressed his position. Since he has not expressed his position, it means that no matter what we do, it is not considered disobeying his orders. I don't understand wrong?"

Paladin: "I understand correctly, but if you dare to point your guns at Baiza like you did just now and threaten his life, I'm sure you will not end well."

Mark spread his hands and said, "If he hadn't pointed the gun at us first, we wouldn't have done that. Anyway, it was a misunderstanding. Let's take a step back and don't embarrass each other, how about it?"

Paladin silently expressed his acquiescence, turned around and dragged Baiza away.

"Uncle, uncle! Help me! Huh" the little noble girl cried out in fright, grabbing Baisa's sleeve and refusing to let go.

Baisa wanted to hold the little girl's hand, but Paladin directly pulled him away, growling: "Leave her alone!"

Seeing the little girl being violently dragged away by Mark's hair, Baiza broke down a bit: "That's just a child!"

"Yes, she is just a child." Paladin stopped in front of Baisa, and said with complicated eyes, "but she is a nobleman, and her parents have a lot of blood debts."

Baiza stared and said: "What does the matter of parents have to do with her? Let's go to Mr. Chino immediately and ask him to stop these lunatics!"

Paladin still tugged at him, and said in a low voice: "With such a big commotion tonight, do you think Kino doesn't know anything? Don't be silly, he knows all about it, but he didn't make a sound to stop it, which means he wanted to see it all at first. until all this happens.”

"Now the situation is very clear, the nobles are all loyal to Andre, so Chino is eyeing the slave class, and wants to use their anger and hatred to snatch the throne."

"The slaves slaughtered the nobles of Twilight City tonight. As long as this news spreads, the relationship between slaves and nobles in various cities will be torn apart, and the nobles will definitely treat slaves more brutally. of slaves choose to rebel and join us."

"Kino's goal is to turn this war into a full-scale class war. If we can't spread this contradiction to the two classes, we will have no chance of winning against the monolithic nobles with our current number of people!"

"So... don't worry about these immediate matters, look farther, and take care of the overall situation."

After hearing this, Baiza was silent for a long time, with a sad look on his face: "Paladin, you really look more and more like Kino. When did you become the kind of person who talks about big things?"

"If we are going to overthrow the tyranny now, and the enemies we face are villains who are not worthy of death, then no matter how everyone kills them, I will not say a word."

"But can you say that all the nobles in this city are villains?! Many nobles have never done evil in their lives, never bullied anyone, and usually do their best to do charity, but in the end, just because they are nobles, they are punished. People are mercilessly killed!"

"You thought it was terrible for the nobles to oppress the slaves. Isn't it terrible for the slaves to treat the nobles in reverse?" Baiza pointed to the distance and almost shouted, "Look at these slaves! That's a fucking group of slaves. animal!"

In the grove in the distance, Mark and others dragged the little noble girl Baisa was protecting just now under the tree, and began to brutally humiliate her.

For these slaves, they used to live under the control of nobles. No matter how humble their social status was, they must have all the emotions and desires of normal people.

Usually those white noble ladies and noble ladies walk by, and you say that their hearts are as calm as water, and they don't have the slightest idea of ​​presumptuousness. This is impossible.

They have also fantasized about conquering these high-ranking women, but they only stay in fantasies. Anyway, no one knows the world in their minds. As long as they don't show it or take action, they won't be punished.

But now, the slaves have armed forces, and they have transformed from weak to strong. The once proud noble lady begged for mercy like a dog in front of them. In addition to the pleasure of revenge, there is also the kind of desire that has been suppressed in their lives.

How humble this desire was once suppressed, how violent it is when it erupts now.

The wailing of the little girl mixed with the excited roars of the slaves, piercing the eardrums like a knife, Baiza looked sad and said in despair: "I tell you, Paladin, there is no justice in this war we waged. .”

"In the slogan of overthrowing the tyranny and establishing a new king, we are actually Kino's pawns, fighting a war that only he can benefit from."

"Do you really think Solandelle is the savior? She won't be just a puppet manipulated by Kino, so what if we succeed in overthrowing Andre? Nothing will change. These slaves will quickly become brutal once they gain power." New aristocracy."

"History...just keeps repeating itself."

(End of this chapter)

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