honor me as god

Chapter 834: The Return of Death

Chapter 834: The Return of Death
Under the siege of the Death Legion, the battle lines are constantly closing in. The slave army that just broke through the siege is retreating steadily. According to this trend, it is only a matter of time before they are wiped out.

Seeing that the overall situation was settled, Yuri knew that he didn't need to go to court-martial, and while he was relieved, he also became interested in playing with his prey.

He personally came to the front line where the exchange of fire was most intense, grabbed a female slave who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, pinched her face, and continued to dig into the skin with five fingers, grinning grinningly said: "Please forgive me, maybe you can leave a whole body."

The female slave was very stubborn, grabbed Yuri's wrist, and spat directly on his face.

Yuri wiped the saliva off his face, his eyes became ferocious, he looked at the female slave's hand, and soon found a red string tied to her ring finger.

He showed a meaningful smirk: "It seems that this bitch has her own partner."

He threw the female slave to the ground, stepped on her back, and at the same time grabbed her hands and pulled her back. There were continuous cracking sounds from the twisting of the arm joints, and the severe pain made her scream unconsciously.

While sadistic, Yuri looked at the battlefield ahead jokingly, and shouted loudly: "Watching my partner suffer indifferently? If it's a man, stand up for me!"

Not long after, a figure rushed out from behind the bunker, holding a gun in his hand, roaring and pulling the trigger at Yuri.

Yuri parted out one hand to enter the local animalization, and used the animal arm to block in front of him. His body surface defense was too strong, and bullets hit it at most scratched the epidermis, not even the superficial muscles.

"Hehehe he's still a man." Yuri stood still amidst the bullets, his voice becoming more and more mocking.

The female slave resisted the pain of a broken arm, and yelled at the visitor: "Go back! Don't come here!!!"

However, it was too late after all.

Yuri grabbed an incoming bullet in mid-air, the muscles of the animal arm quickly bulged, and it was thrown back violently. The bullet was exerted with great kinetic energy, and its power was several times higher than when it was fired.

"Pfft!" Amidst the mournful cries of the female slave, the head of the male slave was pierced back and forth by bullets, and his body collapsed to the ground, unable to get up again.

Yuri grabbed the female slave by the hair, forced her to look directly at the male slave's body, and laughed loudly: "Regret, despair, we can live in peace, everything is because of you. How dare a dog bark at its master Tooth, this is the end!"

After finishing speaking, Yuri slammed the female slave's head to the ground, again and again, blood spurted, and did not stop until she was completely silent.

Behind the bunker not far away, Nicole was already filled with anger when she saw the scene just now. She clenched her hands and cried, "It's death anyway! Rather than fleeing in embarrassment and being annihilated one by one, it's better to fight to the death! Yuri, I want to draw two bloody gashes on his face too!"

Just as Nicole was about to rush out, she was suddenly grabbed by Lugo, and a slightly trembling voice sounded: "Nico, am I right?"

Nicole looked at Lugo puzzled, and saw him staring at the night sky, his pupils lost focus and fell into a daze, she followed Lugo's line of sight to the sky, and unconsciously froze in place.

Tonight was originally covered with dark clouds, the stars and the moon were dark, and there was only endless darkness in the huge night. However, at this moment, there was a little scorching light on the sky. When it spread to the surroundings, the death-like darkness was covered by endless light. Lighted up, thousands of traces of light flooded across the sky, forming a vast picture.

The light traces gradually returned to stillness as they surged, as if they had turned into stars above the sky, and the entire Twilight City was shrouded in it. If someone could take a closer look, they would find that they were not falling stars, but thousands of pieces of mysterious metal , the absolutely smooth surface reflects the numerous flames of war below, like the eyes of a god overlooking the world.

The sudden spectacle shocked everyone, and the noisy battlefield fell into a brief silence. Whether it was Trojan elite soldiers, the dead legion, or the slaves who rose up to resist fate, they all looked up dumbly at this moment and could not speak.

"Hahahahahahahaha!!!" The wild laughter gradually sounded, and I saw Lu Ge laughing almost madly, the original grayness in his eyes disappeared, replaced by unprecedented fanatic flames, he directly poked his head out from the bunker, and put You Li returned what he said earlier, "Yuri! Please, maybe you can leave a whole body!"

Yuri stared at the strange scene in the sky in astonishment. Suddenly, he glimpsed a black shadow among the shining "stars". The spine spread down, and the hands and feet were frozen: "How is it possible?"

Above the battlefield, Kino, who had been gone for a long time, returned to his hometown of Twilight City again. Just like the usual thousands of days and nights, he overlooked the entire city as always, without saying anything, just the appearance of the figure Brings an indescribable sense of oppression.

Fitch was wrapping her arms around Kino's neck at this moment, lying on his back, she bared her fangs, and said fiercely "rua" to the people on the ground.

All the slaves in Twilight City knew Kino's name, but most of them had never seen it. Naturally, they didn't know that it was the legendary Twilight Reaper who was descending now, and they didn't know that their fate, which was on the verge of destruction, had been rewritten from this moment on.

As for the Trojan elite soldiers and the Death Legion, the arrival of Kino made them completely at a loss.

Every Trojan knew in his heart that Kino's presence here only meant one thing—the most elite fighters of the entire family, plus Edward himself, failed to stop the Dusk Death in Fengyun Pass.

The best situation is that Chino has played some tricks and escaped from Fengyun Pass secretly, and Edward is chasing him.

In the worst case, it is very likely that Fengyunguan has fallen, and even Edward himself
Rather than being helpless, the soldiers of the dead legion were more of a fear. They believed that Chino's political career was over, and this life was considered useless. For their own livelihood, they could only turn their heads to serve Yuri.

But now, Kino is back from killing through the wind and cloud, what will happen to these "traitors"
Just when the soldiers of the dead legion were in turmoil, Kino said: "To be honest, your defection to the enemy is not beyond my expectation. The music is over, and the tea is cold. common sense."

"After I left, you took refuge in the Troy family. This is not an embarrassing thing. Human life must go on, and we have only been together for a year or two. Is it necessary to ask you to have a bodyguard army as loyal as Bolton? realistic."

"I understand the choices you made before, but now that I'm back, it means that tonight, the ground in front of you will only touch two things—" Kino stands above the mortal world, with thousands of silent fragments behind him Shining brightly, "your knees, or your brains."

(End of this chapter)

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