honor me as god

Chapter 831 Steel Behemoth

Chapter 831 Steel Behemoth
Yuri stood on the front line and looked at the battlefield. Although all the heavy weapons and artillery arrows in the sky were blocked by Shangguan Xue's yin and yang spells, he was not in a hurry at all.

The group of people in front of them has been surrounded, if they are shrunk in their shells like tortoises, the energy of the barrier cannot be endless, and it will eventually be broken.

Anyway, he has a lot of time to spend, but the other party must be anxious if he can't break through. If he is anxious, he will show his flaws, and he is waiting for this flaw.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and almost half an hour later, the spell barrier was once again covered with cracks under the continuous blows of heavy weapons, and it can be clearly seen that the speed of repair is far behind the speed of damage.

The spell barrier became thinner and thinner. The caster, Shangguan Xue, was already in a very distressed state. His eyes, ears, mouth and nose were bleeding, his small body was on the verge of falling, and he could hardly stand still. Obviously, he had reached his limit.

Yuri sneered, walked to the unloaded ballista, unloaded the [-]-jin heavy crossbow, and picked it up with one hand.

Amidst the sound of muscle twisting, Yuri's right arm swelled rapidly, and his control over the power of the plague beast has been perfected. Unlike others, who can either maintain a human shape or transform into a plague beast, but can control the limbs to perform regional animalization.

Yuri's animal claws fell into the heavy crossbow bolt, and he ran forward quickly, throwing the crossbow bolt upward with majestic force.

The force of this throw was stronger than the mechanical transmission of the ballista. There was a bursting sound in the air in an instant, and water-like traces continued to appear where the heavy crossbow arrows passed, and they had already broken through the sound barrier.

"Boom—" Finally, the precarious balance was broken, and the crossbow bolts thrown by Yuri completely penetrated the barrier, and the fragments of the energy flow turned into rays of light scattered across the sky.

The heavy crossbow couldn't withstand the impact, and was shattered together after breaking through the barrier, but it still had the inertia to move forward. The metal fragments hit Shangguan Xue like bullets, setting off a large cloud of scarlet blood mist.

Shangguan Xue fell powerlessly to the ground, covered in cuts and bruises all over her body, the dense metal fragments cut through the flesh and penetrated into the skin, and the gushing blood almost dyed her into a bloody person.

Yuri grabbed the second heavy crossbow and threw it with all his strength, ready to get rid of the Onmyoji in one go.

"Dang—" Before the crossbow could hit Shangguan Xue, it was knocked down by the rushing Shangguan Ba.

Shangguanba's eyes turned red when he saw his sister was injured. Yuri had access to relevant information and knew that this was a low-intelligence imbecile, so he hooked his fingers on him, and planned to trick him out to fight him with aggressive methods.

However, when Shangguanxue was dying, she didn't know what she said to Shangguanba. The latter gritted his teeth, picked up Shangguanxue and hid back in the house.

Yuri sneered, ignored the other party, and turned to the heavy equipment unit, "Continue to bomb!"

The heavy equipment troops began to adjust their aim and bombarded the house again.

A crossbowman aimed at the building of the house, and was just about to break a load-bearing column when he suddenly saw a huge silhouette in the darkness.

"Huh, what is it?" The ballista squinted his eyes and observed carefully, but before he could see clearly, his consciousness disappeared forever as his vision flashed under the strong light.

"Boom!!!" The sudden loud noise was about to tear people's eardrums, and the house was lit with dazzling flames. A twisted black shadow directly attacked the heavy armored troops. The main body of the ballista and the ballista behind it were torn apart in an instant. Blood mist covered a range of several meters.

Where the shadow passed, flesh and blood flew everywhere. When it finally landed on the rear bunker, the violent flames caused by the explosion engulfed dozens of soldiers around. Shouts and wailing rang out.

Yuri looked over in astonishment, and the next scene dealt a severe blow to his entire worldview.

With the loud roar of the engine, one after another "steel behemoths" broke through the wall and came out of the house. They have a structure similar to a carriage. The outer shell is covered with metal, and the upper end is arched in a tower shape. , sticking out a long barrel, constantly braving ferocious smoke.

Tanks, the backbone of the army in modern warfare, are exposed to the feudal army for the first time in the arrogant world.

This tank comes from the independent space arsenal, designed by No. 62, it is an out-and-out heavy tank, with a total combat weight of 125 tons, and equipped with a [-]mm caliber main gun, it is enough to destroy all enemies in the world, including the dragon All land creatures.

In order to effectively deal with those Transcendents who are good at close combat, a giant reamer is installed in the front of the tank, and the side of the road wheel has a scythe design. Once the enemy approaches, it will be drawn into it by these mechanical devices and crushed into a pulp.

Even if the enemy is lucky enough to avoid shells, dodge the reamer and scythe and go around the blind area of ​​​​the tank's attack, it will be difficult to pose a threat to them. Their armor is sufficient to withstand the fire of the tank's main gun of the same caliber, and how can a sword be easily broken? of?
The half an hour that Shangguanxue won just now allowed 32 tanks to complete the assembly, all driven by slaves who had undergone armor training. Much of it is automated.

What the driving crew has to do is to shoot at the most densely populated place of the enemy, and then drive the tank to rush over, crushing their bodies severely!
Yuri's army has never seen such a thing as a tank. Some Trojan soldiers saw the "steel behemoth" rushing towards them, and even tried to enter the form of a plague beast to fight back. As a result, when the 125mm heavy artillery was fired, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the roaring machine gun It will tear anyone who dares to approach to pieces.

A Plague Beast warrior with a higher sequence dodged the shells, roared and rushed towards a tank, sweeping and slamming with huge beast claws.


This claw is enough to tear apart the heaviest plate armor like paper. However, when encountering tank armor made of modern materials, the power of the claw strike is greatly reduced, and only five deep claw marks can be scratched on it barely.

Compared with the thickness of the armor, the claw marks were obviously insignificant, and did not cause any substantial damage.

The driver reacted quickly, turning the joystick to run over the Plague Beast Warrior, and the huge reamer directly rolled in its body, crushing it into an indistinguishable pulp in a very short time.

This scene brought an extremely terrifying visual impact, and the hearts of the Trojan elite soldiers were half cold. They were not afraid of death, but it was meaningless to fight this "steel behemoth" beyond cognition. This is absolutely unacceptable.

Amidst the increasingly loud roar, 32 tanks formed an assault formation and rushed out at full power. They drove ahead like a mobile fortress, followed by heavily armed slaves, constantly attacking the line under Yuribu.

At the same time, more armored troops continued to rush out from the entrance of the independent space, and the defense line was quickly smashed to pieces.

The balance of victory finally fell to Lugo and others at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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