honor me as god

Chapter 829: A Rain of Bullets

Chapter 829: A Rain of Bullets
The night in Twilight City was very quiet, and the residents were all immersed in sleep after a hard day's work.

But from ten o'clock in the evening, people living in Xicheng District began to hear knocking on the door. When they opened the door, there were heavily armed soldiers standing outside. They didn't explain anything, and directly ordered the residents to evacuate and demanded silence.

If pressed, they will only tell that this is a military exercise.

The evacuation continued in the middle of the night, and all the residents of Xicheng District had been evacuated. Lu Ge's mansion was located in a secluded place in the west of the city. Looking from the mansion, the surrounding streets were empty and quiet, and it was a peaceful scene.

But if you look down from a high altitude, you will find that there are a large number of soldiers lurking around the house. They do not carry torches or flags. They hide in the darkness like ghosts, waiting for the opportunity to act.

The troops involved in the siege of Lugo's mansion this time are mainly the Twilight City Defense Army and Yuri's Trojan soldiers.

Although according to the transfer order, Yuri took the post of administrator of Dusk City on behalf of him, and at the same time took command of the death army.

However, after all, the death squad was cultivated by Kino alone. Even if the military power is handed over to him, Yuri can't guarantee how reliable these soldiers are.

Therefore, unless there is an emergency, Yuri does not plan to activate the death squad for the time being, and only uses people he trusts.

These Trojan soldiers present are all plague beast warriors, their vision is like beasts, far beyond ordinary people, and they can see things clearly in the dark without using torches. Darkness is their home field for them.

When the personal soldiers surrounded Lugo's mansion, Yuri sent three Plague Beast Warriors as advance scouts, ready to investigate the situation in the mansion first.

Yuri is the second expert of the Troy family, and his personality is relatively arrogant, but he is not a reckless person. He knows that Kino has powerful superhumans under his command, and he can only suffer from underestimating the enemy. It is always right to be careful.

The three plague beast warriors climbed over the wall and came to the courtyard of the house. They looked at the dark and lightless house in front of them, and they couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

According to information, people from the Hirsing family are gathering here at this time, but the house is now dark, without even a faint candlelight. What are these people doing in there?

A plague beast warrior was about to sneak into the mansion to find out what happened, when the captain suddenly grabbed him by the shoulder.

The captain frowned and asked, "According to the scout's information, how many people are in the house?"

The Plague Beast Warrior didn't think about it: "Paladin, Baisa, Lugo, Nicole, Roman, Shangguanxue, and Shangguanba should be the only seven people."

"No." The captain's nose kept twitching, as if he was sniffing something, his eyes showed a look of shock, "There are different smells in it, many, many different smells, dozens, no, why are hundreds of them getting more and more smelly?" too much?!"

"Pfft!" Without warning, blood gushed from the front and back of the plague beast warrior's head and was pierced by some kind of sharp object.

"Boom!" The bullets struck, and the sound of gunfire came from the mansion belatedly.

"There is an ambush!" The captain roared, and his body entered the form of a plague beast.

However, what awaited him was an endless hail of bullets.

"Bang bang bang bang—" Dense gun flames erupted in the darkness, forming a continuous line of fire. Bullets rained down on the only two remaining Plague Beast warriors. It was instantly used as a sieve.

Looking around, I saw a large number of slaves armed with guns lurking in the dark of the house. Everyone was wearing night vision goggles. The precise bullet that killed the captain was shot by the sharpshooter Baisa.

These slaves used to be subservient, and would tremble when they encountered a soldier with a knife, and they had all heard of the reputation of Trojan plague warriors.

But now, they easily killed three superhumans with extraterrestrial weapons. This was undoubtedly a shot in the arm and brought them great confidence. Many people secretly clenched their fists and cheered for themselves.

Lugo shouted: "Don't be too happy! This is just the enemy's advance scout, and the battle has just begun!"

As soon as Paladin's words fell, the square streets outside the house sounded dull horns. It seemed that Yuri knew that the ambush had been exposed and was about to attack directly.

All of a sudden, beast roars resounded through the sky one after another, and swift black shadows jumped over the walls and roadblocks from all directions, rushing toward the house like a tide.

Although the slaves have undergone military training, training is different from actual combat. They can fail countless times in training, but in actual combat there is no chance to start all over again.

Now that so many enemies are rushing in, everyone is inevitably so nervous that their palms sweat.

At the critical moment, Lu Ge stepped forward and stood in front of the formation, his voice was like thunder: "Don't panic, it's the same as usual training! As long as I am here, this front will not collapse!"

After Lu Ge finished speaking, he pulled out the Kuroya Otachi with his backhand, his eyes were burning with fierce fighting intent: "The Hircine family will charge with me! Glory to my lord!!!"

Except for Paladin and Baisa who are not good at melee combat, Lu Ge led the rest of the superhumans to stand up and defend the north by himself, Shangguan Xue defended the south, Shangguan Ba ​​defended the east, and Nicole Roman defended the west together to block the enemy's attack The momentum of the charge.

The black night sword pierced the sky with lightning, the yin and yang spells danced wildly on the battlefield, the stumps were everywhere under the black iron double hammer, and the sun and golden fire kept burning the enemy's body. The five of them worked together like a barrier to block the tide. Enemies, so that they cannot threaten the vulnerable slaves behind.

At the same time, the slaves equipped with heavy machine guns began to fire suppressively. Large-caliber armor-piercing bullets continued to spray out from the barrels, and the half-meter-long tongue of fire was like the scorching flames spit out by the Balrog.

"Tat-tat-tat-tat!" The heavy machine gun opened fire crazily, forming dozens of scorching lines of fire. The impact of the large-caliber bullets was like a tsunami.

The attacking force sent by Yuri was stubbornly blocked. The superhumans of the Hirsing family were not easy to deal with, let alone the opponent had fire support. They suffered heavy losses for a while and were unable to advance at all.

Yuri saw that going on like this was not an option, so he fired a howling thunder that represented a retreat signal, causing the attacking troops to withdraw and stop the losses in time, and at the same time, he gave an order to the messenger: "Let everyone stick to the main road, don't confront each other head-on, and then put the city's defenses back on the ground." The mechanical troops are called in and raze this house for me!"

Since the strong attack is unsuccessful, then simply switch to positional warfare and bombard over and over again. This house is just an ordinary residential standard and cannot withstand heavy bombing at all.

If Lu Ge and others don't want to be blown to death alive, they can only break through.

Once they break through, the battle line will be stretched. The Helsing family's transcendents can only cover a limited range of operations, so they must pay attention to one thing and lose another. In this way, they can send troops to intersperse and annihilate the fire support points in the back, and then destroy them one by one!
(End of this chapter)

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