honor me as god

Chapter 818 Sad Reality

Chapter 818 Sad Reality
Andre led the prison van to the central square, and ordered someone to take Solandelle to the stage and make her kneel in front of the gallows.

Sometimes things are always so dramatic. At this time a year ago, Solandelle commanded the remnants of the Frozen Fortress to retreat from the north, saving the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians at the cost of heart damage and the inability to be promoted to Extraordinary in this life.

When she was picked up by Perseus on the viewing platform of the palace, countless people in the central square shouted "His Royal Highness" excitedly and worshiped her.

Today, one year later, the same Solandelle, the same people from last year, are still in this central square. They only give her hatred, insults, and reviled, and treat her like a street mouse.

After Solandelle was tied up, Andre came to the front of the stage. Unexpectedly, he was not as stern as everyone imagined, but covered his face with his hands and kept sobbing.

This strange performance made the people stunned, and all kinds of noisy voices disappeared.

With tears streaming down his face, Andre hammered his heart hard, and said in a sad and indignant tone: "I never thought that my sister and I would stand here in this way one day."

"I still remember when Solandelle was just born, my beloved father cared for her so much. My father is usually busy with official duties, but no matter how late he comes home at night, he will go to the room to pick up the baby Soran Dale, put a goodnight kiss on her forehead."

"Father used to be a person who slept soundly, even thunder would not wake him up, but since Solandelle was born, as long as she hummed at night, father would wake up immediately, and ran over to see if she had kicked off the quilt. "

"The father regards this daughter as a weakness and an armor, and has always cared for her to grow up, but this vicious girl has revenge! Just because she was not elected as the crown prince, she held a grudge and colluded with Bolton to provoke a coup. Killed the seriously ill father and king with extremely cruel means!"

"There is also my mother who loves me so much." Andre burst into tears at this point, "If the gods give me a chance, I am willing to give up everything in exchange for my mother."

The aloof prince broke down in tears. This scene touched countless people, and after the chaos last night, many of the people present lost their children or parents, and felt the same for Andre's pain at this time.

At this moment, the public sentiment in the central square was boiling like a tide, and the angry people picked up all kinds of things and threw them at Solandelle again, followed by their shouts: "Kill this demon!"

Andre wiped away his tears, and his eyes became firm. He clenched his right fist and raised it in the air, saying heavily: "This kind of tyrannical behavior will not be tolerated! The rebel Bolton has been killed by King Qin's army, and the other rebel Thief Solandelle, and all her companions, will be punished most severely!"

After Andre's words fell, another group of people were escorted onto the stage. Some of these people were soldiers who were rescued by Solandelle in the Frozen Fortress last year and later lived in the royal city, and some were Perseus. The ministers who were promoted to the palace when the road was paved belonged to her supporters politically.

Even Solandelle's relatively good classmates at Laurel Academy were all regarded as accomplices and put on the execution stage at this time, and Andre obviously wanted to wipe out her social network.

These people all had signs of anti-thieves on their bodies. The soldiers stared at Andre resentfully, but they could do nothing. The ministers were ashamed, looking sadly at the boiling crowd in front of them, regretting why they were in the wrong team.

Solandelle's classmates cried out terribly, saying that they were innocent over and over again, but their voices couldn't be heard at all, and disappeared long ago in the boiling curses of the crowd.

The imperial guards put the prisoners on the gallows. Andre raised his right hand and swung it down. The guards pulled the transmission and hung them in the air with ropes.

The hangman's death was distorted and hideous, but it ignited the emotions of the people. They were all cheering enthusiastically, cheering for the tragic death of these "rebels" and cheering for the greatness of the new king.

"All the accomplices involved in the conspiracy have been executed, and now, there is one person who has to pay for his actions." Andre turned around and looked at the bruised Solandelle, with no emotion in his eyes, "Then It is the mastermind of all this, the chief culprit who killed the former king, Solandelle van Dogoleland."

Solandelle's eyes were gloomy, and her tears had already dried up. She looked at the boiling crowd in front of her silently and sadly, without saying anything, and it was useless to say anything.

Under the frenzy of the crowd, the people don't care about the truth. They only care about what the people around them collectively present, and participate in it to gain a sense of identity, and use this to vent the negative emotions that have been squeezed in their hearts in the past.

And truth is often the thing that is least cared about by the public.

At the end of her life, Solandelle learned a truth at the heaviest price - no matter in any era, it is not weapons that kill the most, but raging public opinion.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" The people shouted frantically, and the overwhelming sound of "kill" spread over the royal city, and they regarded Solandelle as the most odious enemy.

Andre turned around and came in front of Solandelle, his awe-inspiring expression when facing the public was gone, replaced by ridicule and banter.

He raised Solandelle's chin with his index finger, leaned over to his ear and said in a voice that only she could hear: "I have read your article, take a good look, these are the low-level fools you want to protect .”

"You have always been a person living in a fairy tale, and you don't understand the laws of the world, nor do you understand true human nature."

"You haven't thought about it at all. These foolish people never care about the truth. When you are glamorous, they cheer for you, and when you lose power, they all spit on you."

"For these people, they will help whoever wins, and what the authority says is the truth."

"You don't understand this truth until you are about to die. You are so pitiful."

Andre personally held the remote control lever of the gallows, looked at Solandelle with the eyes of a poor creature, shook his head and said: "From the beginning to the end, I never regarded you as an opponent, because you have never been a qualified candidate."

"Without the hearts of the people, without an army, without power, and with a program in your heart that will never be achieved, even without me, you can't become a king."

"Farewell, Solandelle, don't be born in the royal family in the next life, and be an ordinary girl." Andre pulled down the remote control lever, and the twisted rope tightly tied Solandelle's neck, hoisting her into the air.

Solandelle tensed up in the suffocation, her tears and saliva overflowed uncontrollably, she kept trembling, and the darkness flooded her field of vision like a wave, slowly swallowing her consciousness.
(End of this chapter)

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