honor me as god

Chapter 811 King Qin Sieges the City

Chapter 811 King Qin Sieges the City
The moment Andre snapped his fingers, a bit of cold light burst out from behind, intertwined in the array of imperial guards at a speed that was hard to catch with the naked eye, the air flow violently oscillated, and the screaming echo hissed like a dragon.

Wherever the cold light passed, every imperial guard who was touched froze in place. In just a moment, the sword marks had filled every inch of space they were guarding, and finally condensed at one point.

Denisa stood at the end of the cold light, the twilight sword in her hand reflected the cold light.

"Tick tock." The cold evening wind blew, and a drop of blood fell from the tip of the sword, splashing subtle blood.

I saw dense bloodstains appearing on the body of each imperial guard. If you look closely, you will find that the shape of the bloodstains is exactly the same as the trajectory of the previous cold glow.

"Pfft!" Blood buds bloomed on all the imperial guards at the same time, fragmented corpses scattered all over the battlefield, and the blood soaked the already scarlet moonlight.

With one blow of the sword, the elite guards in charge of protecting Perseus were wiped out, and there was no barrier inside or outside the medical hall.

"It's really a scene as beautiful as an oil painting." Andre let his clothes and body be stained red by the blood mist. He stepped on the corpses and walked to Denisa's side. Looking up at the night, there was an incomparably sharp contrast.

In this dead silence, another mutation happened.

"Hoo--" Without warning, a scorching light suddenly rose from the horizon at the end of the sky, exuding a sun-like brilliance, almost lighting up the night before dawn in the royal city.

Andre looked into the distance, his pupils reflected the bright light, he opened his arms as if to embrace the sky, his voice was full of unspeakable enthusiasm: "My time has come!"

On this bloody night, due to the sudden appearance of the plague beasts in the royal city, the guards stationed in the city were exhausted. Most of the soldiers entered the city and fought against the plague beasts regardless of their own lives. reserve troops.

After a night of bloody battle, the air in the royal city became extremely turbid, crazily plundering the oxygen content in the blood, making one's chest oppressed and breathless.

"Hoo--" A sharp bang sounded from a distance, and when the scorching light pierced the sky, thunderous hoofbeats swept towards the royal city.

The soldiers of the Guard Legion who stayed on the city wall looked over, and saw a large number of torches stretching across the horizon, and the overwhelming army flags were illuminated by the fire. These flags were of different colors, obviously not belonging to just one legion.

The army swept across the border. From a high altitude, it seemed that the whole land was burning, and the air began to smell of dust and gunpowder smoke.

The moment the army approached the city, the soldiers of the personal guards were finally able to see the specific style of the flag. These were the regular army of the Dogoland Kingdom, that is, the "friendly army."

If they met on the battlefield, it must be a scene worthy of celebration, but now there is an extremely sensitive issue-these legions are not under the jurisdiction of the cardinal province, let alone appear around the royal city.

The soldiers of the legion outside the city were dressed in iron armor and had cold eyes, like angry beasts ready to go, bringing an indescribable sense of oppression.

Seeing this, the commander of the Guard Corps shouted sharply: "The imperial city is under martial law, no one is allowed to approach, return immediately, otherwise it will be punished as an act of hostility!"

A legion general outside the city responded loudly: "The king's city is in trouble, and I'm ordered to serve the king!"

The commander of the Guard Corps asked back: "His Majesty the King has never asked for help, what kind of king are you working for?!"

The general repeated again: "We are ordered to serve the king!"

The heart of the commander of the Guard Corps suddenly sank. The "His Majesty the King" he mentioned was of course Perseus, and Perseus had never issued a summoning order to the Provincial Legion, otherwise he would have notified the Guard as soon as possible. Legion.

These legion generals said to death that they came to serve as the king, so the question is, is the king they are talking about the same as the king they are talking about?

The commander of the Guard Corps immediately signaled to his subordinates, secretly activated all the heavy defense equipment in the city, and asked people to recall the troops in the city. The city is in chaos, but don’t worry, the scene is under control. Once we maintain order, let all kinds of brothers enter the city.”

However, King Qin's army didn't accept this at all. Seeing that the city gate was closed, the general drew his sword directly, and his voice resounded through the sky: "The guard army disobeyed the king's order and has the heart of usurping. All soldiers, follow me to attack the city! "

Amidst the battle roars one after another, King Qin's army rushed towards the city gate like a flood. The huge number of them made every soldier of the Guard Corps feel tight.

The matter has come to this point, any strategy is useless, only a bloody battle to the end!
"Turn on the heavy weapons and fight back! Defend the royal city!" The commander of the Guard Corps gave an order, and the city defense heavy weapons were fully fired, and the explosion sounded to tear people's eardrums.

As the city defense force of the capital, the Guards Corps is extremely well-armed. It not only has heavy weapons made by traditional alchemy, but also modern weapons developed with extraterrestrial technology. The powerful firepower directly blasted the first batch of Qin Wangjun vanguards Minced meat.

However, the difference in numbers between the two sides was too great. The main force of the Guards Corps was fighting against the plague beasts in the city, and there were only a few hundred soldiers left on the city wall, and they were facing an enemy army that was hundreds of times their number. The regular army, which is brave and good at fighting, is not afraid of death, and the effect of firepower suppression is extremely limited.

The defending side had heavy weapons, and the attacking side naturally also had them. One after another, large ballistas were pushed out from the formation of King Qin's army, aiming directly at the city wall of the king's city.

"Boom boom boom!" Amidst the deafening noise, hundreds of giant crossbow arrows struck. Their structure is extremely huge, with a diameter of more than half a meter. They are poured from refined metal. The arrows can directly penetrate the outer wall of the city wall, like The beast's teeth sank into flesh.

For the solid walls of the royal city, this kind of point attack is not fatal. However, when the commander of the Guard Corps moved his nose and suddenly smelled the pungent smell of gunpowder, he realized that something was wrong.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!" Explosions one after another set off a magma-like hot air wave, and the crossbow arrows shot into the city wall exploded one after another, and the flames stretched into pieces, raging wildly on the city wall.

These crossbow bolts have been improved by alchemists. The arrows are filled with strong gunpowder, and they will detonate immediately when they penetrate the city wall, destroying the wall structure from the inside.

Because it was buried deep into the wall, the explosion did not cause much damage to personnel, but the purpose of this round of shooting was not to kill personnel.

These crossbow bolts are all connected to the back of the rope. When the gunpowder blows the wall loose, as long as the attacking party pushes the ballista to move backward, the pulling force will be transmitted to the city wall through the rope.

"Boom!" Under the blasting and pulling, large areas of the city wall collapsed, and countless rubble fell, peeling off layer by layer like an onion.

At the same time, King Qin's army rushed under the wall under the blow of heavy weapons, and began the battle of climbing the wall.

Outside the royal city, it has turned into a battlefield!
(End of this chapter)

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