Chapter 81

5 golden moons, not to mention which military products it can buy, even if it is exchanged for silver moons at an exchange rate of 1:1000, it is equivalent to 5000 silver moons.

Even for Chino, who had a respect system, it was a huge wealth, but at the same time, it was also an illegitimate wealth.

This kind of money looted from the enemy should be handed over to the provincial treasury for unified deployment.

But this money was hidden in the space ring before, and no one has seen it, so there is no need to hand it over, and it only takes a little time and means to turn it into legal money.

Chino continued to search, most of the props of the other reincarnators were shattered in the explosion, even the space ring was shattered, only one Barrett M82A1 that fell in the backstage area was intact.

Wolf also has some relics on his body, but his main strengthening direction is still the troll blood. The only thing that is more valuable is the Great Sword of the Night, a CCC-level advanced reincarnation weapon.

It's a pity that this knife has also appeared in the sight of the soldiers, and there is no way to hide it.

In the end, Chino put together the C-level twin heavy machine guns, D-level exoskeleton armor, D-level Barrett M82A1, and CCC-level night swords, ready to hand them over to the provincial capital.

The rest of the hidden things, such as space chips, space rings, and moon coins, are reserved for themselves.

On the other hand, Lugo and the others searched for most of the day in the government mansion area, but could not find any survivors. Everyone had returned to the arms of Death, and they all returned to Chino.

Lu Ge was quite optimistic, patted his stomach and said, "Don't frown, at least we are still alive, this is more important than anything else."

Baiza pursed his lips, his eyes filled with indelible sadness: "But countless innocent people have died. The corpses buried under this gravel were once living people like you and me."

"If a person can't control his own destiny, and his life and death are determined by others, he is not a human being." Chino turned to leave, glanced at Baiza on the way, and if his words had deep meaning, "it is a pile of walking meat."

When Baiza was silent, Palatine patted his arm lightly, motioning to stop thinking about it.

Paladin immediately followed Chino and asked softly, "Sir, we don't live here now, what should we do these days?"

"Oh, how did I forget about this." Chino handed Paladin several bags of silver moons, "You go to the hotel in the city and put the homeless soldiers in. If you don't have enough money, ask me for it. By the way, remember Save me a suite with a bath."

"Yes." Paladin took the money and left.

Chino: "Lugo."

Lugo came over.

"Joe." Chino said succinctly, "Alive, close."

Lugo beat his chest and turned to enter the vast darkness.

Although Palatine had placed soldiers, and had reserved a suite for Kino, and cleaned it up specifically, Kino didn't enjoy it.

Due to the explosion of the government mansion, Dusk City is still in chaos, with incidents of beating, smashing, looting and burning everywhere, and the civilians can't sleep in fear.

In order to curb the chaos, Chino promulgated a curfew order overnight, and personally led soldiers to patrol the city. Anyone who took advantage of the fire would be killed on the spot. If they did not cooperate with the curfew, all the arrests were made, and the homeless homeless were placed in the hotel together. Clear all streets.

After being so busy until the second half of the night, Dusk City finally quieted down, only the sound of sobbing and sobbing occasionally echoed in the night sky.

When the sun rose, Chino led the soldiers apart, going from house to house to find out what was going on.

For some who suffered heavy losses or lost relatives, he personally came to condolences and gave pensions, and thus gained a lot of respect.

In the evening of the second day, with the sound of breaking the sky from far to near, the giant dragon descended on Dusk City again, causing the people to exclaim.

The giant dragon landed on the ruins of the government mansion, and Kino happened to be directing the aftermath here.

"Administrator Kino, the investigation team is already on its way. It should arrive on the 4th of Luoying, which is the day after tomorrow. I wanted to meet you in advance, so I came first on the dragon." With a wink, he motioned to follow, "Let's talk in another place."

Kino invited him to the shelter of his hotel and made him good tea.

Rezakhal took a sip of tea, wiped the tea stains from his beard, and said in a deep voice, "Yesterday, I rushed back to Fengyunguan overnight to convey the news to the Governor. God is above, when I heard about the visitor from outside the sky, the whole The Governor's Mansion is all fried, not to mention that the extraterrestrial visitors will also bring the great nobles of Dusk City to a pot."

Chino: "What do you mean by the Governor's House?"

"The Governor's Office sent us this time to investigate and deal with this matter." Rezakhal leaned forward and said in a low voice, "I want to give you some news first, so many great nobles have died in Dusk City. And they are all officials with real power. This is a very important event. They can’t hide it even if they want to. They must report it to the royal family. Looking at the wind direction at the Governor’s Palace, they don’t want to take responsibility.”

Chino: "You mean I'm to blame?"

"Some provincial officials have this idea, but I have already helped you to suppress it. You are on the front line, fighting bloody battles with foreign visitors, and we are sitting in the back, not firing a knife or a single shot. In the end, you are responsible for this. It's very unfair." Rezakhal looked into Chino's eyes and said deeply, "I will stand by you personally, but there is a premise - you have nothing to do with the death of the nobles, everything is What foreign visitors do."

Chino said with certainty: "Of course, it has nothing to do with me, I am also a victim."

Seeing that Chino's eyes were clear, Rezakhal nodded and said, "Then I'll be relieved. When the time comes, you can enter the courthouse, you can answer whatever you ask, just tell the truth. The investigation team here is all It's the old fox, don't play tricks with them."

Chino nodded.

Rezakhal rubbed his chin, squinted and said, "There is one last thing, which is not good news for you. In the investigation team that came this time, there is a person named Erin Troy, she is Ray The administrator of Yuncheng is on the same level as you. But you also know that this is the Beacon Fire Province, the stronghold of the Troy family. She is named a staff officer in the Governor's Palace, and is theoretically one level higher than you."

Chino expressed his understanding: "At this banquet, including Lord Brook, many members of the Troy family were killed. Of course, they will send members of the same family to investigate."

"That's the problem." Rezakhal was a little helpless, "Irene is Brooke's cousin. And inside the Troy family. How should I put it, the relationship is more chaotic. Irene and Brooke have a very good relationship, not a normal sibling. You should know what I mean."

Chino was silent.

The younger brother of this relationship died, I am afraid that the person who came here is not good.
Seeing that Kino didn't speak, Rezakhal comforted: "Don't worry, just like what I said just now, just answer everything truthfully. As long as you don't wrong anyone in this incident, they can't take you seriously. In the same way, I will be on your side."

Chino smiled back: "Thank you, I will repay what I have."

(End of this chapter)

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