honor me as god

Chapter 807 Taking Hostages

Chapter 807 Taking Hostages
In the highest auditorium of the kingdom, a man who calls himself the "new king" sits on the throne, and the new ministers and old generals under his command sit on the benches one by one. The bright candlelight makes the atmosphere extremely solemn, but if you look closely, you can see the expressions on the faces of those people Cloudy and sunny, obviously restless inside, as if waiting for a trial.

"Squeak..." With a sharp and piercing sound, the door of the auditorium opened, followed by a round of sun-like glow.

The sound of crisp footsteps echoed in the auditorium, and Denisa held the Twilight sword out of its sheath, and the bright sun and golden fire flowed on the sword, so gorgeous, but it brought a sense of death-like oppression.

The civil and military ministers here are all people who have experienced great storms. Over the past decades, they have overcome all kinds of turmoil and ups and downs in the kingdom, and their hearts are as firm as steel. They will choose to follow Andre now, and they must be prepared to face the rainstorm Prepare.

However, when Denisa walked by, cold sweat still unconsciously overflowed from their bodies and wet the clothes.

"Pa, pa, pa..." Andre was the only one who didn't show the slightest nervousness at this time. He clapped his hands, and with the kind smile that was once characteristic of a benevolent prince, he said, "You are finally here, King's Blade, I'm waiting for you."

Denisa looked at Andre from a distance, and said calmly: "You know, Andre, I have always disliked you, because you are always too kind and easy-going, so that you don't look like a prince."

"The most disturbing thing is that smile on your face is like a mask like Chino Van Helsing's. I didn't know what you were hiding with this mask before, but now I do. "

Denisa flicked her wrist lightly, and the cold light refracted by the twilight illuminated the irresistible coldness in her eyes: "Have you played enough of the game of playing the king?"

"Hehehe" Andre smiled lowly, with a playful tone, "Of course not, I want to play for decades, hundreds of years, thousands of years."

"That's a pity, you can't play for so long, you can't even play for a minute." Denisa took out the king's badge that Perseus gave her, and directly issued an ultimatum, "By the king's order, the second prince Andre Dogulande, the right hand of the king, Lanxian Heqi, these two men are ambitious and disturb the court, and they are immediately sent to Heiguan to be imprisoned for trial."

"Anyone who dares to stop, or if the two are unwilling to cooperate, I will kill them on the spot by the order of the king!"

Andre's expression did not show the panic he imagined, but became more playful, and deliberately said in a sad tone: "Is this the fate of every illegitimate child in the palace? I usually reward you, use you, and pretend to cultivate You, but every time you reach a fork in fate, you will be mercilessly abandoned, just like throwing away an unimportant dog."

Denisa said indifferently: "I don't care about your family matters, I only care about whether you are willing to be caught without a fight, because this is related to whether I will take your living body or your head away next."

Andre: "What if I say, you can't take anything with you?"

"Then take the head away." Denisa held Twilight and walked towards Andre. There seemed to be a substantive aura in front of her, and none of the civil and military ministers present dared to step forward to stop it.

Facing the death-like Denisa who came to claim his life, Andre still didn't panic. He smiled and said slowly: "Dinisha, you just said that you don't like me all the time. It's the opposite to me. I like you very much—not the kind of love between a man and a woman, I like you for being indifferent to fame and wealth, hearty and free and easy."

"You are like the protagonist in a knight's story, willing to dedicate yourself to protect the weak. No. 24 Fengxue Lane is a place like home for you, isn't it? Because you have a kind of feeling for those orphans." The corners of Andre's lips Raising it slowly, he said with a sly smile, "The family affection is no less than the blood bond."

"Tap." Andre snapped his fingers after speaking, and a petite figure was brought out from the backstage.

It was a young little girl, she was wearing a delicate and elegant court gown, with a hand-woven garland on her head, whether it was elegant lace gloves or the beautiful crystal shoes under her feet, she all revealed the noble atmosphere of a princess .

However, that small face was full of panic at this time, forming an extremely severe contrast with this attire.

"Sister, sister" the little girl called out to Denisa in a trembling voice.

She is none other than one of the orphans at No. 24 Fengxue Lane, Candy.

"Shh, little one, don't be afraid, come to me." Andre took Candy to his side, touched her head and said softly, "Come and tell my sister, why are you here?"

Candy said in a crying voice: "Sister. We were reading in the manor, but suddenly a lot of people in armor came, and everyone was arrested. Amanda, Little Head, and the little squirrel were all arrested."

Andre signaled to stop, and said solemnly: "I have to explain, this child's expression is not accurate, I did not 'arrest' them, but took them to another place to take care of them."

"These children have servants who are responsible for their daily life every day, and their food and clothing are of noble standards. I will let people buy whatever they want, and they will never be treated badly." Andre's eyes became deeper, and he said with a smile, "Their only restriction is , that is, you are not allowed to leave your residence for half a step.”

"Dinisha, I must admit that you are very smart. You sent these children out of the royal city early and placed them in a very remote place. My subordinates have worked hard to find them."

"But obviously, you are not smart enough. A truly smart person will not allow himself to have weaknesses, nor will he allow his own handles to exist in the world."

"From the moment you adopt your first child, you've made irreparable mistakes."

Andre's back move has never been revealed to his followers, and it shocked everyone at this time.

In this era, the biggest obstacle to launching a coup is not the current king Perseus, not the king's left hand Sting, not the two princes and princesses Bolton and Solandelle, not anyone else, but Denisa Dogoran Germany.

The basis for seizing power is power, and whoever holds the King's Blade of the seventh sequence will have the ultimate power.

As long as Denisa is loyal to Perseus for one day, no one can shake his will, and firmly holds the power of life and death.

If Andre wants to usurp the throne, Denisa will definitely not be able to get around it. Let him do his best. If he can't get Denisa's support, any plan will be useless.

No one expected that, in order to deal with Denisa, Andre used a very traditional method with no new ideas, but it has been extremely effective for thousands of years-hostages.

He detained all the children adopted by Denisa at No. 24, Fengxue Lane, and used these young lives as bargaining chips to show his fangs to King's Blade.

(End of this chapter)

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