Chapter 74
Wolfe took off the head of the cigar, pressed it on the surface of the scorching black night sword, and lit it. He bit the cigarette butt, and took a big mouthful of cigarettes that did not belong to this world.

"Hoo! Hoo!" The sound of rapid breathing came, and another part of the ruins was pushed open, and a embarrassed figure struggled to climb out, it was Durang.

Durang was not injured. A translucent protective cover surrounded his body. It must have been some kind of defensive equipment, but his energy was on the verge of being exhausted.

Wolfe sneered sarcastically: "Captain, your plan doesn't seem to work well. You were played around by this kid, and in the end only the two of us were left alive. You should listen to me from the beginning, just do it and it's over. ~"

Durang is an arrogant person. As he said, he has never lost anyone except cancer, and he will never lose.

But now, he not only failed in his strategy, he was tricked by Kino, fell into the trap of the banquet, and even was almost killed by the explosion.

Without warning, the space began to distort, and exoskeleton armor shining with energy nodes appeared from the void, wrapping his limbs, holding a super-heavy dual-machine gun in his hand with the sound of metal collision, and roared: " GIVE! ME! DIE!!!"

"Tug tug tug!!!" A dazzling gun flame broke out from the dual muzzle, and the half-meter-long flames converged into two dense lines of fire, pouring ammunition towards Chino frantically.

Every time a shot is fired, the huge recoil will hit the body like a tsunami, but under the action of the exoskeleton armor, all the impact force is absorbed, making Durang stand like a steel giant.

A hail of bullets rushed towards his face, Chino raised his hand, and an invisible psychic force formed a barrier in front of him. The speed of the incoming large-caliber bullets instantly returned to zero and stagnated in the air.

More and more bullets stopped, almost forming an iron curtain in front of Chino, but last time he mainly put his fear value into Shadow of Death, leaving little room for psychic power upgrade, the feeling of heaviness will soon be gone. Fang came, and the bullet was getting closer and closer to his body.

Chino didn't push hard, he walked quickly into the bunker, and at the same time, when he retracted his hand, the dense bullets fell to the ground, and the subsequent bullets roared, causing dust around the bunker, sparks and flying gravel everywhere.

"Death! Die to me!!!" Durant had lost his mind, and he didn't care whether he could hit Kino, and frantically vented his firepower on the bunker, as if taking those stones and ruins as Kino's body.

Behind the bunker, Chino walked through the safe area and found Baiza who was hiding in another place: "The order goes on, the aliens have appeared, and all the soldiers will immediately encircle and suppress them!"

Baiza snorted heavily, and walked through the bunker with his head huddled, passing orders to the messengers at all levels, asking for a counterattack.

I have to say that the crushing of this high-tech weapon is really terrifying. The soldiers have never seen this scene of bullets, and they are all terrified.

Even those veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles and are not afraid of the arrow rain are at a loss at this time.

However, the impact of the "Iron Moon Killing Order" not long ago was too deep. The soldiers thought: When deserters are executed with the Iron Moon Killing Order, they will die like dust and live like a beast's mouth.Now that you are working hard, maybe you will be able to break through the path of life and make military exploits, and then the administrator will be rewarded!

Thinking of the silver moon that Lugo and others got at that time, these soldiers' eyes turned red, they took out their crossbows and started to fight back. Some brave people took advantage of the night to sneak around and prepare to kill Durang and Wolf from behind.

A corporal made a charge gesture, rushed out of the dark with his subordinates, and slashed at Wolff with a knife.

Wolf bites the cigar and turns around with a smirk. With only one knife, the raging sword light directly chops the corporal behind him, and his flesh and blood spilled on the ground.

The rest of the soldiers were terrified. How terrifying is this knife technique, which does not cut people down, but directly chops them into pieces? !
Wolff did not retreat but advanced, and walked towards the soldiers array with a grinning smile: "Come again!"

As soon as the soldiers appeared timid, Chino's voice came from behind him: "If you challenge the aliens, if you survive, you will be rewarded with 100 silver moons. After that, your salary will be settled in silver moons; those who die in battle will be rewarded with 300 silver moons. Yinyue, family members will be permanently included in the Dusk City medical security system, so you will have no worries in this life!"

What do soldiers fear most?Not afraid of death.

People who are afraid of death will not join the army.

What a soldier fears most is that his family will be helpless after he dies.

As soon as Kino said these words, the soldiers' biggest concern disappeared.

There must be a brave man under the heavy reward. The soldiers are ruthless, roaring and rushing to Wolff from all directions: "Kill!!!"

Wolf's facial muscles were contorted from overexcitement, his eyes were full of scarlet bloodshots, and his breathing was as heavy as an angry bull: "Come! Come on!"

Wolff, carrying the Great Sword of the Night, turned into an afterimage and rushed into the army formation, setting off waves of blood in the sea of ​​people, fighting heartily, leaving stumps everywhere.

In just a few breaths, he had hacked to death more than a dozen soldiers, like a meat grinder at full power.

Just as he chopped off the head of the soldier in front of him, the splash of blood changed direction inexplicably, smearing his face.

Blood splattered into his eyes, and Wolf subconsciously avoided it and kept rubbing his eyes.

He is very confident in his fighting skills, and his blood vessels are like playthings in his hands, and he can control the direction of the blood spurt at will.

Now that the soldier's blood is abnormal, he must have been manipulated.

Wolff had just wiped the blood from his eyes when a dense whistling sound came from his ears.

A large number of rubble fell from the sky. Judging from its speed, once it hits a person, the power is probably no less than that of a bullet.

Wolf was about to use the knife to resist, when a strong wind suddenly hit, bringing a burst of strawberry fragrance.

"Bang!" Kino leaped forward, stomped on the Great Sword of the Night, which was leaning against the ground, and used a precise mechanical angle to let it go.

Immediately afterwards, Chino folded his fingers into a gun and slammed Wolff's throat.

"Crack!!!" The sound of the smashed throat came. Wolf opened his mouth wide and his face was hideous. He couldn't breathe out or suck it back, and his body began to lose control in the suffocation.

"Puff puff puff!" The rubble controlled by the power of mind poured down, and blood arrows erupted on Wolff's body, hitting him full of holes.

"Shuh—" The cold light flashed, and the tungsten steel dagger came out of its sheath.

"呲! 呲! 呲!"

The first cut severed the ligaments in the left knee, forcing his body to fall forward.

The second knife pierced from the front and poked out from the back, pierced through the heart, and twisted the coronary arteries.

The third knife is to make up for the killing, directly piercing the temple, destroying the middle meningeal artery, and pronounced the death sentence.

Chino took out the tungsten steel dagger, raised his hand, and his psychic force formed a barrier a foot away from his skin, blocking the blood mist that was floating in, without being polluted at all.

Another visitor from the sky died. After a brief silence, the soldiers who participated in the battle erupted into excited cheers.

(End of this chapter)

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