honor me as god

Chapter 666 Strong Hostility

Chapter 666 Strong Hostility
Solandelle's dormitory was at a corner of the barracks, and Garrott and the accompanying imperial guards lived around her to ensure the safety of Her Highness the Princess.

After returning from the dining hall, Solandelle sorted out the documents to be used for the final handover in the room. It can be seen that she was in a bad mood because of Larsen. scratched.

Garrott sat on the chair by the fireplace, watching Solandelle silently, the surrounding was very quiet, only the faint sound of wind and snow outside the house and the crackling of firewood inside.

Garrett sat for a long time, touched the bridge of his nose, and said in a low voice: "I know what Larsen said is harsh, but in a sense...it's not completely unreasonable. Your Royal Highness, I would like to ask you, deep down in your heart. Did you know what I'm talking about, did you have any thoughts like that?"

Solandelle leaned back in the chair, rested her forehead and sighed: "Garrott, I hid in the room to be clean, not to find a place to talk with others, please don't ask these annoying questions anymore. "

Solandelle resisted so much, and Garrott couldn't ask any more questions, so he could only continue to enjoy the fire.

"Dong dong dong." At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Garrett went to open the door, and when he saw the person standing outside, he suddenly became furious and grabbed the other person's collar: "What are you doing here?!"

I saw Ashoma standing outside the door with a plate full of food. He was grabbed by the collar by Garrett, his eyes widened in fright, and he said tremblingly, "I'm sorry. Delivery."

Seeing the anger in Garrot's eyes, Ashuma hastily added: "I didn't come by myself, this is the order of Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Garrett frowned, looked back at Solandelle, and asked coldly, "You asked him to come?"

Solandelle nodded.

"Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey?!" For the first time, Garrett yelled at Solandelle.

Solandelle asked inexplicably: "I didn't eat dinner well, I'm hungry, can I have a late night snack?"

"It's okay to have supper, but this guy made supper?" Garot grabbed the plate from Ashuma's hand and slammed it directly on his head.

"Kuang!" The food soup splashed all over Ashuma's body, and he staggered back a few steps in fright, with the soup dripping down his face, he stood there trembling and dared not make a sound.

Garrott was so domineering, Solandelle couldn't bear it anymore, and her voice became severe: "Garlott, what are you doing?! Did he offend you?!"

Garrett said coldly: "He didn't offend him? But the Fago people are low animals, and the low animals deserve to be beaten!"

After Garrot finished speaking, he kicked Ashuma and kicked him several meters away like a rubber ball.

In front of the strong man, Ashuma dared not have any temper, bowed his waist submissively, and kept muttering apologies.

Solandelle couldn't stand it anymore, stopped in front of Garrott, glared at him and said, "I know you hate the Fago people. Yes, the Fago people behaved very well in the Laurel War 28 years ago. Despicable, but a nation is a nation, an individual is an individual, there will be scum in a brave nation, and there will be good people in a cowardly nation.”

"Ashuma has been with General Larsen for 20 years. He has always been loyal and has never offended us. You should not look at him with prejudice."

"Prejudice? The Fago people are a bunch of rats! The word despicable is engraved in the bones of their nation. Every Fago person is the same, and this Ashoma is no exception!" Garrett pointed like an angry bull. Ashuma scolded, "You should be glad that you have Larsen covering you. If I meet you in the wild, I will kill you without hesitation!"

Ashoma didn't dare to show any temper, didn't even dare to wipe off the soup on his face, and said in horror: "Sorry, my lord, Your Highness, maybe I shouldn't be here, or I'll let other servants come over to deliver the meal "

Garrett pointed outside: "Get out!"

Ashoma repeatedly said yes, picked up the overturned dinner plate, and ran away in a panic.

Garrett closed the door with a bang, sat down by the fireplace again, and remained silent with a sullen face.

Solandelle frowned and looked at Garot, and said in a sarcastic tone deliberately: "This is how you protect me? Don't let me eat when I'm hungry?"

Garrett stared at the burning fireplace, with the flames reflected in his pupils, and said silently: "You may think I'm mean and unreasonable, but I still want to tell you that it's not a bad thing to be a little prejudiced."

"You are also a child who has read books. Throughout history, you will find that every nation has its own nature, which is engraved in their bones, and gradually forms an atmosphere of doing things, which is passed down from generation to generation. Difficult to change."

"Profit-seeking is the nature of Fagao people. In their eyes, there is no concept of loyalty, only interests. They are loyal to you not because they are loyal to you, but because you are profitable to them."

"Similarly, when they betray you, it's not because you did something that chilled them, it's just because someone offered a higher price, that's all."

"My brother, my friend, my parents, my lover." There seemed to be something flickering in Garrett's eyes, like a reflected fire, or something else, and his voice began to tremble, "And my daughter, They all died in the northern highlands. They gave their lives to show me that trusting the Fagor is often the beginning of destruction."

Solandelle muttered in a low voice: "Do you have a daughter?"

Garrett said in a low voice: "6 years old, it will always be 6 years old. 28 years ago, when I was fighting with the Lionheart Legion on the front line, the Fago people in the northern highlands surrendered, and they also detained the evacuation team around them. She was taken as a hostage and dedicated to the Far Eastern Dynasty. When I saw my daughter again, she was already a cold corpse, and the friendly army responsible for the rescue told me that she was taken turns by several Far Eastern soldiers.”

After Garrett said this, he couldn't go on anymore. The once famous black lion seemed to be decades old. He covered his face with his hands, his body trembling.

Solandelle felt unspeakable sorrow in her heart, she stepped forward and gently hugged Garrott's shoulders, giving him silent comfort.

I don't know how long it took, Garrett wiped his face hard, and his emotions have returned to calm, and he said lightly: "I didn't say this to win your sympathy, but just to tell you that you think I'm mean, extreme Forget it, it is impossible for me to agree with any Fagao in my life."

"Even if that Ashuma is really a miracle among the Fagao people, a glorious and righteous saint, or even the reincarnation of a god, I will not recognize him."

"Now it is my responsibility to keep you safe for Perseus, so remember what I ask of you - stay away from Ashuma, don't talk to him, don't smile at him, don't eat anything he gives you , it’s best not to even look at him!”

"Maybe one day, you'll thank me."

(End of this chapter)

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