honor me as god

Chapter 639

Chapter 639
Having said that, for Shangguan Xue, she has no choice but to tell the truth, and she can't just stick her head out and suffer death.

The so-called game suppression is like this. Only when the strength of the two parties is equal and they are qualified to fight back and forth can it be called a game. You can use scheming to induce them, but if the other party is also an old fox with a deep palace, you can only be at the mercy of others.

Now, no matter whether the promise Perseus gave is valid or not, Shangguanxue has no room to resist. She lowered her eyes and said in a low voice, "Move the knife away first."

Perseus winked at the imperial guards, and the guards sheathed their knives and stepped aside.

Shangguan Xue sighed, and silently recounted the information hidden in his mind: "In the current imperial court, excluding those civil servants who hold important positions, there are a total of 6 people who rank among the "Four-Clawed Golden Dragons" by force. "

"Yuan Huang, 62 years old this year, the leader of the army and horse department, the general appointed by the emperor, in charge of the world's military and horse power, has read military books since childhood, Wen Tao and martial arts. It must be the vanguard general."

Perseus asked, "Tell me about his specific abilities."

Shangguanxue: "As far as I know, Yuan Huang is a prodigy in martial arts. For the vast majority of warriors, they can only practice one kind of mental method and inner strength in their life, because the qi between different inner strengths is not inclusive. Planting stellar qi, it is possible to become obsessed when exercising the kung fu, and the muscles and veins of the whole body will be completely abolished."

"But Yuan Huang's physique is extremely special. In addition to the secret heart method "Pure Yang Wuji Gong" passed down by Ouchi, he also masters the eight mental methods at the same time. , all invulnerable. "

"Moreover, Yuan Huang also possesses a unique special skill called "Fa Tian Xiang Di", which can break through the shackles of the body and transform into a [-]-foot-high demon-subduing vajra, which is extremely terrifying. "

Hundred feet high!This is several times larger than the largest dragon. If it hadn't come from Shangguan Xue, this kind of thing would be unimaginable!
Shangguanxue added: "The imperial court launched an army to conquer the Nanman last year, and I was also included in the army. I once witnessed Yuan Huang transforming into a demon-subduing King Kong, leveling an entire mountain and smashing it into a canyon. The entire battlefield was shaken."

Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other, each seeing the astonishment in each other's eyes.

Perseus's reaction was very flat. Obviously, he had been prepared for a strong enemy. He thought for a while and continued to ask: "What weakness does Yuan Huang have?"

Shangguanxue murmured, "Do you have to say that alcoholism is one of your weaknesses? Yuan Huang can be said to be a drunkard, but he has a clear personality of public and private, and he often gets drunk when he is in war. Zhan, it's almost impossible to expose him with wine."

"However." Shangguan Xue changed the subject, "I had a drink with Yuan Huang before, and I overheard him complaining about his suffering. He hates the foggy sky, especially in the form of Fumo King Kong. His physical body is hundreds of feet long. As high as you are, your eyes are still mortal eyes, unable to see through smoke and clouds, and often suffer from vision problems, you can use your brains more in this regard."

This is extremely valuable information, and Perseus couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, keeping it in his heart, and then said: "Continue."

Shangguan Xue continued: "The second four-clawed golden dragon, Zhang Bufan, is 71 years old, the leader of the Onmyoji Division, and the strongest Onmyoji in the imperial court. He has extremely powerful mantras and is proficient in innate abilities such as heart seals and multiple spells. Let him freely seal and cast spells, it will be a large fort, and it will not be a problem to wipe out a few of your full-scale legions casually."

"As for weaknesses. Zhang Bufan is my master. He taught me everything I know. He has never shown my weakness in front of me. I really can't tell what weakness he has. Maybe he is not good at melee combat. It is also a common problem of Onmyoji."

"In addition, there is another one." Shangguan Xue took out a stack of charms from his bosom. Unlike the ordinary Yin-Yang spells with yellow background and red lines, the color of this stack of charms is reversed. Draw like this.

Shangguan Xue explained: "I made this stack of spells overnight, it's called "anti-talisman", and anti-talisman can give birth to "anti-spell", so that the spell released by the onmyoji has the reverse effect. "

"For example, the onmyoji originally released healing spells, but once hit by the counter-curse, it will become a killing spell. Originally, they cast offensive spells on the enemy's formation, but after being hit by the counter-curse, they will become defensive spells. spells, or let the original offensive spell fall on one's own position."

"I'll keep this stack of anti-tales for you first. It may be able to hit Zhang Bufan hard at critical moments, but I can't guarantee it absolutely. After all, Zhang Bufan's experience and spell power are countless times stronger than mine. Only when he is defenseless will he It might be a trick, once he discovers the existence of the anti-talisman, he can use a little bit of tricks to break my anti-talisman."

Although Shangguanxue did not provide much effective information about Zhang Bufan, the existence of the inversion talisman is very important, and she is willing to do things such as deceiving the master and exterminating the ancestors, and it can be seen that she really wants to make a clean break with the Far Eastern Dynasty The line is over.

As for whether doing this will be regarded as a sincere surrender or an unreusable rebellion, it is no longer within Shangguan Xue's control. All she can do is to make a clear stand. , being a fool will only make the situation more embarrassing.

Shangguan Xuelu continued to tell the rest of the information about the four-clawed golden dragons. As a former three-clawed golden dragon, not to mention how much friendship she had with the four-clawed golden dragons, at least she knew the basic information and could provide a lot of information. help.

When talking about the last person, Shangguan Xue's complexion obviously darkened, becoming extremely gloomy: "The last four-clawed golden dragon is also the most terrifying, and that is the leader of today's Xuansi, recognized as the number one Master, Cang Xuan."

"Cangxuan is only 19 years old this year. It is rumored that this person was born with a pure yin body when he was extremely yin, and he was the reincarnation of a phoenix. I have heard of it."

"Cangxuan has a dull personality, is not close to masculinity, does not eat wine and meat, only eats natural materials and earth treasures and rare vegetables and fruits, her body is as pure as glass, and is invulnerable to all poisons. Her weapon is called "Xihe Mohao". It is an inheritance of the leaders of the Tianxuan Division, and it is said that it is an ink pen that can draw living things. "

"As for weaknesses. Sorry, I really don't know what weaknesses she has. All I can say is, you better hope she doesn't go with the army this time. If she comes, you can only ask for luck, because"

"Cang Xuan alone is an army."

(End of this chapter)

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