honor me as god

Chapter 622 Take advantage of the situation to attack

Chapter 622 Take advantage of the situation to attack
Although he was warned by Andre before not to talk nonsense, but now Bao Erdian actually has the face to mention the emptiness of the national treasury. Solandelle, who knew the truth about the incident in Danyu City, was a little impatient and couldn't help but speak out: "Let's not talk about why this incident started. You just said that the national treasury is empty. Far East asked for 50 gold moons. What compensation do we have?"

Baldian did not expect that Solandelle, who was participating in the audition for the first time, would suddenly interrupt, and subconsciously glanced at Perseus.

Perseus didn't speak, the question that Solandelle asked should also be what he wanted to ask.

Seeing this, Bao Erdian replied slowly: "First of all, as I said just now, the conditions are negotiable. 50 is the asking price of the other party, which must be inflated. As long as friendly negotiations are made, I believe this figure can be reduced to 40 or even lower, it all depends on our sincerity and negotiation skills.”

"Secondly, even if the treasury can't come up with so much cash for a while, it can be mortgaged in real estate. Doguland has a vast land and rich resources, ores, grains, jewelry, porcelain... many things are suitable collaterals."

Solandelle said angrily: "Then why should these things be given to the Far East for nothing? Anyway, it costs money. Isn't it good to use this money to raise troops and prepare for war?"

Bao Erdian said helplessly: "This is actually a very simple account. The ultimate goal of war is to stop the war. Assuming we stop the war through compensation and peace talks, the final price we pay is 1."

"Then start a war with the Far East and use war means to stop the war. In the end, the price you pay in terms of military and people's livelihood and stability may reach 10."

"Peace talks can end the war in peace and stability, no one needs to shed blood, and the people of the two countries can continue to live and work in peace and contentment."

"When the war starts, rivers of blood will flow, both armies will be wounded, the treasury will be emptied, and countless people will be ruined as a result."

"I think it's very obvious how to choose between these two."

Solandelle wanted to say something else, and Andre quickly grabbed her shoulders, and reminded in a low voice: "Sololan, don't talk, the father didn't let us talk, you have to obey the rules."

Seeing Perseus's face was gloomy, Solandelle gritted her teeth and said nothing.

"As for the first condition of the Far East, I don't think we have any doubts." Baoerdian coughed lightly and continued, "As for the third condition, I think the condition of publicly renunciating the historical ownership of the desert is simpler."

"Since the end of the "Laurel War" 28 years ago, Dogrand lost control of the desert, and the desert has essentially formed an independent regime. "

"Horse bandits are rampant in the desert now, and the tribal forces are deeply entrenched. There is no hope of regaining it long ago. Moreover, the barren land with thousands of miles of flying sand has only a few oasis resources. Even if we take it back one day, what is the use? Give up historical ownership, It has no effect on us."

The rest of the princes also expressed their support: "Prince Baldian is very reasonable. Now the people have no sense of identity with the desert. Instead, they hate the horse bandits who harass the border and rob the caravan. Abandoning historical ownership will not come from The pressure from the people can even help us get rid of a big burden."

Perseus's expression remained unchanged, making it impossible to see whether he opposed or supported it.

After a while, Perseus jumped directly to the next topic: "About the fourth point, do you all agree with the conditions for the death army?"

Bao Erdian chuckled, and said in a very positive tone: "The conditions for suing the Legion are nothing compared to other conditions. Lu Ge, the chief culprit, must be dealt with. He ignored diplomatic relations and killed the Far East in the street. The grandson of the emperor, provoked the Far East to fight. This kind of person is simply a lawless thug!"

Perseus said indifferently: "But now, there are a lot of people supporting Lugo from all over the six major provinces, and the people regard him as a hero who punishes rape and eradicates evil. If you move him at this time, I'm afraid it will chill the hearts of the people."

Bao Erdian nodded in agreement, but then added: "I definitely can't move Lugo now, but that doesn't mean I can't in the future. The public's group mood is like the weather in the mountains, and it can change as soon as it changes. They are enthusiastically supporting Lugo today. After a period of time, when the attention is shifted to other things, he will be gradually forgotten."

"We can reach a secret agreement with the Far East to delay Lugo's execution, and we can first comply with public opinion and give Lugo exoneration and praise. After a period of time, the enthusiasm of the people cools down, and then deal with it."

"I have learned specifically that Lugo is a mercenary who has a strong habit of hooligans. I am afraid he has done countless illegal things. When the time comes to dig out a few of them and make them public to destroy his image, the public will Spite on him, loathe him, and deliver it to the Far East at that time, it will not cause public resentment."

The princes nodded in approval.

"As for the dead legion and the chief general Kino Van Helsing." Baldian exchanged glances with the other princes, nodded his head and said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty, there are no outsiders here, so please forgive me."

"I have always believed that it was a wrong decision for you to rehabilitate Chino at the "56th Kingdom Plenary Meeting" and even backhandedly set up the Death Army. "

Perseus is not the kind of tyrant who doesn't listen to what he has to say, and now it's the imperial meeting, when blood relatives can speak freely, he didn't get angry because of this kind of criticism, and asked instead: "How do you say?"

Bao Erdian sighed and said: "Your Majesty the King may not understand that after the establishment of the Sacred Army, the annual military expenditure of just one army is equivalent to 20 regular army."

"In order to cooperate with the death army to develop extraterrestrial weapons, we have invested countless manpower, financial resources, and material resources!"

"I don't deny that the Legion of Death is a very powerful army, but compared with the elite legions of the Four Kingdoms, the Cardinal Guard Legion, the Personal Guard Legion, the Lionheart Legion, and the Banshee Legion, the Death Legion is not qualified at all. .”

"Such an expensive legion, whose actual combat effectiveness is far lower than the four elites, what is the point of maintaining it? Resisting extraterrestrial invasions? Since the end of the last kingdom plenary meeting, there has only been one extraterrestrial invasion, and the scale is very small. , a few legions work together to get it done, it is not worthy of such a large expenditure."

"So in my opinion, the existence of the Death Army is meaningless. With so much military expenditure, we can build another army comparable to the four elites."

Another prince added: "Including Kino van Helsing himself, it's been almost a year since he issued an extraterrestrial invasion alert.I often wonder if he is exaggerating his own ability to justify asking for military expenses from Wang Cheng. "

Bao Erdian continued: "There is also the matter of promoting Kino Van Helsing to be the leader of the king's land. I think His Majesty has been hasty. It is indeed a great achievement to deal with the Danyu City incident, but he was promoted so easily to be the head of the king's land. The leader, I'm afraid it will chill the hearts of the original five royal families."

"Your Majesty may still be unaware that this person, Kino, is very dirty financially! I have sent someone to investigate, and there are often a large number of moon coins of unknown origin in the dusk city treasury. Every time I have people interrogate, Kino will On the grounds of military secrets, do not clarify to me."

"I think that Kino is relying on His Majesty's protection to do some dirty things in secret. Now that his subordinates have caused such a big trouble, it's hard to say whether it's because of his acquiescence. He probably wants to use the two countries to start a war. This is an opportunity to make a fortune in war! Please make a clear decision, Your Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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