honor me as god

Chapter 620 Four Conditions

Chapter 620 Four Conditions
The central avenue of the royal city is the only way to the royal palace. The people watching the excitement are separated by the cordon on both sides, and they are looking into their brains one by one.

"Tap-tap-tap-tap-" The sound of horseshoes sounded from the end of the street, and several imperial guards rode their horses to clear the way ahead, followed by a rider in different clothes. Holding the emperor's dragon flag, which symbolizes the majesty of the royal family, in one hand, he galloped past in the eyes of everyone.

Seeing this, the people couldn't help whispering, whispering:

"Which family's flag is this? Why have you never seen it before?"

"There is a dragon on it, it should be the Regnome family, they may have changed the flag."

"Are you an idiot?! The "Red-bottomed Black Dragon Banner" of the Regnom family was designed by the "Dragon Queen" himself. Which generation of leaders would dare to change it? "

"That's right, this flag has a yellow background, and the dragon on it is so slender, like a big python, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the giant dragon of Regnom."

"I seem to have seen this kind of flag before. When I went to the Far East to do business, once I went to Gyeonggi, this kind of flag was hung on the wall of the imperial palace."

"Could it be the royal flag of the Far East? Just like our "Laurel Kao Banner"?So what is this person here for? "

"It looks like an envoy. It may represent the Far Eastern Dynasty to pay tribute to our Dogorand, haha."

Accompanied by the imperial guards, the Far East envoy walked through the block and entered the palace from the entrance of the huge wall. He skillfully tied the royal dragon flag on his back, took out the sealed imperial decree from his sleeve, and walked into the hall with both hands.

At this time, in the palace hall, King Perseus, the king's right-hand man, the leader of the royal family, and royal ministers at all levels were all present. The atmosphere was dignified and chilling. Everyone was waiting for the first news after the imperial court raised troops.

The envoy from the Far East walked into the main hall, followed the diplomatic etiquette, respectfully saluted Perseus on the king's throne, and then opened the imperial decree in his hand, and began to read out loudly: "Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the decree said: Our dynasty has been at war with your country for many years. Thinking of the happiness of the common people in the world alone, I negotiated peace with the king, and it has been 28 years since I saw a war, why did I go to war without declaring it and kill my grandson?”

"Such despicable acts are inconsistent with the principles of the sky above, and inconsistent with human ethics and morality at the bottom. Hundreds of officials in the government and the public are in an uproar, and the people are horrified. No one in the four directions is not chilled by it. Looking at the history books, the tyrannical and inhumane behavior is even worse than this. !"

"Inheriting the might of the royal family alone, I am now leading millions of elite soldiers and thousands of cavalry to march towards Dogolande. If blood flows into rivers and corpses are everywhere in this battle, it is not the crime of being alone. I will tell the king in this book. .”

After the Far East envoy finished reading the imperial decree, the ministers couldn't help but look sad.

This is not so much an imperial decree as a call to action, and it is written impeccably, with the Far East taking all the moral high ground.

If this proclamation spreads among the people, the morale of Douglande will be at a disadvantage first.

The Far East envoy showed no expression on his face, and handed over the imperial decree to the guards with both hands, so that he could present it to Perseus.

Perseus did not accept the imperial decree, and asked the imperial guards to put it on the table, and asked indifferently: "In addition to using the imperial decree to demonstrate to me this time, the emperor must have asked you to bring a message, so you might as well just say it."

The Far East envoy raised his head and said: "My emperor raised troops, but he was forced to do so. A bloody war must be something that neither your country nor our dynasty would like to see. The lives of the soldiers are not willing to make the people suffer from the war, so I am specially ordered to negotiate with His Majesty the King."

"Currently, millions of Far Eastern cavalry are marching towards Doguland. If His Majesty the King is unwilling to go to war and wants the imperial court to retreat, he must promise me four conditions, none of which are indispensable."

Perseus motioned him to continue talking.

The envoy from the Far East said slowly: "If you want the imperial court to withdraw its troops, first, Dogrand apologized publicly for the attack on His Royal Highness, published in the newspaper for one year, and compensated me with 50 gold moons, equal gold or Valuable silver will do."

"Secondly, His Majesty the King has three heirs, the second prince Andre Dogrand, the seventh prince Bolton Van Dörgrand, and the ninth princess Solandelle Van Dörgrand. His Majesty needs to send one of them to Send it to Gyeonggi as a proton to ensure the long-term friendship between the two countries."

"Thirdly, Dogorand publicly announced that he would renounce the historical ownership of the desert area and stop all military operations against the desert from now on."

"Fourth, all the relevant personnel who attacked and killed His Royal Highness Ye Lingchen must be punished. The dead legion will be disbanded on the spot and shall not be rebuilt in any form. The main culprit, Lugo Helsing, will be executed by our side Ling Chi, and the secondary responsible person will be killed. Commander of the Legion, Consul of Twilight, Kino Van Helsing—"

The Far East envoy said the last two words loudly: "Suicide."

When the words came to an end, there was a dead silence in the hall, and a needle could be heard.

"Pfft." Suddenly, a suppressed laugh sounded, and Lorna covered her mouth and kept laughing.

The Far East Envoy looked over coldly, and asked in a very formal tone, "Why are you laughing, His Royal Highness?"

Lorna couldn't stop laughing, and looked at the messenger with the eyes of a fool, and her tone seemed to be caring for mentally handicapped children: "I don't think you are suitable to be a messenger, but a comedy."

The envoy's eyes froze immediately, and Sting's expression changed several times. He grabbed Lorna's arm and yelled in a low voice, "What are you doing?! Don't you know this is a diplomatic occasion?!"

"Diplomacy? What is diplomacy? Diplomacy pays attention to treating each other with courtesy and decency. What about this Far East envoy? Apart from arrogance and domineering, does he have any diplomatic posture?" Lorna shook off Sting's hand and stood up Come out, walk up to the Far East Envoy and look at him, "You have raised four conditions, why don't we also raise four conditions—"

"First, the case of Ye Lingchen's bullying of a civilian girl will be heard in Dogolande. The civil compensation attached to the court judgment will be borne by the Far Eastern court. It can be gold and silver, or monthly coins of equivalent value."

"Secondly, the prince of the Far East is incapable of disciplining. It is his father's responsibility to teach Ye Lingchen such a bullying son. Let the prince himself go to Twilight City to apologize at the grave of the girl who jumped from the building."

"Thirdly, the Far Eastern Dynasty openly admitted that the "Bay Osmanthus War" 28 years ago was an out-and-out war of invasion, which caused Dogorand to lose the desert area. They published an apology for this and publicly supported Dogorand's efforts to regain the desert in the future. action. "

"Fourth, the Far East Dynasty recognized the emperor's grandson Ye Lingchen as a shameless criminal, expelled him from the royal residence, and rewarded the brave Lugo Helsing, the secondary person in charge, the leader of the dead legion, the consul of Twilight City, Kino together with Van Helsing."

When Lorna said this, a cold and arrogant smile appeared on her face, and she returned what the Far East envoy said before: "If His Majesty the Son of Heaven does not want to go to war and wants Doguland to retreat, you must agree to four conditions of our country. Indispensable."

(End of this chapter)

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