honor me as god

Chapter 603

Chapter 603
Now Shangguan Ba ​​stands in front of Shangguan Xue, with his tall body protecting his sister behind him, it is difficult to get around for a while, and everyone decides to attack one by one.

Nicole and Roman are old comrades-in-arms, and they already knew each other without making eye contact. Attack from the rear.

Shangguanba's intelligence is only 8 years old, his body is extremely arrogant, but he has no resourcefulness at all. He stared at Nicole and felt wrong. He turned to stare at Roman, but it still felt wrong. He just turned back and forth, not knowing who to stare at. , was played around by the two of them.

Shangguanba is huge in stature, and so is his arm span. It is difficult for the short and narrow Han Chan light sword to break through this distance, so Nicole put it away, holding the weeping fire epee in both hands, and watched for Shangguanba's flaws.

Just when Shangguanba was going to guard Roman, Nicole's brows lit up with a scorching divine mark, and hot golden fire surged all over her body. At the same time, the weeping fire epee in her hand began to heat up sharply, climbing to thousands of degrees in an instant, and the hot flow flowed to Sweeping around.

"Boom—" Nicole shortened the distance to Shangguan Ba ​​like lightning, and the blazing Weeping Fire Epee drew a sharp arc in the air, hitting Shangguan Ba ​​directly on the back of the head.

Shangguanba hastily turned around, raised the black iron giant hammer to resist.

"Clang!!!" The sword and hammer collided, and the fire burst out.

In terms of strength, even though Nicole holds the epee in both hands and has the tendency to attack first, but compared with Shangguan Ba, who is born with supernatural power, this kind of attack is tantamount to regretting Mount Tai. Without shaking, it was easily intercepted.

However, the situation quickly changed.

The most frightening thing about the Weeping Fire Epee is not the sword's length of 2.21 meters, nor its weight of 42kg, but its modern technological level.

In the Weeping Fire epee built in the past, the central core can control the vibration of the internal particles. When the particles vibrate violently, the temperature on the surface of the Weeping Fire will rise sharply. It has been burned to 5500°C in the laboratory, which is close to the surface temperature of the sun.

When touched by this kind of high-temperature sword blade, everything will be burned to ashes in an instant. Although the black iron giant hammer in Shangguanba's hand is a magic weapon, it is indestructible, but the thermal conductivity of iron is too strong. After the giant hammer comes into contact with Weeping Fire In less than a second, the contact surface was already ablaze, and quickly spread to the hammer handle, like a large piece of soldering iron.

"Ah! It's so hot!!!" Shangguan Ba ​​howled, quickly let go of his hands and threw away the flaming hammers, and kept blowing on his smoking palm, "Who! Whoa! I'm scalded to death!"

As soon as the opponent's weapon was released, Roman immediately seized the fighter, and Wei Huang, the AAA-level weapon in the world of reincarnation, swung a fierce saber light, slashing straight at the top of Shangguan Ba's head, threatening to split him in half.

Shangguan Ba ​​was taken aback, and hurriedly dodged to the side. As a result, Roman's Wei Huang failed to hit his head, but landed on his shoulder.

"Chi—" The blade entered his body, and blood foam gushed out.

"Wooah!" Shangguan Ba ​​was knocked to the ground, he touched the deep bone wound on the side of his shoulder, saw that his hands were covered with blood, and immediately cried to Shangguan Xue with tears in his eyes, "Sister, I'm hurt"

Although Roman succeeded in this blow, his expression changed drastically. He had put all his strength into it just now, and coupled with the sharpness of the Weihuang Broadsword itself, its power could not be described as cutting iron like mud.

He thought that this knife could directly cut Shangguanba's arm into the air, but who knew that it only cut through the flesh, and he couldn't cut through the bones. The physical strength of the three-clawed golden dragon general is really exaggerated.

Seeing Shangguan Ba ​​sitting there crying, Shangguan Xue couldn't help it anymore, and said angrily, "You're as stupid as a pig! I don't use my internal strength, I use my body to resist, and I still have the face to cry? Get up!"

Shangguanba's crying stopped abruptly, scratched his head, and said embarrassingly: "That's right, I know internal energy, I just forgot."

While the two siblings were talking, Nicole and Roman were already chasing after the victory. Weeping Fire and Wei Huang slashed at the same time from the left and right sides.

"Ha!" Shangguan Ba ​​yelled loudly, and scorching qi suddenly erupted from the strange acupoints all over his body, which surrounded his body like armor, forming a defensive barrier.

"Dang! Dang!" Two loud bangs rang out, Weeping Fire and Wei Huang were bounced off by Gang Qi one after another, without hurting Shangguanba at all.

At the same time, Nicole and Roman also felt a scorching energy attack along the surface of the weapon. When it rushed into the body, it swam around and raged in the body like a fire snake. Suddenly, the whole body was hot, and the muscles and veins of the whole body were throbbing. pain.

If the two of you know something about the Far East Dynasty, you will know that this is the court's "Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu". The air was hot as fire.

This kind of skill has both offense and defense. When resisting the invasion of external power, it can also use internal strength to counterattack the opponent's tendons. Just now, Roman and Nicole were hit by this trick.

Just when the two were injured by the Pure Yang Wuji Kungfu, Shangguan Xue also made a move. She took a spell from the bottom of the swaying frosty white flower umbrella and put it in the palm of her right hand. Blow lightly.
"Huh—" Shangguan Xue came to the world like a snow girl, the spell in her palm turned into surging frost-white energy, and floated forward under her blowing, mottled frost-white flying in the air, spreading, becoming more and more dense, and finally rushed to the sky , condensed into the sky full of snow.

The swirling snow curtain has an extremely cold temperature, freezing everything it touches. When it brushes against the black iron double hammers that are as red as soldering iron, the hammer surface suddenly emits a vast steam, and the heat is quickly taken away, and then the water vapor condenses. A thick layer of ice crystals formed on its surface.

This layer of ice crystals is not an ordinary ice cube. You can faintly see the magic particles lingering on it, forming a layer of high-temperature insulation coating. When Shangguanba hits the Weeping Fire head-on next time with a giant hammer, it will not be like before. It was burned red like that.

"Huh—" Shangguan Xue continued to blow the snow, and the frost-white energy in his palm seemed to be endless. Wherever the snow curtain passed, all the buildings on the ground condensed into ice, and the world seemed to turn white.

Under the powerful yin-yang spell, Nicole, Roman, and Lugo had to huddle together. The first two drove the sun and golden fire, and Lugo summoned the thunder and lightning shield to fight against the extreme cold and snow.

Even if the three of them work together, when the snow curtain rushes past, the horrific low temperature still swallows up the golden fire and thunder liquid, forming thick ice crystals on their bodies, and their bodies are instantly frozen, unable to move.

After blowing the last snow curtain, Shangguanxue closed her lips and teeth. Starting with herself, the fan-shaped area more than 100 meters in front had turned into a world of ice and snow. The only thing that could be seen was endless white frost, which was piercingly cold.

And in the middle of the battlefield, Nicole, Roman, and Lugo have been frozen into three immobile ice sculptures.
(End of this chapter)

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