honor me as god

Chapter 589

Chapter 589
As usual, if Ann cried because of something, Vincent would hug her and comfort her softly, but this time, Vincent stood there like a statue, motionless.

"Vincent?" Ann called softly with tears.

At the end of the corridor, accompanied by the guards, Ye Lingchen, Motel, and several nobles who participated in the banquet last night and stayed here came over.

An wiped away her tears vigorously, and pointed at Ye Lingchen resentfully: "Lord Mo Tai, you are the judge of Twilight City, and now I want to file a lawsuit with the court, and I want to sue him!"

Motel asked lightly, "What are you going to sue him for?"

Ann gritted her teeth and said, "He raped me last night while I was drunk."

A girl with conservative concepts like An is usually embarrassed to show her arms, and she will blush when she accidentally touches the hands of strange men. It is almost difficult for her to speak about the great shame of last night.

But in the end, in order to get the scumbags punished, she forced herself to speak out: "He violated my body while I was drunk."

Ye Lingchen's face was flushed, with an expression of incomprehension, he kept shouting for grievances: "You are wronged, girl, this is really wronged! I was so drunk yesterday that I went back to my room early to sleep. Who knew that when I woke up, there was suddenly someone else beside me? Don't climb up by yourself!"

"How can you talk so nonsense!" Ye Lingchen turned black and white, and An was about to collapse. She cried, "Lord Mo Tai, I want to sue him, please file a case for me!"

Motel's attitude was still lukewarm, and he asked calmly: "You need enough evidence to sue others. Do you have evidence to prove that Mr. Ye violated you?"

"Evidence. There is! I... I have him on me." Ann suddenly froze when she said this, she subconsciously looked at her clean clothes and the skin that had been rubbed red with soap, no matter what was on it, It was all washed off in the shower just now.

Ann's eyes drifted left and right, as if thinking of something, she said quickly, "The sheets, quilt, those things in the room must be stained."

Before she finished speaking, the room at the end of the corridor, which was like a nightmare to her, opened, and the servants came out with the used cleaning tools, and nodded to Motel, "My lord, the room has been cleaned."

Motel nodded, waved his hand casually, and told the servants to leave.

An stared blankly at Motel, finally realized something, and said with trembling lips, "You are in the same group, you deliberately asked me to take a bath, and then asked the servant to clean the room and help him destroy the evidence."

Motel put on a straight face, and his tone was quite serious: "You think it through before you speak. I don't care about temporary verbal offenses. If you openly slander like you are now, if it is in a formal occasion, you must be responsible."

Ann's tears washed down, she grabbed Vincent's arm at a loss, crying: "Vincent, you were there yesterday and I disappeared later, right? Did you come to look for me, didn't you?"

"Vincent." Motel interrupted Ann, and said casually, "There should be a lot of work to be done at the storage office, right? You just took up the post of deputy manager, so don't miss work on the first day."

"Yes, my lord." Vincent broke away from Ann's hand silently, and walked towards the corner of the corridor, as if he had severed his relationship with the past. He never looked back at Ann from the beginning to the end, and he didn't know whether he didn't want to or didn't dare.

It wasn't until Wen Sen disappeared from sight that An suddenly came back to her senses and realized that the man had changed. No matter what methods Motel and the others used, Wen Sen was no longer the fiancé who once loved her.
Ann's willingness to get engaged to Vincent means that she is ready to entrust her entire life to him for the next few decades, and all her outlook on life and spiritual support depend on him.

An never thought that people can change so quickly. Yesterday Wen Sen was eating the birthday cake she sent and talking sweetly to her, but today he can turn his face and deny people, as if everything he got along with in the past two years was all vain.

The huge drop directly broke An's defenses. She seemed to have her spine removed, and she sat on the ground in a daze, her eyes out of focus.

"Cough." Mo Tai coughed lightly, showing a friendly expression, and said softly, "Miss An, I think there may be some misunderstanding between you and Mr. Ye. This kind of misunderstanding happened in the mansion of the judge. As the owner of the mansion, I There is an inescapable responsibility.”

"How about this, I will pay Miss An a sum of money, everyone will clear up these misunderstandings in their hearts, and pretend nothing happened, how about it?"

The guard next to him had already prepared, and directly handed Ann a money bag. Judging from the thickness and the golden light shining in the seam, there were about 50 gold moons.

Facing the money bag handed in front of her, even though the inside was shining with golden light, An still knocked it over with all her might, shouting hysterically, "I don't want your money!!!"

The first time was taken away by Ye Lingchen drunk, the judge blatantly helped destroy the evidence, and her fiancé Vincent also abandoned her to Ann. Such a young girl has not experienced much in the world, and her heart is already fragile. Any one of these things is enough to make her collapse. Not to mention that they were all overwhelmed overnight.

With tears streaming down her eyes, An stared at Mo Tai and Ye Lingchen with resentment, and said hoarsely, "You guys will definitely get retribution! I'm going to expose you, and no one can run away!"

His face was already torn like this, and Mo Tai didn't want to continue acting with her, with a sarcastic sneer on his face: "Who are you going to expose? I am the judge of Twilight City. Whether all cases in the city are accepted or not, and how to judge them all depends on the situation." It is up to me to decide, even the Consul Kino Van Helsing has no right to interfere with me in this regard, you want to fight me?"

Ann gritted her teeth and said, "The Ombudsman will uphold justice for me!"

After hearing this, Motel laughed coldly, making fun of Ann's naivety.

The "Supervisor", one of the eight positions, has the right to supervise officials at the same level, and the power of this position is even so great that it can advise and impeach the "consul" who is the head of the eight positions.

However, since the post of "Supervisor" was established, there have been many cases of subordinate impeachment, and there are only a handful of cases of peer impeachment.

The reason is also very simple, you are indeed very powerful to become an inspector, but those who can be on the same level as you, regardless of personal ability or background background, no one will be worse than you.

They are all officials in the same city, and they are colleagues with each other. If I encounter difficulties today, you help me, and if you encounter difficulties another day, I will help you.

If you don't understand these ways of the world, and stick to the principles too rigidly, then you are a "lonely official". Since ancient times, no lonely official has come to a good end.

Taking a step back, even leaving aside the power constraints, no one would want to provoke the Regnome family, the head of the five royal families, let alone Motel is the distant cousin of "Left Hand of the King" Sting.

Just as An was leaving angrily, wiping tears, Motel looked sideways at her back, and said in a very profound tone, "Miss An, you'd better think clearly, and don't do stupid things that will ruin you."

(End of this chapter)

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