honor me as god

Chapter 586 Golden Moon Game

Chapter 586 Golden Moon Game
Seeing that Wen Sen was very hesitant, Ye Lingchen patted his head and said with a smile: "Oh yes, why did I forget, drinking is really boring, you have to have something to cheer you up!"

He put his hands into his sleeves, took out a silver moon and put it on the table, smiling drunkenly: "This time I entered the country, I exchanged a lot of moon coins at the chamber of commerce, and this thing can only be spent in Dogrand. It’s useless to bring it back to the imperial court, you must spend it before going back.”

"Let's play a game now. I will give you as many moon coins as you drink, how about that?"

Looking at the silver moon, Vincent was stunned. His salary as a chef is 500 copper moons per month. Now, as long as An drinks 5 glasses of wine, it is equivalent to getting his one month's salary out of thin air. This is outrageous. He has never heard of such a good thing since he was a child.

Vincent stared blankly at An, and An was also looking at him, with grievances in his eyes, as if saying: Vincent, take me away
Vincent gritted his teeth, his heart was extremely shaken, and his eyes wavered between An and the silver moon.

Yinyue is certainly attractive, but An has been wronged like this, as a fiancé, he can't.
Suddenly, Ye Lingchen patted the back of his head again, and said with self-blame: "Sorry, I really drank too much, and my mind is a little confused. I took the wrong thing just now, please forgive my stinginess."

Ye Lingchen casually threw the silver moon on the table into the trash, then unpacked his carry-on bag, took out several bulging money bags from it, put them on the table, and said with a smile, "This is just for fun!"

As soon as the bag was untied, the shining golden light almost blinded Vincent.

Golden Moon!

That bag is full of golden moons, at least hundreds of them!
1 gold moon is equal to 1000 silver moons, which is equal to 100000 copper moons. Leaving aside the noble status it symbolizes, in terms of conversion value, 1 gold moon is equivalent to Vincent's salary for 500 months of working without eating or drinking!
Like catching melon seeds, Ye Lingchen grabbed a handful of golden moons and put them on the table, then took out small wine glasses, filled them with wine and placed them on top of each golden moon.

"Now, there is a golden moon under these wine glasses, whichever glass Ms. An drank, you can take the golden moon under the cup." Ye Lingchen stretched out his fingertips to tease An's face, and said with a smile, " If you drink 10 cups, you will be given 10 gold moons. If you drink 100 cups, you will be given 100 gold moons."

"If the gold moons in my bag are not enough for you to drink, I'll sell the iron, even if I mortgage my "Four-Claw Golden Dragon Robe" to the Chamber of Commerce, I will definitely give you enough gold moons to come back! "

"How about this game?"

The golden light in their eyes has made An and Wensen stunned for a while. They have never seen so much money in their life. It can even be said that this is the first time in their lives that they have seen such a high-ranking currency as "Golden Moon".

But now, these moon coins, which symbolize the high society in Dogoland, are within reach. They only bet on a wine glass, and endless wealth is beckoning to them.

Vincent stared at those golden moons, his eyes were vacant like never before, bean-big cold sweat overflowed from his forehead, he rinsed his eyes, his eyes were wide open for too long, bloodshot eyes slowly appeared on the surface of the eyeballs.

In the end, there seemed to be some emotion in his eyes that collapsed, and he looked at An numbly, and muttered: "Why don't you drink it?"

Ann pursed her lips, closed her eyes helplessly, tears flowed down her cheeks to her chin, pattering down.

Ye Lingchen laughed loudly and patted An's shoulder, sighing, "Look, your fiancé has already spoken, girls should be obedient."

Wen Sen lowered his head and didn't even have the courage to look directly at Ann. His lips trembled and he muttered helplessly: "With so many golden moons, we can buy a lot of flour, and we can buy another house! In the future, those neighbors, No one will look down on us anymore, we may even become nobles! Nobles! Ann, don't you want to be nobles?"

An closed her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks, and she didn't know how long she was silent. She opened her eyes slowly, and her voice was filled with unresolved sadness: "For our future life. I drink"

Ye Lingchen smiled and made a "please" gesture.

Ann wiped away her tears, picked up a glass of wine and poured it directly into her mouth.

Originally, she planned to pour her brains into her mouth and swallow it quickly like drinking bitter medicine when she was a child, but this liquor was too choking, and she choked it out halfway through swallowing, coughing violently: "Cough! Cough cough cough !.”

Seeing this, Motel was a little displeased: "This is jade wine from beyond the sky. We can't make it in this world. If you drink it, you will have a sip less. Others have to save it if they want to drink it. It's better for you. Drink one cup, and half a cup will choke it out. What?" Is there anyone who drinks like this? You must swallow it all in your stomach without choking, otherwise it will not count!"

Ye Lingchen poked Motel with his finger, sighed and said: "Look at what you said, if you drink it, you drink it. How can you say that it doesn't count? Am I, Ye Lingchen, the kind of person who tries to play tricks? What's wrong with being more tolerant to girls?" Well."

"Young Master Ye taught me the right lesson. I said the wrong thing." Mo Tai had just been cooperating with Ye Lingchen to sing a bad face, the friendship of the landlord, the guest is so interested, of course he will treat him to the end with all his heart.

Ye Lingchen held An's small face and wiped away the tears and wine stains on her face with his sleeve, touching the soft red lips with his fingers from time to time, and said with a smile: "I got a golden moon, come on, keep drinking. The more you drink, the more you earn, the happier I am. I spent a lot of money today to be my beauty, and I’m going to go back with nothing, hahaha!"

Wen Sen saw Ye Lingchen's petty actions. He felt very unwilling, but he could only endure, and at the same time comforted himself: now is an opportunity to cross social classes. Hold on tight!If Ann is touched twice, just touch it twice. You won't lose a piece of meat after touching it. You will forget it in a few days.
Ann's drinking capacity is not good, although she choked a lot from these two glasses, her face was flushed red, her eyes were blurred, and she couldn't even hold the wine glasses.

Ye Lingchen also regarded Jin Yue as nothing, and only wanted Ann to drink, but An couldn't hold the glass, so he held Ann's hand and helped her pour the wine into her mouth.

When she was drunk, An could no longer feel the heat of alcohol. From the beginning, she was half-forced to drink by Ye Lingchen, and then she was brought to her mouth to sip subconsciously. She drank one cup after another.

At the end of the drink, An was completely drunk and unconscious. If she hadn't been supported by someone, she might not even be able to sit in a chair.

Ye Lingchen let go of his hand when he saw this, and let An fall into his arms, with a squinting expression on his face.

An was already drunk and unconscious, but Wen Sen was extremely sober. If Ye Lingchen had made a lot of small moves before, he gritted his teeth and endured it, but who knows, Ye Lingchen hugged An directly by the waist, staggered out of the door, He said with great interest: "Mr. Motel, do you have a bigger bed in your house?"

(End of this chapter)

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