honor me as god

Chapter 574 Bullying and Humiliation

Chapter 574 Bullying and Humiliation
When Shangguanba was hit with a bowl on his head, he was stunned. His sturdy body sat there motionless, and he stared blankly at Sham after a long while.

At the same time, the surrounding atmosphere froze for an instant. Everyone held their breath, wanting to see how the situation would develop. A few smart ghosts had already sat in the seats closest to the door in advance. Run away.

Shangguanba's face was dripping with soup, and some vegetable leaves in the soup were sticking to his ears. He opened his eyes wide and looked at Sham with a face like a ruffian, and stood up angrily: "What are you doing?!"

When Shangguanba got up, he supported the table with his hands. The force was so great that the solid wooden tabletop was directly pressed into two pieces and collapsed. The loud sound shocked everyone.

Even though he was mentally prepared and knew that a big guy like Shangguan Ba ​​was very powerful, his ability to smash the table with his hands was beyond everyone's expectations. This slap was not a question of whether he would die or not, his head would probably be slapped away. .

Sha Mu was also a little apprehensive, but under the watchful eyes of everyone, because of the shame of his face, coupled with the strength of alcohol, he kicked Shangguanba's stool away, deliberately shaking his legs to embolden himself, his eyes widened Rounder than a brass bell: "What's the matter? The big guy is good at hitting, isn't he? If you have the guts, let's fight one-on-one!"

Not to mention, Sham is a gangster after all, and he can bluff better than anyone else. With his glaring look, those who don't know him think he is really a ruthless character who kills people without blinking an eye.

On the other hand, Shangguan Ba, his body shape is undeniably crushed by one side, and his appearance is extremely terrifying, but for some reason, his personality is very soft and waxy. He shrank his head, his eyes were erratic, like a child who was bluffed, secretly looking at Shangguan Xue sitting in the corner.

Shangguan Xue belongs to the type who puts on her face after drinking. She only had a few drinks, and her fair face was already blushing, like a ripe apple. She didn't turn her head to look at the movement, but silently sipped the wine in the glass , Said three words coldly: "No hitting."

Shangguan Ba ​​retracted his gaze, lowered his head even lower, and muttered, "I, I won't fight with you, sister, don't let me fight."

After a brief silence, the audience erupted into wild laughter, and Sham also laughed so hard, clutching his stomach and bursting out laughing, "God damn it, these two are siblings?! Hey, your father Did the female giant sleep? Or did the mother sleep with the male giant?"

Deke laughed and chimed in: "I don't think so. Look at the height of that woman, she is almost a disabled person. These two siblings should be freaks who have not developed well! Hey, woman, your parents abused you since childhood. Do you feed me? Or do you have some kind of disease and you will never grow taller for the rest of your life?"

Shangguan Xue's mood was very calm, she didn't pay attention to anyone, she ignored all the ridicule, and just drank on her own.

At this time, it was Shangguan Ba ​​who was in a hurry, his flushed face was like a red balloon full of air, and he stomped his feet anxiously: "You are not allowed to scold my sister!"

A burly man stomped his feet like a child, and Sham nearly vomited. He picked up a half-eaten crab on the ground and slammed it at Shangguanxue, provoking and yelling: "Not only did I scold, I also Hit her! What can you do?!"

"Crack." The crab hit Shangguanxue's head, and the pliers just caught her hair. She tore off the crab and a few strands of hair. Her expression was still as indifferent as water. She casually threw the crab aside and continued to drink, as if Nothing happened.

These two siblings are like two extremes, Shangguan Xue is extremely calm, but Shangguan Ba ​​is so anxious that his tears are tearing up, he is about to cry, he hurriedly squeezed behind Shangguan Xue, opened his arms to protect her, and shouted to everyone : "Don't bully my sister!"

"Your uncle, this man is mentally handicapped!" Sham was so disgusted by the behavior of this burly man's toddler, he picked up the bottle and threw it on his head.

"哐!" The wine bottle exploded on Shangguanba's head. His head was very hard, and he didn't leave any scars after being smashed, but the splashed wine made him keep wiping his face, blushing with anxiety: "Don't fight me!" My sister won't let me fight."

"Come on, beat this retarded man to death!" Sham took the lead in provoking, and everyone found that Shangguan Ba ​​was just an embroidered pillow with a fierce appearance, but he was actually a coward who dared not fight back when he was beaten, and he seemed to be mentally retarded— — Not a metaphor, but real mental retardation.

Those who hang out in the tavern all day are definitely not chivalrous people. Not only did the drinkers not help, but they used the wine to make fun of them. Many people joined the ranks of bullying Shangguanba, and some laughed and insulted him from a distance. , Some came up and kicked people directly, and some, like Sham, smashed him on the head with a wine bottle.

"Kang Bang Bang" the wine bottle kept blooming on Shangguan Ba's head, and the glass shards and wine stains shattered all over the floor. Seeing some glass shards splashed on Shangguan Xue, he was so anxious that he burst into tears, and quickly opened his arms to protect his sister. Below him, he whimpered helplessly: "Don't bully my sister, don't bully my sister."

Shangguan Xue's back was pressed tightly by Shangguan Ba, and all the flying wine bottles were blocked by his brother's huge body, and occasionally a few pieces of glass bounced onto the table, but they were far away and did not scratch her a cent.

The sound of wine bottles bursting continuously, and Shangguan Ba's sobs lingering in his ears, but Shangguan Xue still didn't respond, just drinking one cup after another, his eyesight became extremely deep as if he had fallen into the past, and muttered to himself: " Disgusting."

When bullying someone, the more the opponent doesn't fight back, the more arrogance the bully will get. From the beginning, Sham knocked the soup bowl and smashed the wine bottle, but gradually he was no longer satisfied with this, and climbed to Shangguanba's place like a monkey. back.

Shangguan Ba ​​protected Shangguan Xue from moving, and Sham quickly stood firm on his shoulders, shouted and raised his arms, laughing wildly: "Oh~~~ Do you want to see me piss on his head? "

This was too exciting, and there was an uproar in the tavern:

"Come on! Sham, yell at him!"

"If you dare, I will admit that you are the bully of this street!"

"I bet 5 copper moons, you dare not!"

"Someone gambles, can you bear it? Hurry up, don't wait for everyone to rush you!"

"The one who bet 5 copper moons, you help me keep an eye on him, don't let him run away!" Shamu hammered his chest like a ancestral ape, wobbled and turned around, standing firmly on Shangguanba's shoulders, Unbutton directly.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" The crowd watched the excitement as if it was a big deal, the boos gathered together, and some emotional drinkers jumped onto the wine table, the scene was extremely chaotic.

Sham laughed and unbuttoned his pants, aiming at Shangguanba's head.

At this moment, very suddenly, as if a sharp knife cut through, all the booing stopped abruptly.

The unusual silence made Sham stop. He looked back subconsciously, and the arrogant smile on his face suddenly froze.

(End of this chapter)

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