honor me as god

Chapter 568 The King's Fault

Chapter 568 The King's Fault
The cracking of the big ink corruption case in Danyu City this time is definitely not the work of a single individual.

Solandelle, who found clues from the clues, Kino, who set a trap and successfully led the snake out of the hole, and Lorna, who made people dizzy with superb acting skills, all have their own credit.

In addition, there is another small person who has contributed a lot, that is, Ma Ban, the former food officer of Danyu City.

Maban seems to have played no role in the Danyu City incident. It neither prevented the conspiracy to burn the granary in advance, nor did it extinguish the fire in the granary after opening the floodgates.

However, during the emergency rescue, he witnessed the abnormal situation of the granary fire. Later, he was lucky enough to meet Solandelle who was visiting secretly by a private server, and told her about the abnormal situation.

If it hadn't been for Mama to inform the granary of the abnormality, Solandelle would not have realized that the source of the fire was the fire in the desert, and would not have thought of sneaking into the granary to find clues, and finally learned the truth about Gome and others' "trading wood for food".

It can even be said that the three of Chino can only count on leisure and wait for work, and Maban is the engine of the investigation of the truth. If he hadn't stayed there unswervingly, many subsequent chain reactions would not have happened.

Everyone will think that the burning of the granary was a real accidental fire, and all the blame will be aimed at the Kerry who was pushed out as a substitute for the dead ghost.

People like Ge Mai, Lin Gengsen, and Du Mingwei can also get rid of their responsibilities to a large extent. Even if they are accused, it is just painless.

Solandelle had a deep impression on Ma Ban, and she did not forget him after returning to the king's city, and told Perseus the truth about this person's assistance.

As soon as Perseus heard his daughter's generous praise, he decided to call Ma Ban into the palace to meet him and reward him face to face.

After several days of running around, Ma Ban had already arrived at the royal city in a carriage, and entered the royal palace smoothly after being checked at the entrance of the giant wall.

Ma Ban was born in a rural family, and his life has always been simple and simple. All the luxurious things in the palace are very strange to him, and he still has the habits of a rural family. He looked around and looked at the magnificent buildings, touching here and there. Seeing the imperial guards are very eye-catching, I don't know how this kind of person can become a distinguished guest called by His Majesty the King.

Not to mention, the person recommended by his daughter, Perseus gave enough cards. He sat on the throne of the king, and there was a special place for Solandelle next to him. "The left hand of the king" Sting, "the right hand of the king" Lan Xian was also present, and the imperial guards were lined up on both sides of the red carpet, and the twilight from the dome skylight fell on their armor, reflecting their majestic spirit.

The imperial guard in charge of leading the way sent Ma Madara here, and then retreated away.

Ma Ban had never experienced this kind of occasion before. She looked left and right, but she didn't know how to go to meet His Majesty the King, and stood there silently.

It was also the first time Perseus saw such a "ignorant" person, so he took the initiative to speak: "Ma Ban, other officials have a thousand words when they see me, and they wish to say everything in their hearts, you Why don't you say a word?"

Ma Ban said silently: "I don't know what to say."

Perseus smiled shortly: "How you feel about the palace, what you've been doing these days, people you like or don't like, things you've always wanted to report to the higher authorities but didn't have a chance. Say whatever you want."

Ma Ban gave Perseus a blank look, and said bluntly, "Then let me tell you the truth, I'm hungry, please treat me to a meal."

The surrounding ministers held back their laughter and couldn't help shaking their heads.

As the first person to promote Ma Ban, Lan Xian also felt that his face was dull, and scolded: "Ma Ban, do you understand etiquette? Begging for food in front of His Majesty?"

Ma Ban had a stubborn temper, and said directly: "Your Majesty told me to say whatever I have, I am indeed hungry, can't I say that?"

When the ministers heard this, they couldn't hold back their laughter, and Lan Xian kept shaking his head while holding his forehead.

"What are you laughing at?" At this moment, Perseus suddenly uttered a voice. He glanced at the ministers around him and asked very puzzled, "Is what Ma Ban said funny? I ran all the way and didn't care about eating, and now my stomach is full. It's funny to be hungry and want something to eat?"

"From the king to the slave, no matter whether it is a human or an animal, as long as it is alive, it must eat. I wonder, among you laughing people, is there anyone who is possessed by a god and can never eat?"

The ministers who were laughing just now quickly shut up, not daring to speak.

Perseus withdrew his gaze and said flatly, "Let the chef make him something to eat."

The efficiency of the kitchen was very high. Several chefs divided the work and cooked nine dishes in ten minutes. They placed them on the wooden table and let the servants carry the table to Ma Ban.

It is the order of His Majesty the king, so the chefs use the best ingredients, whether it is the spicy hot beef hoof carved into a lotus shape with exquisite knife skills, or the rock ear soup stewed with pearl lotus seeds, they are all unimaginable delicacies The delicacies, not to mention that His Majesty asked the royal chef to cook them, would have brought tears to the eyes of other officials.

However, when Ma Ban looked at these top-quality royal meals, his expression was very ugly. He didn't even touch the knife and fork, and said in a deep voice, "Just give me two pieces of bread and water. I'm not used to these."

The atmosphere suddenly became stiff, and a trace of coldness appeared on Perseus's face: "What? Finally met the king once, and took this opportunity to establish a poor image for myself?"

"Oh." Ma Ban seemed to have heard some joke. He pointed to the delicacies in front of him and said in a questioning tone, "I would like to ask His Majesty the King to answer a question first. How much does this table of dishes cost?"

Not to mention, this really caught Perseus. He usually manages a lot of things, and his meals are served by the royal chef. He can report the names of the dishes he wants to eat, regardless of the prices of these dishes.

Fortunately, the chef is quite clever. Seeing His Majesty's silence, he took the initiative to answer Ma Ban's words: "These dishes are all customized according to the royal family's dietary standards, and all the top-quality ingredients are used for the royal family from all over the world. It adds up to about 80 silver coins. moon."

After Ma Ban heard this, the muscles on his face obviously twitched, and he gritted his teeth and said: "80 silver moons, converted into iron moons, is 80000. You can buy 20000 catties, that is, 10 tons of wheat, which can feed a commoner for 50 yuan. years! And this is just a daily meal of the royal family!"

"Has Your Majesty ever thought that if you don't covet such a meal, you can make a commoner not worry about being full from birth to old age! If everyone in Douglande can do this, how can Danyu City do it?" So many people are starving to death?!"

Perseus looked gloomy, and said coldly, "Are you blaming me for the incident in Danyu City?"

Ma Ban looked at Perseus without hesitation, his eyes seemed to be burning: "The famine in Danyu City originated from the officials' greed for ink and disregard for the law. If the Kingdom of Dogland is likened to a family, the officials are juniors, and the king is the head of the family." .”

"Now the juniors in the family are rampant with greed and ink, and the family tradition is not right, but the parents have not been able to clean up the house. If this is not the king's fault, whose fault can it be?"

(End of this chapter)

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