honor me as god

Chapter 558: Meeting Fitch Again

Chapter 558: Meeting Fitch Again
For the next period of time, Kino stayed in Danyu City to follow up on the subsequent planting of the Blood Essence Grass.

Perhaps Perseus was terrified by the previous incident, so he flew to ask about the progress every three days, for fear that Chino would mess things up like Bolton.

Kino didn't hang Perseus up either, and answered all the questions asked in the flying book, and truthfully told all the situation—except for those account books, he didn't think it was the right time, and it was best not to let him speak. This matter was concealed first.

After hearing the ins and outs of the Danyu City incident, Perseus was extremely shocked. He obviously didn't expect such a situation. He urged Kino to do his job well, hand in the blood essence grass strictly according to the agreed date, and don't worry about other things.

During the period when Chino was in Danyu City, he was free, mainly because there was no resistance to the development of work. The officials of Danyu City were slapped down from top to bottom, and he had the final say on the affairs of the entire city.

Coupled with the transportation of relief food in place, the people have no complaints about burning the Danyu Plain and replanting the blood essence grass, and everything is very easy.

After "Huixue", the calendar turns to 514 years of the "Huoyao Calendar" and reaches "Dilu".

Blood Essence Grass grows vigorously in the climate like spring all the year round. Until the 20th day of "Dettol", the originally golden field is scarlet, as if covered with a carpet of blood. If you look closely, you will find Those are ripe blood essence grass swaying in the warm wind.

Kino cut the first stalk of blood essence grass from the field, confirmed that it was ripe, and began to organize the harvesting work.

Blood Essence Grass is very demanding on the absorption of soil nutrients. Unlike wheat stalks, which can be planted next to each other, the planting density is very low. The 6290 tons of Blood Essence Grass required by the royal family took up a full 10,000+ hectares of land.

However, this low-density planting makes harvesting very convenient. As long as thousands of skilled farmers are organized, the harvest will be finished in a few days.

According to the final statistics, 7182 tons of blood essence grass were planted this season, which was overfulfilled. Kino himself kept more than a hundred plants as samples, and sent people to escort all the others back to Wangcheng.

Perseus once promised that Kino's "Helsin family" would be awarded the sixth largest "royal family" by him if he handled the matter of Danyu City well. This award seems shocking, but it is not an exaggeration at all. .

Solving the matter of Danyu City is equivalent to saving the entire Doguland from fire and water, and according to the situation at the time, abiding by the king's order is tantamount to making enemies of more than 600 million people in Danyu City, and has become a despised butcher ever since. There will never be popular support again.

So it's not so much a reward as a compensation.

It's just that no one thought that there was another way to solve the crisis in Danyu City, which allowed Kino not to leave a notoriety, but also to get the reward of being promoted to the royal family.

No kidding, Kino is not worried that Perseus will go back on his word, nor does he think that the king is the kind of person who speaks out and refuses to admit it. As long as nothing happens in the future, he just needs to wait quietly for the honor to be added. body can.

The first batch of blood essence grass was sent up on time, and the next step was to ensure that the blood essence grass was cultivated on time in Danyu Plain like wheat ears before, and it was enough to hand in the full amount on a regular basis.

There is no need for Kino himself to follow up on this kind of regularity. He sent a few trusted people to stay and told them to report the situation regularly, and then he planned to bring the dead army back to Dusk City.

It has to be said that the supreme existence is quite face-saving. The blood essence grass crisis has not started the reincarnation hunt during this period, otherwise Kino has to deal with the Danyu City and the reincarnation on the other hand. When encountering a lot of trouble, Perseus will definitely collapse. The veterinary disease is about to come back here, and the aliens are about to move there. He is afraid that he will not be able to sleep well for a few days and nights.

The night before leaving to go back to Twilight City, Chino entered the independent space and handed the blood essence herb to No. [-] for testing, but no substantive results were obtained.

According to No. [-]'s analysis, the molecular structure of Blood Essence Grass completely subverts common sense, and cannot be matched with any plant in the biobank, nor can it be analyzed from a scientific point of view. The final conclusion is that Blood Essence Grass is a A completely unknown substance.

Since he couldn't even analyze number zero, Kino had no choice but to give up.

After leaving the independent space, Chino thought about it. It has been a long time since the last time he went to the world of gluttony, and he didn't know how Fitch was during this time.

At least from the point of view of the awe value needed to jump to the world of gluttony, Fitch was not successfully hunted by the reincarnation, and his growth rate is amazing. Although there is still a big gap with him, at this speed, he can catch up with him. It's only a matter of time.

Wanting to know more about the rejecters like "gluttony", Kino turned on the mirror of the "awe" system, exchanged for 24 hours, and jumped to the world of "gluttony".

Like the "arrogant" world, the "gluttony" world also has climate change. Judging from the withered yellow and bleak vegetation, this area is now in autumn, and everything is dying.

The landing point of the jump is completely random, it may land directly next to the rejecter, or it may be thousands of miles away, it is very inconvenient to find, but last time Chino implanted a subcutaneous chip in Fitch, which can be directly located and tracked. Soon I found that she was only 122 kilometers away from me.

Kino flew to the marked location with telekinetic power, and found Fitch in a tree hole.

Even after becoming a rejecter, this child raised by wolves maintained his original nature. His petite body was covered with banana leaves, and he curled up in a tree hole to sleep. His ears would move from time to time, as if to catch any possibility. There is hostile movement.

Kino didn't approach on foot, so he didn't make any sound, just watched her silently.

At this time, Fitch's nose moved suddenly, as if she smelled something, she slowly began to sleep unsteadily, kicking her two long legs non-stop, and dreaming howling a wolf in a milky voice: "Oooh .Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-"

Shouting and screaming, Fitch got up on hands and feet, got out of the tree hole, and sniffed with his nose, all the way to the bottom of Kino.

"Sniff. Sniff." Following the scent, Fitch raised his head, and after seeing Kino, he started to circle in surprise: "Wow! I said why there is a strawberry smell all of a sudden, and you are here! Long time no see~ "

The appearance of rolling and circling with hands and feet made Kino very suspicious, if Fitch was really a wolf cub, would he already be wagging his tail now?

Chino didn't intend to talk about some family matters, such as asking how you are and what you ate today. Those are all nonsense. What he wants to know most now is Fitch's strength since he grew up.

How do you know?It's very simple, just fight and you will know.

Kino stretched out his finger to Fitch, and with the wave of telekinetic force lingering on his fingertips, he said flatly, "Come on, bite me."

(End of this chapter)

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