honor me as god

Chapter 556 Weighing the pros and cons

Chapter 556 Weighing the pros and cons
(I was not feeling well yesterday and fell asleep all day——)

The turbulent soul energy gathered around Louis' body, condensed into a materialized mantra, and aimed directly at the weakest Solandelle.

"Boom—" Before Louis had time to release the soul art, the black death energy swept over like a torrent, and the claws of the god of death opened suddenly, grabbing his face coldly.

"Ah!!!!" The highly corrosive dead air mercilessly destroyed Louis's flesh and blood. The part of his face that was caught was instantly carbonized, and the wound quickly spread to the whole face. Soon, even the most basic facial features were lost. I can't tell, only the mouth that can't be closed due to the carbonization of the lips is screaming.

I saw an indescribable giant shadow surging behind Kino, and the black death energy was climbing and rolling on his right arm, turning into the claws of death and holding Louis in the air. He looked sideways at the screaming soul master, with With a playful smile: "Sequence 5, that's it?"

"Boom!" Kino threw his hand casually, and Louis was slammed into the cabin, lying half dead on the ground. His face had been destroyed beyond the scope of any language description, and his whole body was dying, with only his last breath left.

Soul masters are such an extreme unit, they are a mixture of the strongest and the weakest, they have a very terrifying long-range killing ability, as long as the timing and the venue are right, a spirit master of the 5th sequence like Louis can attack with one shot. It's not a problem to melt thousands of people directly with high-level soul art.

But once in close combat, there is not enough time to release high-level soul skills, and even if the enemy takes the lead, the most common weapons can severely damage them.

Louis has suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck today. He thought it was just an ordinary trip across the river, and there should be no danger with Kino and Lorna by his side, but who knows that these two people by his side are enemies.

He didn't even bring a soul slave, not to mention the loss of his own soul, the opponent was still Kino, and he was facing Kino at super close range, his advantage as a soul master was gone, and he was defeated in a few breaths. Beat to death.

If it weren't for the need for a living witness to prove the truth about the sudden south wind at the Dragon and Fire Festival, Kino's desire to kill him was nothing more than another way to make up for it.

Now Ge Mai and Lin Gengsen have been subdued, Louis was beaten half to death, only Du Mingwei was still standing alone in the bow of the boat, silently closing his eyes, without saying a word.

In fact, there is nothing to say, just like so many business wars in the past, there are winners and losers, but he was always a winner before, but this time he became a loser.

To lose is to lose. It is good to admit that the skills are not as good as others. If you lose, you have to argue in every possible way. That is just an incompetent and furious bereaved dog.

Kino withdrew his death claws, and the giant shadow behind him disappeared. He walked to the bow and stood side by side with Du Mingwei, and took out a fruit candy from his arms, and put it in front of Du Mingwei.

After smelling the smell, Du Mingwei slowly opened his eyes, and after a short silence, he took the fruit candy and put it in his mouth.

"You're a smart person." Kino changed the topic, smiled and shook his head, "but you're not smart enough."

Just as Chino turned to leave, Du Mingwei's voice suddenly came from behind him: "Who did I lose to? You?"

Du Mingwei and Kino stood with their backs facing each other, the figure in fur and white on the light boat on the river was reflected in the pupils of their eyes: "Is it her?"

The corners of Kino's lips raised slightly, and he said with deep meaning: "It's better not to ask, knowing the answer will only make your mood worse."

The canoe was docked with the hovering cargo ship, and Thorendelle stepped onto the bow of the ship on the deck.

Ge Mai and Lin Gengsen were already tied up, kneeling on the ground and shivering, like small animals caught by a hunter.

Louis was seriously injured on the face, half dead, unable to move without being tied up, lying on the ground like a corpse.

Du Mingwei, who was saved by Chino, was not bound by a rope, and still stood silently at the bow of the boat looking at the Qingjiang River, as if he wanted to enjoy the beautiful river scenery for the last time.

Lin Gengsen pressed his forehead to the ground, tears were streaming down his face, and he choked up hoarsely: "Your Highness, give us a chance, we will treat you like a cow or a horse in the future."

Solandelle looked at him condescendingly, with a cold voice: "I will give you a chance, those people who are starving to death, who will give them a chance?"

Just this one sentence directly blocked Lin Gengsen's mouth.

Seeing the princess's cold face and ruthlessness, Ge Mai could only carefully change the object of his crying: "Your Highness, we are old acquaintances, do you remember? When you were 12 years old, I gave you a gift." A sword!"

Lorna slapped him hard on the head and cursed: "How dare you mention that sword? I'll get angry when you say that! What kind of rags did you give me? I used it to split stones, and the two swords rolled away!" , I lost it that day!"

Gomez was speechless. The saber he gave was mainly for decoration. The materials and craftsmanship were only for aesthetics. It was not an actual combat weapon at all. It's the first time I've seen it pulled out, and it's used to split stones, which normal people can't do.
Lin Gengsen and Ge Mai fell silent one after another, Louis could not speak, Solandelle looked at Du Mingwei coldly: "What do you want to say?"

Du Mingwei turned around slowly, met Solandelle's gaze, and said in an extremely profound tone, "I have something to ask for, for the sake of the entire Dogland Kingdom, and for the future of Her Highness Princess, please think deeply and weigh the pros and cons— —”

"Arresting us like this, you have indeed cracked a major ink corruption case, and returning to the palace is also a great achievement. But the forces behind us are intricate, can you really dig it?"

"If you don't get to the bottom of it, it's just fire fighting. Kill us, the next batch of people who will sit in this position will be just another batch of 'us'."

"If you get to the bottom of it and affect the huge forces behind us, it will affect the whole body. Your enemies will spread all over the kingdom, especially when it comes to the future crown prince. You will be alone and have few supporters."

"What's more, this big case of ink corruption involves the country. If it is really serious, it will definitely cause turmoil in the current situation. At that time, it will be the people at the bottom who will be hurt."

"And if you are willing to calm down this matter in a low-key manner, the prosperity of the kingdom will continue as usual, and our lifeline will be in your hands. Not only will you get a few desperate puppet subordinates, but the forces behind us will also In the case of the crown prince, I have a more ambiguous attitude towards you."

"Is it in the same boat, or is it going its own way? Is it calm and the sea is full of wind and rain? Please judge carefully, Your Highness the Princess."

After Du Mingwei finished speaking, he knelt down on the ground in the most humble manner, like a servant waiting for his punishment.

Without any hesitation, Solandelle asked directly: "Are you finished?"

Du Mingwei: "It's over."

"Then you can shut up." Solandelle turned and entered the cabin without looking at him again.

(End of this chapter)

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