honor me as god

Chapter 552

Chapter 552
Lorna shrugged and said calmly: "Didn't I tell you before, I want money, a lot of money. My plan is also very simple. I will help you sell this batch of grain secretly, and everyone will share the money from the sale." In this way, you will be safe, and I will have money, so everyone gets what they need~"

"The method is also simple. Kino is my man, and he holds a blank handbook. He will lead the transportation of food. No one dares to stop it at various checkpoints. No matter where it goes, it can be transported unimpeded."

Gomez's thoughts coincided with Lorna's. He thought for a moment and asked tentatively: "Then I would like to ask one more question. After the food is shipped out of Danyu City, what does His Highness plan to do?"

Lorna: "Kino, I will leave this matter to you, so you can talk about it."

Without hesitation, Kino said, "Of course it's the safest way to distribute and sell to major grain companies and sell slowly bit by bit."

For some reason, a mysterious smile appeared on Ge Mai's face, and he asked in a teasing tone: "How much can you sell to major grain companies?"

Kino took out a pen and paper, wrote the formula and said, "The hidden relief grain totals 162 million tons. According to the wholesale price, the average price of ordinary wheat is 4000 yuan per ton, and the price of century-old wheat is twice as high as that of ordinary wheat. Based on the calculation of 8000 iron moons per ton, in this way, a total of 130 billion iron moons can be sold."

"Hahahahaha!" The officials of Danyu City burst into laughter, and Ge Mai covered his stomach with laughter.

Kino was a little puzzled: "Why are you laughing?"

Gomez rubbed his belly non-stop, sighed and said with a smile: "I laugh at the Chino Consul who has no common sense of economics and does not know how to do business. 130 billion iron moons, do you know how much this is? Are there so many in the market?" It’s hard to say that the iron moon is in circulation, even if there is, they can be piled up into a real mountain, where do you put it? Are you afraid of being conspicuous?”

Lin Gengsen also laughed and said: "Even if you don't consider the issue of circulation and storage, what's the use of 130 billion iron moons? Iron moons can only buy whole grains, which are currencies used by low-level civilians and slaves. I don't bring them with me." Look! I don’t even want to give it away for free!”

Kino was quite puzzled, and asked inexplicably: "That's what you said, but what we are reselling now is wheat, not rare treasures. Isn't wheat only sold for iron moons? There will always be no one who takes advantage of it." Buying wheat every month?"

There was mystery in Ge Mai's eyes, and he said slowly: "Who said that wheat can only be sold as iron moon? I said it can be sold as silver moon!"

"Nonsense!" Kino laughed angrily, "Which grain store is full and uses the silver moon to buy grain? Don't talk nonsense here."

Lin Gengsen stroked his beard for a while, and said with a smile: "We didn't say we would sell it to the grain store."

Kino was even more puzzled: "So much grain, if you don't sell it to the grain store, who would you sell it to?"

Gome walked up to Lorna and Kino, put their arms around their shoulders, and pulled them over. He said in a low voice, "The moon coins are divided into gold, silver, copper, and iron. There are high and low. This is the national policy of the Dogoland Kingdom. So you will find it strange to buy grain with silver moon.

"But if, we don't sell it in the kingdom at all, but sell it to a country where the currency is not high or low."

Kino immediately reacted: "You mean the Far Eastern Dynasty?"

Gomez nodded with a smile, and explained while making gestures on the table: "The century-old barley is a specialty of the Dogoland Kingdom, just like the blood essence grass is a specialty of the Far Eastern Dynasty."

"The Far East is very fond of the hundred-year-old wheat, which is a kind of grain that does not rot for a hundred years. From the imperial court in Gyeonggi, to the big local households, they are all scrambling for it. They take as much as they sell."

"The currency standards in the Far East are relatively uniform. Caravan trade uses silver. If you do business with the imperial court, you will get back high-grade snowflake silver with extremely low impurity content."

"We sold the century-old wheat to the imperial court and got silver, thus completing the process of 'exchanging grain for silver'."

Kino was still a little puzzled: "Silver and silver moon, although they both have the word 'silver', they are not the same thing after all. Silver from the Far East doesn't circulate in Dogoland, so what's the use?"

Gome laughed softly: "It's not the same thing, but you also said that they both have the word 'silver' - the casting materials of silver and silver moon are silver ingots. Think about it, we sell grain in exchange Wouldn’t it be nice if the silver was melted, re-cooled and molded into silver ingots, and then forged into silver moons~”

Kino's face changed: "Coin minting is a secret craft, can you make a silver moon?!"

"Of course not, what are you thinking? How can our little Danyu City have this kind of ability." Ge Mai changed the subject here, and pointed to the ceiling mysteriously, "There are people above us, we only need to be responsible for melting the money." Make silver ingots, and then hand over the silver ingots to 'the lord', next. Haha, you understand~"

This one-hand operation is really amazing, Kino opened his eyes and asked tentatively: "There is a way to make silver ingots into silver moons. Could it be the 'sir' you are talking about?"

Lorna leaned forward and said what Kino hadn't said: "One of the eight princes of the current royal family, the Minister of Finance who holds the right to mint coins, Baldine van Dogorland?"

The officials of Danyu City laughed and said nothing.

Gomez put one hand on his heart, with a respectful expression: "Thanks to Lord Bao Erdian's kindness, let me become the governor of Danyu City. His Excellency regards me so highly. Of course, I will do my best to repay his old man."

Kino couldn't help squinting his eyes: "According to this, when wheat was planted in Danyu Plain."

Gome smiled slightly: "Ordinary wheat has a short shelf life and cannot be stored for long. It is not attractive to the Far Eastern dynasty. They only like century-old wheat."

"The royal family has set indicators for the Danyu Plain over the years, and the planting ratio of century-old wheat and common wheat must be controlled at 1:9."

"But when we actually cultivate, we will ask the nobles to increase the ratio. Generally, the ratio is 2:8 or 3:7 in underyears, and we will increase the ratio to 5:5 or even higher in those years of abundance. Danyu Plain More than half of the 10,000+ hectares of land are century-old wheat!"

"Except for the 1% of the harvested century-old wheat that was handed over to Wangcheng, we will sell all the rest to the Far Eastern Dynasty through the Abao caravan, and then take the exchanged silver and hand it over to Mr. Bao Erdian to mint coins."

"This is exchanging grain for silver! You can only sell Iron Moon's wheat in Dogrand, but we can sell it for Silver Moon!"

"Crack, crack, crack." Kino clapped his hands, with a sly smile on his face, "No wonder you were reluctant to implement the executive order before, so there is such a big profit margin in it!"

Lin Gengsen laughed and said, "That's right! There are so many hundred-year-old wheat, and everyone is waiting to make a fortune from it, but the royal family issued a decree, and asked us to pull it out? The devil is willing!"

"The royal family said that the blood essence grass planted can be recovered at a premium, but how much is that premium worth? It can't even compare to the change of grain for silver. How about sending beggars?"

Lorna narrowed her eyes slightly, as if interested: "According to your gameplay, how much profit can you get from the 162 million tons of grain?"

Gome said happily: "If you follow your previous practice and sell to grain banks all over the country, you can only sell 130 billion iron moons."

"We sell it to the Far Eastern Dynasty, and exchange it for silver to cast silver moons. The income can be increased by nearly 10 times! At least 1 million silver moons can be made!"

"If you feel that the amount is too much and inconvenient, it's okay. When we trade with the Far East, we can ask for settlement in gold, changing 'grain for silver' to 'grain for gold', and the minted monthly coin can also be used for another Stairs! Master Bao Erdian can at least forge "

"10 gold moons!"

(End of this chapter)

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