honor me as god

Chapter 525 Unquenchable Fire

Chapter 525 Unquenchable Fire
It's dark, and I have a splitting headache.
Maban's ears were full of beeping noises, the soaring blood pressure hit his mind one after another, his eyelids were hard to open as if they were filled with lead, and his hands and feet were already out of control. He tried to stand up several times, but fell down quickly. down.

I don't know how long it took, it seemed like a few minutes, and it seemed like a few hours. The hot and cold sensations flooded the whole body and then slowly drained away. Ma Ban's consciousness gradually regained consciousness, and she opened her eyes in a daze.

Judging from the situation at the scene, he was in a coma not long ago. The embankment guards had already broken through the blocked gate and filed into the control room of the hub. Ma Ban, staring at her.

The beggar has disappeared, he probably jumped out of the window and fled in the dark, but no matter how he escapes, it is meaningless, because when he pulled down the control lever, he left fingerprints on it. Afterwards, investigate the scene It is bound to be discovered at the right time, and it is nothing more than early death and late death.

The supervisor had also come to his senses at this time. He covered his red and swollen side face and kept gasping for air.

After checking the console, a guard walked quickly to the supervisor and said nervously, "My lord, Gate No. [-] has been opened, and the control lever was violently knocked to the wrong side, causing it to jam. Now it cannot be closed."

Hearing the sound, Ma Ban poked his head out of the window in a daze. From the light on the embankment, he could see that Gate No. [-] had been fully opened, and a large stream of water from the Qing River was rushing towards the northern part of Danyu City. Splashes and roars can be heard endlessly.

"How's the fire in the Huo Granary?" Ma Ban muttered and stood up, trying to leave the control room, but was quickly pushed back by the guards who were staring at him.

A guard stepped forward quickly, restrained Ma Ban with his skillful grasping technique, and said in a cold voice: "You hijacked the supervisor and were suspected of destroying the embankment. Now you are arrested and taken to the court for interrogation."

Before Ma Ban dared to come here, she had already made a plan in her heart to risk her life, and she had already put life and death aside.

However, the situation of the granary is unknown now, and he still couldn't let go of the stone in his heart, so he struggled hard and said, "You can arrest me, first take me to the granary to see the situation there."

The guard ignored Ma Ban completely. Seeing that the opponent was struggling and not cooperating, he directly punched Ma Ban with two punches until his nose blossomed. He twisted his wrist behind his waist and prepared to tie the rope.

"Let him go." Suddenly, the supervisor said.

The guard stared blankly: "My lord?"

"Let him go." Wiping his nosebleeds, the supervisor said coldly, "He can't escape anyway, with his ugly face full of pockmarks, he can be recognized wherever he flees. Let him go and see what good he has done, When the time comes, I will die and understand a little more."

Since it was an order from a superior, the guard didn't have much to say, so he let go of Ma Ban.

Ma Ban got up from the ground, peeped at the supervisor secretly, with a little gratitude in his eyes, and then left the control hub quickly without saying a word.

The horse he rode before was still there, so Ma Ban got on the horse and hurried back the same way.

It came quickly, but it took a lot of time to return, because the main road under the mountain gorge was flooded by the flood. Although the current was not particularly fast, the horses were very strenuous to walk, and they stopped and neighed from time to time. Madara whipped his whip and was reluctant to move forward.

After finally entering Beicheng, looking around, the streets of Beicheng have been flooded, and floating wooden boards, cloth bags and other sundries can be seen from time to time.

There were no people along the way, and the people were all watching the fireworks in the south city. The terrain of Danyu City is also high in the south and low in the north, so the water will not rush there.

Ma Ban first visually measured the amount of accumulated water. It has to be said that a professional is a professional. The calculation of the embankment supervisor is very accurate. After the flood discharge, the water level in Beicheng is almost the same as the previous estimate, just above the knees of adults.

This makes Ma Ban very excited. This kind of water level can directly submerge the fire on the surface of the granary without soaking the grain on the shelves.

He looked up to the direction of the granary, thinking: the fire should be much smaller now.

Looking at the sky in the distance, the fireworks should have been set off, there were no more sparks, and the wind direction had returned to normal. There was no more unseasonably strange south wind, and everything seemed to be improving.

The sky in the distance was red, and the flames continued undiminished. They went straight to the sky, illuminating the strange haze, like fire dragons rolling in the night sky.

"How is it possible?" The expression on Ma Ban's face gradually became dull, and Dou Da's cold sweat overflowed from his forehead. He whipped the horse vigorously and galloped towards the granary.

The closer you are to the granary, the higher the temperature will be, and the heat waves will hit your face, making it difficult to breathe.

Arriving at the Eight Great Granaries, Ma Ban was completely bewildered by the sight here.

Is there any water?Have.

The water flow of the Qingjiang River released from Gate No. [-] has spread here, and the accumulated water is only a lot more than the outer streets, and the surface of the granary has been completely submerged by water, but...
The fire is still burning!
The flood flooded the ground where the fire broke out, but the flames did not attenuate in the slightest. The raging fire floated on the water and spread to other places along the water flow, like snakes winding forward, igniting more areas and burning them in the blink of an eye. With the momentum of burning the sky.

What's even more frightening is that these flames completely ignore their natural enemies, and they can burn blazingly in the water. Bubbles formed by high-temperature evaporation keep popping up from the bottom of the water, forming bubbles on the surface of the water, and the sound of bursting is like some kind of sarcasm. .

The overseers and guards didn't know where the water came from, but they all knew how to use it. They had already held fire buckets to get water to fight the fire, and sprinkled buckets of water on the building covered by flames.

However, no matter how much water is poured on it, whether it is one bucket or ten buckets, those hot flames are like immortal demons, they burn even more vigorously after being poured into the water for only a moment.

Seeing this, the overseers and guards fighting the fire were frightened:
"What's going on?! Why can't this fire be extinguished?!"

"Is there too little water splashed? Splash it up a little more!"

"It's useless! No matter how much water you pour on it, it's useless! Look, there's still a fire burning under the water!"

"Gods are above. Is Danyu City cursed?"

Panic sounded one after another. Not only did the water flow of the Qingjiang River fail to weaken the fire, but it gave the fire a channel to spread along the water flow. Flowing flames rushed from the water to every corner of the granary. Even the stone walls used for fire prevention were scorched black. , the internal structure collapsed in pieces.

Boundless black smoke shrouded the granaries, and everyone could only watch helplessly as the raging fire completely devoured the eight granaries. The millions of tons of grain stored inside were wiped out under the high temperature, and there were no particles left.

Mama knelt down in the water in a daze, her pupils were dilated, the granary that had vanished was reflected in her eyes, two lines of hot tears welled up, and she murmured helplessly to herself: "Why did this happen?"

"This fire. Why can't it be extinguished?"

(End of this chapter)

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