honor me as god

Chapter 522 Raging Fire

Chapter 522 Raging Fire
"Fire fighting?" The beggar was stunned, subconsciously looking in the direction of the fireworks, and finally came to his senses, he panicked, "Hey! Oops! That's the granary over there!"

As soon as the beggar finished speaking, Ma Ban ran into the alley in a hurry and disappeared.

The beggar looked at the direction where Ma Ban disappeared, and then at the fireworks in the sky, pacing back and forth with a face full of confusion.

Logically speaking, fighting the fire had nothing to do with him as a little beggar, and it was too late to avoid such things.

But later, he didn't know whether it was out of a spontaneous sense of mission, or he wanted to participate in the firefighting service to receive a reward, or he took advantage of the fire to steal some food. No matter what the reason was, he still started to follow Ma Ban.

As for Ma Ban, his body was not strong, he was out of breath after running a few steps, and his clothes were wet with sweat, but he still dragged his lead-filled legs forward.

Although he was extremely anxious on the surface, he still maintained an optimistic attitude towards the fire in the granary in his heart, because the situation was discovered early. Might burn right away.

After all, the granary is the lifeblood of a city, and it has all the necessary fire prevention facilities. The supervisors and guards are not fools. Once they find that the wind direction is wrong and the fireworks are coming, they will definitely take precautions in advance.

As long as the small flames can be extinguished in time and the fire is not allowed to spread, it should not cause too much damage.

However, when Ma Ban ran out of breath and ran to the block where the Eight Great Granaries were located, the scene in front of him made him lose his mind.

Big fire
As far as the eye can see, the sky is burning
The fireworks that took advantage of the wind fell here, sparks fluttered all over the sky, and the embers of the fireworks poured down like a pattering rain of fire. The eight major granaries were already howling and burning.

The raging tongue of flames hit the sky, making half of the night red, and the heat wave swept in from the front, accompanied by deadly black smoke, which mercilessly hurt people's respiratory tract.

At the gate of the granary, supervisors and guards ran out one after another. Some stood there blankly looking at the fire, some were coughing violently because they ran too slowly and inhaled too much smoke, and some had their clothes blackened and their skin covered. It was a burn mark, and he fell to the ground dying.

The flames were reflected in Ma Ban’s pupils, and the eight granaries that he had devoted himself to were being swallowed by the fire. He shed tears unconsciously, his face was wrinkled, his mouth was trembling and crying, and he ran to the gate of the granary in despair: “Fire, put out the fire! !!"

Before Ma Ban took two steps, the beggar who was chasing after him grabbed him and shook him vigorously: "Are you crazy?! There is such a big fire, what's the use of you running in?!"

Maban's tears kept pouring out, and they were dried by the heat wave. He looked around lazily, and finally looked at the overseers who were also in a state of despair. He rushed over and grabbed their collars, and asked hoarsely: "Are you all What did you do?! How could there be such a big fire suddenly?! Didn’t you see the fireworks? Why didn’t you prepare for the fire in advance?!”

"Ma Ban." The supervisor recognized the former food officer, and he gradually recovered, and said tremblingly, "No. This is not right. We saw the fireworks and prepared water in advance, but..."

Seeing that the supervisor seemed to have lost his soul, Ma Ban slapped him directly and shouted: "But what?!"

The guard next to him continued tremblingly: "When those embers fell, the fire spread and burned everywhere. There was no chance for us to fight it! Before we could react, we were already burned by the fire." Surrounded, several brothers in charge of indoor patrol did not escape, and now I am afraid."

The guard glanced at the burning granary, and dared not speak further.

"The fire spread immediately?" Maban stared blankly at the burning granary, and said in a daze, "This is impossible. The main body of the granary building is made of stone, without any wooden structure, and there is an isolation layer inside and a fireproof outside. Take it, it took only a while for the fireworks to fall, and at most there will be a small-scale fire, how could it be burned like this?!"

The overseer's eyes were swollen from crying, and he said in a trembling voice, "We really don't know. I swear to God, we did everything we could."

Ma Ban hurriedly looked around and asked, "Where's the grain officer? Your new grain officer, that one named Kai Rui, where did he go?!"

The overseer guards look at me and I look at you, shaking their heads to express their ignorance.

The guard said cautiously: "Lord Kerry went out during the day today, and I haven't seen him until just now. Maybe he went to watch the fireworks at the Dragon Fire Festival."

After hearing this, Ma Ban wrinkled his face in anger, and said through gritted teeth, "God damned cub. A food official, who actually leaves his post on a festival like the Dragon Fire Festival that may cause fire, even if he is killed for a hundred One time is not enough to appease the anger!"

"Boom—" At this moment, perhaps the flour stored in the granary caused a second deflagration. A huge fireball erupted from a granary. The heat wave followed, and the bricks and tiles on the wall were blown away. The overseers and guards who fled outside fell to the ground like dominoes.

Everyone got up from the ground in embarrassment, looked at the granary engulfed by the flames with tears streaming down their faces, and murmured tremblingly: "The grain will be burned up. The superiors will definitely question us, what should we do?"

Ma Ban gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, forcing herself to calm down.

Now there is no time to investigate the cause, fire fighting and food rescue is the top priority.

He is very clear about the internal structure of the granary. The grain is stored separately in batches, and there are separate closed compartments. This is a fireproof structure designed by the Kingdom Engineering Team to withstand extreme conditions.

With this kind of separate compartment design, even if the granary is unfavorable for fire prevention and there is a fire inside, the fire can be controlled in each warehouse, instead of burning one by one and burning them all, which can effectively prevent The fire spread too quickly.

Now the fire has only been burning for more than ten minutes, and there should be many warehouses inside that have not caught fire. If the fire can be extinguished in time at this time, most of the food can be preserved.

The eight granaries are the lifeblood of Danyu City. Every time a granary is saved, thousands of people will be saved from starvation. Otherwise, thousands of people will not be able to eat.

But the question is, how to save this fire?
Such a big fire can no longer be saved by buckets of water by manpower.

Unless there is a god to help at this time, it will rain heavily.

However, the gods did not show mercy to Danyu City. Now there is only south wind blowing, and there is no rain.

The high winds not only failed to blow out the flames, but even brought more embers from the fireworks, further fueling the fire.

How to put out this kind of fire without the power of the sky
Even if all the soldiers were mobilized to collect water from the reservoirs in the north, it would be a drop in the bucket.

wait, the reservoir in the north
reservoir? .
Ma Madara's eyes were full of brilliance, and his eyes crossed the sky shrouded in flames, looking further north.

(End of this chapter)

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