honor me as god

Chapter 516

Chapter 516
During the period when Danyu City was receiving millions of tons of relief grain, the port was busy, and the eight major granaries in the city were also extremely busy, working in three shifts.

At this time, two granary supervisors were sneaking away from their busy schedule, smoking cigarettes furtively in an unoccupied corner, and they kept complaining:
"Damn it, I'm exhausted. I've never been so tired."

"That's right, except for eating and drinking, you have to stare at other people all day long. How can you arrange work like this?"

"Isn't it the new grain official Ma Ban who made it? We are forced to complete the grain storage in such a short period of time. I don't understand. The century-old wheat does not have moths and does not rot. Put more outside What happened for a few days?"

"I think he is a new official who is eager to make some political achievements to please his superiors. I have seen this kind of person a lot. He looks at the turmoil. In fact, he is very idle. He is tossing the people below. He just wants to make some noise. Look up."

"That's right, something."

While the two were smoking and chatting, a sharp voice suddenly came from behind: "What are you doing?!"

Caught off guard, the two shuddered in fright, hurriedly spit out the smoke from their mouths to the ground, and stomped it out with their shoes.

I saw Ma Ban hurried over, stretched out his hand to push the two supervisors away, pointed at the cigarette butts that had been trampled out, and shouted angrily: "This is a granary! Do you know what a granary is?! The granaries are piled up in the granary. Making food, you smoke here, do you want to die?!"

The supervisor was caught in the act, he was wronged for a while, his momentum was a little weak, and he said with a smile: "My lord, we are in a marginal area, separated from the warehouse by the fire belt, not to mention that there are no combustible materials such as dry firewood and weeds nearby. A few small cigarette butts won’t burn.”

Ma Ban was furious, and slapped him directly on the head: "The granary regulations have strict regulations, and open flames are prohibited in any area. As supervisors, you don't take the lead and set an example. Instead, you condone the fire here and make excuses! If everyone It’s like you think so, do you still need safety measures?!”

Although the grain official Ma Ban is a superior, he is not a powerful official. The supervisors usually talk in a pleasant manner, but now they are all slapped on the head. Talk, don't do anything! You are just a small grain official, what prestige is you playing? Do you really think of yourself as a minister?"

Ma Ban pointed at the overseer's nose, and said coldly: "I'm not really a minister, but in the granary, my words still have weight. You two violated the granary regulations. I will now officially notify you that you have been dismissed. Go back to the granary." go home!"

The granary supervisor is a fat job. After all, food has seasonal rules. It is a little busy during the harvest season. It is usually very leisurely, and the salary is good. There are additional benefits during the holidays. They can also take some of it home, whether they eat it themselves or use it to make bran and feed it to pigs, which can save a lot of money.

Such a good errand, how many people want to come in, and they don't want to leave once they come, they would rather give up promotion and stay here.

Now that Ma Ban wanted to dismiss them, the supervisor was anxious on the spot: "Why do you dismiss us? We were smoking outside the firebreak, and there was no fire. How come you are going to be dismissed?!"

The other supervisor had a softer personality and persuaded him bluntly: "Master Ma Ban, being an official is the same as being a person. When you encounter things, you should stay on the front line. This is not only a retreat for others, but also a retreat for yourself. The two of us have already realized our mistakes. I won't do it again, just let us go this time."

Ma Ban said mercilessly: "Let you go? The regulations are the regulations, regardless of whether you are a first-time offender or a repeat offender. If everyone breaks the regulations and let me let them go, how can there be rules?"

"A little loose here, there will be a piece of rot. If the regulations are not strictly enforced, and disasters are caused by human negligence, who will bear the responsibility? Who will make up for the losses caused by it? You?!"

Ma Madara flicked his sleeves, showing no mercy: "Pick up your personal belongings immediately, and then go home and stay! I will record this matter in the official document and report it to the court at that time to investigate your negligence of duty." offense!"

Ma Ban is no longer a question of whether to let people go or not. It is completely ruthless and kills them all. The supervisor also directly tore his face and shouted at the top of his voice: "My father knows Mr. Lin Gengsen, the supervisor! He forced us to die. Right? You wait!"

Ma Ban ignored this threat at all, and directly ordered the guards to drive the two supervisors out of the granary, and continued to patrol by herself.

He walked in the huge granary, checked the inside and outside corners, optimized the work plans of all levels of personnel based on his own insights, and put forward improvement requirements for some places that may have hidden dangers.

After inspecting here, Ma Ban rushed to the other seven granaries without stopping, and checked them all.

I was busy until the evening, and I didn't eat Ma Ban's lunch, so I just ate lunch and dinner together.

The granary was equipped with a canteen, where slaves could not eat, and higher-level officials looked down on it, so the people who ate here were generally grassroots personnel.

Ma Ban's parents have passed away, she has no relatives, no wife, and is alone, so the cafeteria is naturally the best place to go.

When Ma Ban was picking up the meal, the guy in charge of the spoon was still looking lazy, but when he saw the new food officer, he quickly corrected his posture and showed a flattering smile. He added an extra steak to Ma Ban on the standard work meal, and said with a smile: "My lord, take it easy."

Seeing the extra steak on the plate, Ma Ban frowned: "What's the matter with this steak? Take it away."

The guy smiled and said, "My lord usually works very hard, so you should eat an extra steak."

Ma Ban said nonchalantly: "Working meals are served regularly and in rations. If I eat an extra piece of meat, others will eat a piece less. You are scooping the meat from other people's plates onto my plate. Take it away." .”

The guy put his hot face on his cold butt, and was a little embarrassed: "My lord, this meat has been taken out. If you put it back, other people will lose their appetite when they see it. Don't you think so? You can just take it and eat it."

This is unreasonable, Ma Ban frowned and thought for a moment, instead of forcibly pouring the meat back, he brought the plate to his seat, then walked to the waiter, took out a copper moon from his pocket and put it on the table: "According to the market price , The extra steak I ate is worth a copper month, put it in the account, and let the kitchen make an extra steak to make up for it."

After Ma Ban finished speaking, she didn't talk nonsense with the waiter, turned around and returned to her seat to start eating.

(End of this chapter)

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