honor me as god

Chapter 509 Proportion of Wheat Ears

Chapter 509 Proportion of Wheat Ears
Danyu Plain, this is a land where grass grows and warblers fly. It is like the language of flowers all year round. The climate is warm and humid. There is no distinction between autumn, winter, cold and heat. It can be cultivated in any season. It is the largest grain-producing area in the entire Dogland. granary".

It was dusk at this time, and the Danyu Plain was covered with fine fragments of the setting sun, the golden ears of wheat were covered with bright afterglow, crooked scarecrows stood tall in the setting sun, some birds had long been accustomed to the existence of these scarecrows, and landed on their shoulders without hesitation They chirped and chirped, and some birds had never seen the scarecrow before, and they hovered in the air for a long time, not daring to come down and peck at the ears of wheat.

The terrain of Danyu Plain is very flat. More than a dozen officials of Danyu City who are investigating here are standing on the hillside. Looking around, it is full of emerald green and golden, and you can smell the refreshing and strong fragrance of wheat in the wind.

The farmland in Danyu Plain is contracted by more than a hundred noble families in Danyu City. The noble farmer who is in charge of the farmland in front of him is accompanying the officials and explaining to them.

"My lords, as I said just now, the wheat ears are growing well this season, just like in previous seasons." Looking at the endless wheat fields, the farmer sighed with relief, "In a month or two, the wheat ears will grow again." When they are ripe, they can be harvested, and it will be a bountiful harvest."

Danyu City's "Consul" Ge Mai is a tall and thin man with squinting eyes. He looked at the endless wheat field, as if he was looking at pieces of gold, and nodded in satisfaction.

Gome patted the farmer on the shoulder and said with a smile, "The ears of wheat are growing so well. I don't think there is any problem. Let's end the inspection here. What do you think, Lao Lin?"

This "Old Lin" refers to the "Inspector" of Danyu City, named Lin Gengsen. His father is from Doguland, and his mother is an immigrant from the Far Eastern Dynasty, so he is of mixed race.

Lin Gengsen's father loves his wife so much that he doesn't even care about the child's surname rights. Therefore, Lin Gengsen's name inherits the Far Eastern style and sounds very unique.

Lin Gengsen's father was the previous "supervisor" of Danyu City. When Lin Gengsen was young, he was assigned to be a civil affairs officer in the town for several years.

Before Lin Gengsen's father retired, he used his contacts to pave the way for his son, and Lin Gengsen was promoted step by step in the next few years. In the end, his son inherited his father's career and became the supervisor of Danyu City, a city directly under the Central Government. class.

When Gome was inspecting the wheat field, Lin Gengsen stood beside him and casually kowtowed sunflower seeds. He nodded and said casually, "Okay, I don't think there's any problem."

"I have a problem!" Suddenly, a discordant voice sounded.

Everyone looked back one after another, and saw a short man standing at the end of the line, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, an ugly face, and patches of pockmarks on his face. He was the one who called out the problem just now.

The farmer felt that this person was unfamiliar, and asked tentatively, "Who is this?"

Without turning his head, Ge Mai said flatly, "This man's name is Ma Ban. The original grain officer, Old Nick, retired a few days ago, and he is the new grain officer."

Lin Gengsen spat out the melon seed husk in his mouth, and teased: "This person's name is really interesting, Ma Ban, this is the first time I've heard such a name."

Not to be outdone, Ma Ban stared and said, "This is the name my parents chose. What's the problem?"

Lin Gengsen's expression changed, he threw the unfinished melon seeds on Ma Ban's face, and cursed, "Who do you think you are talking to?"

"Okay." Ge Mai stopped their quarrel and said impatiently, "Old Lin, you are also an inspector after all, and you are ranked eighth in the provincial level. Don't you feel ashamed to quarrel with a small grain official? "

Lin Gengsen sneered, clapped his hands to stroke the crumbs of melon seeds on his palms, and did not speak again.

Gome turned to look at Ma Ban, his voice was very cold: "You just said that there is a problem, what's the problem?"

Ma Ban rolled up her trousers, walked quickly down the hill, and got into the wheat ear field.

"This?." The farmer was a little confused, not understanding what he was doing.

The rest of the officials were also very puzzled, and looked at Ma Ban walking through the wheat field.

I saw Maban walking back and forth among the straws, like a hound searching for prey, smelling this stalk, sniffing that stalk, and finally grabbed a strand of wheat ear and pulled it out.

Seeing this, the farmer was a little dissatisfied, and shouted loudly: "Hey, what are you doing? The wheat is growing well, why did you pull it up?"

Ma Ban held the plucked ears of wheat tightly in her hands, and when she came back, she handed them to Gome, and said with a gloomy expression, "Geme Consul, this wheat."

"My lord." Gomer interrupted him with a blank expression, "The title is called by a superior or a peer. You, a junior official, dare to call me by my title?"

Ma Ban rolled his eyes at him, and said reluctantly, "Lord Ge Mai, this ear of wheat is wrong."

Ge Mai took a look at the ears of wheat, and made a show for everyone: "The shell color is uniform and the grains are full. These are the top-quality wheat ears that can only be grown in our Danyu Plain. What's wrong?"

After he finished speaking, he threw the ears of wheat back into the field.

Ma Ban hurried down, picked up the lost ears of wheat, frowned and said, "This is a century-old ear of wheat, of course it's not right."

Gome sneered and said, "I'm really surprised. How could Mr. Lanxian promote a person like you who has no common sense to be a grain officer? Danyu Plain is the most important grain-producing area in Doguland. Every year, there are indicators issued by the royal family. We cultivate and cultivate a sufficient amount of century-old wheat, and turn it in on time as a strategic grain reserve. Don't you even know this?"

Ma Ban said directly: "There are indicators, but the indicator given by the royal family to the Danyu Plain is 1:9. Only 10% of the area per mu should be planted with century-old wheat, and the remaining 90% of the area should be planted with ordinary wheat. .”

Ma Ban pointed to the endless wheat field, and said in a deep voice, "I went down and looked at it just now. The few acres of land I explored were all planted with century-old wheat, and there was not a single plant of ordinary wheat. What's going on?"

"Why do I think so, so that's what happened." The farmer smiled and said calmly, "Of course this is to improve farming efficiency. The number of irrigation and fertilization required for century-old wheat is very different from that of ordinary wheat. .If every acre of land is mixed, it will be inconvenient to cultivate and harvest, which will add a lot of cost.”

"However, by distinguishing categories and dividing special areas like now, and only planting the same type of wheat per mu, a lot of management costs can be saved, and everyone can worry about it."

Ma Ban said forcefully: "Okay, since you said that, it will be more convenient. Let's send people to investigate one acre by acre now to see if the ratio of the wheat species found meets the standard, whether it is 1: 9. How?"

The farmer's expression changed immediately, and he hurriedly looked at Gome: "My lord, what is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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