Chapter 5
Millo kept swallowing his throat. He sat up straight, subconsciously, and said: "I agree with this, but you checked my goods just now, and my caravan is very innocent."

Chino got up, walked behind Millo, and put his shoulders on his shoulders, with a guiding voice in his voice: "Well, let's abandon our identities temporarily, pretend that we are smugglers, and then think about it from this point of view. How do you want to escape the inspection?"

"Are you ready? Three, two, first." Chino said slowly, "Now, I'm an illegal smuggler. I came to a border crossing, let's say it's Xilin Town, the stupid civil servant here. Bring someone over to check my goods, how will he check?"

"According to the security training, this idiot will break open the goods for sampling inspection, take off the clothes of the caravan members, check whether there is anything hidden in the pockets or on the body, and check whether the transport vehicle has compartments. If you are a little more cautious, he will Think of the possibility of food and shipping cloth soaked in water and salt. He will check how the security training teaches."

"But as a smuggler, I must have well-informed information channels and know the security training at the gate very well. Since I already know that he will check like this, how can it be possible to hide things in these places?" Chino leaned over, amber eyes Hitomi looked at Millo's profile, and saw the beads of sweat oozing from his forehead.

Chino sat back in his seat, speaking as if reminiscing with an old friend: "After talking about the smugglers, let's talk about Dogurand. Do you know the code on smuggling?"

Milo nodded as if pecking at the rice.

Chino: "Tell me about it."

Millo's eyes were a little erratic, he subconsciously wiped the sweat from his forehead, and muttered: "According to the "Dogland Anti-Smuggling Regulations", smugglers will have all their illegal income and property confiscated, and will be sent to the border mining areas to serve as hard labor, 10 years in prison. Anyone who smuggles military-controlled items will be executed immediately, and the family will be together."

Kino nodded and sighed: "Do you think it's barbaric? It's okay to execute criminals, but it's unreasonable to have family members sit together and implicate innocent people. But there's no way, the code is the code, you can question whether it is not. It is reasonable, but it must be obeyed and respected. Only by abiding by the law and implementing it indiscriminately can such a code be effective.”

These remarks put a lot of psychological pressure on Mirlo, especially when Kino made him recite the punishment for smuggling, which doubled the pressure.For a while, he only felt hot and cold, and his heart rate kept rising.

Suddenly, Chino's words changed: "Do you love your son?"


"I think so too. He was born a cursed child with intellectual disability, but you didn't abandon him. You still love and take care of him. This is a great fatherly love. So, whether as your friend or as a civil administrator, It would be a shame if I had to execute a great father."

The muscles on Millo's face twitched, and he only felt that the pair of amber eyes were as hot as a branding iron. His eyes flicked to the left and right, and his lips kept trembling: "Don't worry, I won't do that kind of thing. It doesn't matter. It won't. It won't."

Chino looked down and looked at Milo's fat belly, and the conversation changed again: "Have you ever been hungry?"

Milo didn't dare to meet Kino's eyes and shook his head shiveringly.

"Looking at your stomach, it really doesn't look like you've ever been hungry." Kino looked at Millo's forehead, the sweat beads on it were already big and dripping down his cheeks, he smiled and said, "I can tell you this, Hunger can bring terrible mania, and the slightest mood swing can trigger a breakdown. Hungry to a certain extent, you don't care what kind of food it is, or whether it is dry or not, or even whether it is food or human flesh. It doesn't matter, You just want to live."

"Everyone says that money drives people crazy. So I believe that the desire to make money is as unbearable as hunger. And when a person is in a crazy mood, he can eat anything, he can eat anything."

The blood on Millo's face disappeared in an instant, his vision was blurred, and Chino was twisted into afterimages in front of him. When he regained his senses, the front of his clothes was wet with cold sweat and was sticky like pulp.

Without warning, the smile on Kino's face disappeared, like a circus clown unmasking and announcing the final chapter of the play: "You're smuggling salt crystals, aren't you?"

Millo only felt that his spine was pulled out, his whole body was paralyzed on the seat, his upper and lower teeth were constantly fighting, his pupils were out of focus, tears flowed out uncontrollably, and he murmured: "Yes"

Chino pointed to his stomach.

Milo nodded helplessly while weeping.

Chino finished drinking the water, packed the cup, and handed Mirlo a tissue, with the same smile on his face as he always did: "Because you have a lot of guards, in order to prevent accidents, I hope you can cooperate with me in a play. It's done. Afterwards, I assure you that I will not kill you and your son."

The hot and dry weather was irritating, and the caravan guards and soldiers were getting impatient.

Three minutes later, Chino and Mirlo finally came out, and the two shook hands again.

Kino sighed, "It's a pity to say goodbye to you, my friend."

Millo bowed his body and looked respectful: "I will miss you, Mr. Civil Administrator."

The two walked towards the delivery carriage.

As he passed Palatine, Kino bumped him, intentionally or unintentionally.

Paladin was about to curse, when his eyes were suddenly drawn to Chino's back.
Kino made a gesture with one hand behind him.

In an instant, Paladin's pupils dilated violently, and Chino made a military gesture, meaning: the bowman is in place.

Immediately afterwards, Chino's gesture changed, conveying the second order: shoot to kill.

Paladin looked at Chino in astonishment, who turned his face sideways, amber eyes filled with a smile.

Palatine looked gloomy and quietly retreated into the camp.

Not long after, the bowmen were already lurking in high places, like hunters in the shadows.

Chino walked to the carriage and looked at the 14 caravan guards.

Milo issued an order: "Form a line, let us say goodbye to the civil servants."

Mirro was dripping with sweat on his forehead, but the guards thought he was just too hot and said nothing, lining up to face Chino.

"Everyone has protected Milo along the way, please allow me to express my gratitude to you. Then." Kino bowed and bent down, smiling slyly, "Farewell."


"Puchi puchi." The caravan guards lined up were completely living targets, and they were shot into hedgehogs in an instant.

10 of them were pierced through the heart or throat, killing them on the spot, and 4 were relatively large, and the bow and crossbow did not penetrate the vital point.

After the initial sluggishness, they widened their eyes, pulled out the long knives around their waists, and roared, "We are exposed!!!"

They know that they are surrounded by bowmen and it is difficult to fly, but they have to fight before they die. It is not a loss to kill one, but two to gain blood!
"Kill this dog!!!" They rushed towards Kino against the rain of arrows, three of them were shot to death on the way, and finally the man tried his best to slash the blade to Kino's neck.

The guards of the caravan had a sturdy physique, comparable to a giant bear, with arrows sticking all over their bodies, and their blood-stained, hideous faces, giving them a terrifying aura.

As for Kino's delicate figure and a soft and weak appearance, it is hard not to make people suspect that once he is approached by guards, his head will fall to the ground in the blink of an eye.

However, the next scene shattered everyone's cognition.

Facing the attacking blade, Kino did not retreat but advanced, turning into a twisted afterimage, accurately grabbing the wrist of the caravan guard, and a terrifying force that was completely unequal to Xiuqi burst out, flipping it directly. He hit the ground, stepped on his face, and stepped beside the carriage.

In the next instant, Kino had already grasped the knife in the hand of the caravan guard, turned his head, and stabbed his cheek with a knife.

"Ding!" The knife was so fast that it directly pierced the left and right cheeks of the caravan guard and nailed it to the carriage.

All this only happened when he was turned his head and opened his mouth slightly, like an infinitely precise machine.

A crisp and pleasant voice sounded in his ear, in sharp contrast to the sharp pain in his cheek: "Who do you think you are talking to?"

(End of this chapter)

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