honor me as god

Chapter 497

Chapter 497
Just when Solandelle was in a daze, Kino threw out a prepared "pre-battle strategy card", with a grim smile on his face like death: "All the civilians held hostage by my soldiers, under their clothes, They were bound with strong gunpowder in advance. When you opened the city gate to let the civilians enter the city, my soldiers raised their shields through the arrow rain to the main gate, shot several of them with the fire crossbow, and then-"

No need for Chino to continue, Solandelle has already conceived the scene in her mind
"Boom—" flames rose from one place, and the flames engulfed the fleeing civilians crying, and also detonated the gunpowder hidden under their clothes. Absolutely, the crowd was blown to pieces.

Some of the civilians who were brutally blasted were near the city gate, and the flames spread over the top of the city. The soldiers in charge of controlling the city gate were burnt to pieces, making piercing screams, and falling from the city wall like bolides.

There were also people who had already squeezed into the gaps of the long spear array and evacuated under the leadership of the defenders, but when the gunpowder on them exploded and were engulfed in flames, the surrounding soldiers were also affected tragically. The long spear array instantly fell apart, and the soldiers cried One after another, it is like Avici Hell.

The spear array was defeated, and the soldiers guarding the city gate were blown to pieces. No one could control the city gate mechanism. The impenetrable Fengyun Pass was like an opened box, showing no secrets to the invaders.

There is no suspense about what happened next. Under Solandelle's sluggish gaze, the soldiers from the Far East outside the city gate filed in, easily captured the control room of the city gate, and fought with the remaining Dogrand defenders on the city wall. The regiment, the heavy equipment troops were completely paralyzed.

The moment the city defense equipment failed to fire, the sound of horseshoes outside Fengyun Pass was like thunder, and the unstoppable Far Eastern cavalry rushed through the fire coverage area without any delay, entered the city, and killed everyone in sight, regardless of civilian soldiers.

Fengyunguan, this was once the common nightmare of all Far East veterans who experienced the "Battle of Laurel Flowers".

In that year, the Far Eastern Vanguard General issued an order to storm Fengyun Pass at any cost, thus starting a 27-day battle of hell.

During the 27-day brutal siege, looking from a height, there were corpses everywhere outside Fengyun Pass, and from time to time, some seriously wounded people who were not killed on the spot could be seen, and none of them had complete limbs.

Some of these wounded were dragged back to the position by military doctors desperately, suffering from bloody injuries, and the pain was so painful that they couldn't stop it even after pouring Mabosan.

Some of them were hit by the heavy weapons fired on the city wall before they could be dragged back, screaming and screaming, and turned into a carpet of flesh and blood on the battlefield.

The corpses of soldiers from various armies were intertwined and shattered, which fixed the tragic and bloody scene in this scene.

The 400-meter-long heavy weapon firepower coverage area, in normal times, can be run by a qualified soldier in one minute, and a warrior who can do light work doesn't even need 1 seconds.

But it was this short 400 meters that caused the Far East pioneers to lay down hundreds of thousands of corpses, turning them into graves of invaders.

The Fengyun Pass in history is so terrifying. Although it was finally broken due to insufficient troops, it held on for a full 27 days with inferior troops, making this pass that cannot be opened by Wanfu a nightmare for all invaders. Dead forever, living left behind a lifetime of shadow.

But now, judging from the data settlement of the deduction and simulation, the Fengyun Pass guarded by Solandelle fell in only 34 minutes.

As for the pioneers of the Far East who had 5000 corpses in history, only more than [-] soldiers were lost in hand-to-hand siege battles during the deduction, and no unit was wiped out by the establishment system.

The same location, the same deployment, different people, the results are very different.

On the other side of the sand table, Kino looked at Solandelle jokingly, and deliberately imitated the tone of the messenger: "The front line is urgent! Your Majesty, Fengyun Pass was breached after only 34 minutes of defense, and all the border guards were wiped out. The Far Eastern Cavalry has rushed into the inland, smashing every city! What should we do?!"

Solandelle finally lost control of her emotions. She threw all the strategy cards in her hand on the ground, slammed the door and left.

Solandelle ran from the attic to the garden downstairs, sat by the pool and wiped her tears.

The cold evening wind caressed, and the thin blanket fell quietly on Solandelle's shoulders.

Kino sat down beside her and handed him a washed apple, but he didn't speak, maybe he didn't know what to say.

Solandelle pulled the blanket tighter on her shoulders, and took the apple with her small hand. Her emotions had already calmed down, and she regretted and blamed herself in her heart, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry I was wrong just now, I You shouldn’t be angry when you lose.”

Kino himself had an apple in his hand, he took a bite and ate it, and said flatly: "Why shouldn't you be angry? You should be angry. I've told you several times before, this is not a game-like deduction , but real war."

"That is to say, in a certain space-time plane, you are the Queen of Dogland, Fengyun Pass has been breached by Far East invaders, and your people have been massacred and blood flowed into rivers. If such things can't arouse your anger, Then you, the leader, are too bloodless."

Solandelle lowered her head, as if she had no appetite to eat apples, and muttered: "I just suddenly discovered that war is different from what I imagined. I thought war was like playing chess. Everyone abides by the rules. Fighting back and forth against each other is all about brains and skills."

"But the war game deduction just now made me feel like when you are playing chess, you are still thinking about how to take the next step, and the opponent suddenly flipped the chessboard, and the chess piece spilled on your face."

After hearing this, Kino couldn't help chuckling: "Your description is very accurate, that's how it feels. I didn't do those things in the war game today to disgust you, nor did I want to prove how powerful I am."

"I want to tell you that the knowledge you have learned in school is indeed very important, but when you are actually facing a war, you must keep in mind the essence of military theories, but you must also forget the rules that are bound by those theories."

"War is not chess. There are no rules in a real war—civilians cannot be harmed? But if the enemy really takes civilians as hostages, what can you do?"

"Playing war games in my attic, you can lose your temper, throw away the cards in your hand and slam the door and leave. It doesn't matter, it's just a game of deduction, and you won't lose anything if you lose."

"But when you are really facing a war, when you stand in the position of leader, is there a way for you to leave? Either accept the move, or the army is defeated."

Solandelle lowered her head, her eyes were a little confused: "Then what should I do? If the enemy falls and there is no justice at all, should I also fall together?"

(End of this chapter)

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