honor me as god

Chapter 492 College Class

Chapter 492 College Class
After leaving the main hall, under the arrangement of the servants, Kino stayed overnight in the reception mansion of the palace.

The next day, when Kino woke up and had breakfast, he found that the corridor leading to the meeting room was still guarded by the imperial guards, which meant that Perseus and the archbishop had not come out yet, and they did not know what they were discussing. stayed overnight.

Kino used the "Pupil of Divine Sight" to peek into the conference room, but with his current strength, he can use the "Pupil of Divine Sight" for 20 seconds at most every day.

Compared with the lengthy conversation, 20 seconds is like a flick of a finger. Kino only saw Perseus and the archbishop sitting face to face.

But judging from Perseus' pale face, it might not be a good thing.

If he is not in his position and does not plan for his own affairs, Kino didn't bother to worry about it, and he ignored it if he glanced at it at will but found nothing.

Perseus told him to stay in Wangcheng yesterday, and he took this free time as a vacation.

Solandelle is not here today, to be precise, she is not at home. She is still at the age of school. The autumn vacation ended a few days ago, and she has already started to go to school.

Speaking of going to school, Solandelle did not go to those schools outside, but the academy inside the palace that specially teaches the princes' children. In addition to the great scholar Yuanwen Doguland, there are many well-known scholars certified by the palace.

These scholars have the most profound knowledge, and their task is to take charge of the coach and train the next batch of pillars of the kingdom.

Kino had nothing to do at this time, sitting alone in the garden and reading a book, from morning to afternoon, he was quite leisurely, in his impression that since he was promoted to consul, he hadn't had such a long time of leisure for a long time.

At dusk, the sun sets, and the cold winter wind blows, bringing a little bit of coolness.

Kino, who was reading a book, took a sip of sugar tea from his teacup and asked casually, "Prince Andre, what's the matter?"

Behind Kino, I saw Andre appearing at some unknown time, walking slowly from the garden path, with a friendly smile on his face, looking at Kino's back and saying: "It's nothing, I just heard that the guard said you Here, drop by to see you."

Kino closed the book, and asked calmly: "Sorandelle has already gone to school, don't you need to go?"

"Haha, you are joking, I have graduated from college for many years, and my life as a student is a time I can't go back even if I want to." Andre made a gesture of invitation and said with a smile, "However, I still often I will run to the college, and I will pick up my sister to go home every day. School will be over soon, do you want to go together? Solandelle doesn’t know you are in Wangcheng yet, if she sees you after school, she will be very happy .”

Kino had already been idle for a whole day and had nothing to do. In addition, he had some interest in the college where the prince's children were studying, so he accepted Andre's invitation.

The royal palace surrounded by the "Great Wall of the Royal City" is very large, like a city within a city. Inside the huge wall are princes and ministers, and outside the huge wall are all living beings.

From the garden to board the carriage, to the highest institution of Dougland "Laurel Flower Academy", the carriage drove for half an hour, which shows how big the entire palace is.

"Laurel Flower Academy" is a magnificent castle built in a quiet valley. The mottled stone walls reveal the breath of vicissitudes of life, and it has stood for at least a hundred years.

In the cold season, the vegetation is withered and yellow, and the setting sun penetrates the dead branches and sprinkles patches of light spots, falling on the ancient and elegant college. Scattered, there is no beauty of sorrow in which all things wither.

Andre had originally graduated from the Laurel Academy, and he often came to pick up Solandelle from school, and was known as His Highness the Prince. The guards respected him and did not interrogate him at all. Chino, who was with him, was also simple Inspection will be released immediately.

Kino was raised as a processor since he was a child, and he didn't go to school seriously, but he watched a lot of books and movies, so he naturally understood the school atmosphere.

The corridor between classes of Laurel Academy is very quiet, and occasionally a scholar wearing glasses can be seen passing by, nodding and greeting them.

Through the corridor window, you can see rows of students sitting in the classroom. The teacher is teaching in front of the classroom. The students are listening and recording the knowledge points just mentioned on paper.

Compared with the school in the previous life, there is not much special about Laurel Academy. If there is something different, it is undoubtedly the classroom organization and class content.

There is no age distinction for the students of Laurel Academy. There are both older and younger students in a class, and they are completely mixed together. It is very common for 16-year-olds and 8-year-olds to study together.

The class structure is completely divided by background. The children of the royal family and the royal family are together, the children of the middle and upper aristocrats are together, and the common people who are subsidized because of their superior talents are together. They have obvious identities.

As for the content of the class, Laurel Academy cultivates elite pillars, and it can even be said to train future kingdom leaders, so it will not teach those basic knowledge that is down-to-earth, such as the basics of handicrafts, crop identification, etc., which are not taught here.

Scholars here mainly teach students to read esoteric ancient books, principles of economics, sociology of sophistication, mysterious alchemy, military theory of commanding operations, etc.

Solandelle's classroom is at the end of the corridor, and her classmates are all powerful children of the royal family or royal family, and Lorna is also in her class.

It has to be said that in terms of learning atmosphere, these noble classes full of princes and princes are often inferior to those poor classes of commoner children.

For the children of princes and princes, reading is like a life in which they stretch out their hands to eat and open their mouths like clothes.

As for those ordinary children, because of their talent and intelligence, they were fortunate enough to be sponsored by nobles to enter the highest institution in the kingdom, Laurel Flower Academy. This is absolutely impossible to encounter a second chance in this life, and they will do their best to firmly grasp it. Strive for one day to rise to the top and change the destiny of yourself and your family.

Therefore, the poor class has excellent discipline, and the ordinary children all sit upright and look serious. In addition to the teacher's lecture, the rest in the classroom is only the sound of paper and pen rubbing, no noise can be heard, and the slightest footstep will break The silence.

These children will seize every minute and every second on their own, and do their best to acquire knowledge that other commoner children cannot obtain, and they will not let their minds wander for a second.

Noble classes are different. For example, in Solandelle's class, she herself is very focused on class, but the other 80% of the students are very lazy, some are whispering, some are looking at the scenery outside the window, and some Counting the countdown to the end of class, thinking about going home at night and asking the servants to cook something delicious.

For the prince's children, it doesn't matter how much knowledge they have acquired, or even whether they study or not. The status of the family is there. Although they don't choose what officials to be when they grow up, they have wealth and connections, so they can enjoy themselves no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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