honor me as god

Chapter 490

Chapter 490
Chino: "My opinion is that we either need to investigate to the end and find out the possible behind-the-scenes black hands. Or pretend not to know, close the case, and report back to His Majesty the King. One disappears."

"It's a very smart idea. No wonder you are able to rise to the top at such a young age." Edward took the rein, steered the carriage to avoid a low-lying area, then looked forward, and said slowly, "I can only suspect that someone behind the scenes is manipulating and No evidence was obtained. Even if we tried to find out the truth, we couldn’t find out, and all clues were broken on those two charred corpses.”

"If my guess is correct, this incident is indeed a bureau arranged in advance by the mastermind behind the scenes, and now the bureau has formed a closed loop, in other words - it is over." Edward glanced at Chino with a smile, and said playfully, "In my opinion, this man behind the scenes is very smart, just as smart as you. He knows how to use intelligence agencies to control the situation and influence the truth."

Chino: "You have something to say. Now it's just the two of us. You might as well just say it. Do you think I'm the mastermind behind this? I directed all of this?"

Edward smiled slightly and comforted him: "Don't be too sensitive. I won't criticize you unless there is conclusive evidence. I said that the mastermind behind the scenes is as smart as you. I praise you as well as him."

"However," Edward suddenly changed the subject, his sight and tone became unfathomable, "This matter is very secretive, and the black hand behind the scenes is extremely cunning throughout the whole process. The arrangement seems to be seamless, but there is a flaw. A flaw that I'm afraid even he himself didn't notice."

After speaking, Edward stretched out a hand in front of Kino: "Smell it, what does it smell like?"

Kino sniffed it, and asked lightly: "Adopt flattery, or listen to the truth?"

Edward: "Flatter."

Chino: "Masculinity full of male factors."

Edward: "What about the truth?"

Chino: "The smell of sweat."

"Hahaha." Edward let out a hearty laugh, withdrew his hand, and said slowly, "Look, whether it's flattery or the truth, you only pay attention to the surface and don't see where the flaw is. I think the same is true for the man behind the scenes. not found."

"As you know, strictly speaking, I am also infected with the animal epidemic. This epidemic has distorted our original life, but it has also brought us a strong body and some abilities far beyond ordinary people, such as the sense of smell. .”

"Not to mention mortals, the sense of smell of many hounds is inferior to that of high-level animal plague infected people. I can smell the secret smell that others can't smell."

Edward's pupils shifted slightly to the side, staring at Kino's side face. His dark pupils were as deep as a black abyss: "In that oasis that was burned by the fire, I smelled the remaining breath of the plague beast."

The desert is empty and lonely, at this moment, it seems like the wind and sand are still.

"Plague Beast." Kino met Edward's gaze, with a smile in his eyes, "Things have become interesting."

Edward said playfully: "That's it, things are getting interesting. For now, the plague beasts are either locked up in the lower plague areas all over the kingdom, or they are members of my Trojan family."

"Other forces may also have some, but the number is definitely not many, and it can even be said to be very rare."

"Then here comes the problem. Hu Shanrong took A Bao to rest in the oasis. In the middle of the night, he met a murderer who robbed the money. After the murder, the murderer used the fuel he carried with him to destroy the body and wipe out the traces. The time of the murder happened to be the night before we arrived at the place where the ransom was delivered. These The matter is reasonable and can be described as a coincidence.”

"However, this murderer happened to be an infected person who can transform into a beast on his own, and since I smelled the breath of a plague beast, it means that the infected person did not assassinate when he committed the crime, but entered the form of a plague beast, fought with Hu Shanrong, and finally Killing it shows that this is an infected person whose strength is no less than that of the fourth sequence."

"If you put all these things together and explain them by coincidence, what is the probability?"

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere was extremely oppressive and silent, with only the sound of wagon wheels rolling over the sand.

"It seems that you are right." Kino turned his back to the sun, and the shadow on his face was like some kind of terrifying living thing, making his expression hard to see. "There is a mastermind behind this matter, who is leading all of these."

"So, who could this person be?" The sun shone directly into Edward's pupils, as if there were scorching rays, trying to illuminate the indelible darkness.

Edward didn't wait for Chino's answer, he looked away and said directly: "Of course, no matter who this person is, as I said, the game he set up has closed the loop, and we are looking for it in a short time." There is no answer."

"But remember one thing - time will tell us the truth. Believe me, what is true is true and what is false is false. The truth is like a beast in a cage. That’s all.”

After Chino and Edward returned to the border town, they took the two charred corpses with them and told Rezakhal the ins and outs.

As I said before, since the clues are broken and the man behind the scenes cannot be found out, telling the existence of this person will only make the situation more complicated, and it will also make them appear incompetent. They have not mentioned many details about this matter Doubtful, I just told Resakhar about my experiences along the way.

Resakhal was more upright, he didn't find those hidden doubts, he was just surprised and unwilling, and he also said that it would be difficult to deal with business when he went back this time, and he would inevitably be scolded by His Majesty the King.

Perseus made two requests before——Abao, if you want to see people alive, you want to see corpses when you die; Hu Shanrong, you want to live.

None of the three of them did.

Hu Shanrong died suddenly and remained silent forever, unable to hear the ins and outs of the matter from his mouth.

Ah Bao seemed to have seen the corpse, but he only speculated that it was Ah Bao from his figure and the golden teeth. There was no conclusive evidence, and the kingdom's technological level was not high enough to identify his identity through a charred corpse.

Just go back to do business like this, the king can have a good face.

But things have come to this point, they can't do anything, they can only bite the bullet and go back.

Resting in the border town for a while, Resakhar took them back to the royal city overnight.

It was late at night when they arrived in the royal city, and the three of them learned from the imperial guards that Perseus hadn't rested yet, and had given an order that as long as the three of them came back, no matter what they were doing, they would immediately report and summon them.

The three of them were taken to the conference room of the main hall by the imperial guards. Perseus sat in the main seat, and the three of them stood under the stage. The box of unspent golden moons and two charred corpses were placed in the middle.

Perseus stared at the two hideous scorched corpses, then moved his gaze to Edward: "What does this mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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