honor me as god

Chapter 487 The truth becomes a mystery

Chapter 487 The truth becomes a mystery
Edward turned into a plague beast just now and wiped out all the horse bandits. Except for the bandit leader, the rest of the people and horses were all killed. As a result, there are no horses to ride on the road now.

Edward didn't say much, and directly picked up the bandit leader with one arm, motioned for Chino to follow, and then kicked his feet, kicking up a large cloud of dust amidst a loud noise, and rushed towards the location that was just questioned.

Edward's physical fitness is extremely astonishing, walking through the sky and setting off a curtain of sand all the way, so fast that the naked eye can't keep up with it, and Chino is faintly difficult to catch up when flying in the air with full telekinetic power.

The two ran and flew, and arrived in just ten minutes on the 53-mile road.

The climate in the desert is hot, coupled with the energy release brought about by high-speed movement, Edward's skin is red, and the sweat that flows out evaporates into water vapor at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like a burning little man.

Such a high-intensity exercise made Dian also stunned. After being put on the ground by Edward, the bandit leader immediately vomited wildly, throwing up in a daze.

On the other hand, Edward didn't feel fatigued at all, and even his breathing was steady as usual, which showed that he was still full of energy. The running just now was at best a warm-up for him.

Edward's judgment was correct. He analyzed that Hu Shanrong's strength was not enough to attack the fortified horse bandit camp, and it was impossible to attack the horse bandits at night to play black and eat black.

But for Hu Shanrong, it is not enough to storm the camp, but he has great confidence in fighting in the field. For a capable Far Eastern warrior like him, it is easy to grab a commodity in the wild, and then grab a horse and escape.

Therefore, when he asked about this oasis where he could live, Edward guessed that Hu Shanrong should be dormant here, planning to take advantage of the robbery of the horse bandits and return to camp, to rob them halfway, and then escape with the ransom in the chaos.

The guess was right, but they were still too late.

Looking around, this oasis is burning. The fire in the center is fierce, and the heat wave is sweeping towards the surroundings. The fire spreads and ignites the plants that grow tenaciously in the desert.

In the center of the fire, two corpses can be vaguely seen. They have been scorched black by the fire, and they are almost burnt. Except for the continuous black smoke, there are no flames left on their bodies.

Edward's expression darkened upon seeing this.Become extremely shady.

"Boom——" Without any instruction, Kino's thoughts were fully activated, and the howling waves spread in the oasis, and the strong winds surged, but they did not rush towards the burning flames, but discharged from the center of the oasis to the surroundings.

Under the action of telekinetic power, the air in the oasis was quickly drained, and the airflow generated by the negative pressure was completely blocked by the telekinetic barrier, forming a vacuum zone without gas in the middle.

The three major conditions for combustion, combustibles, combustion-supporting substances, and ignition source Now the oasis is in a vacuum state, lacking oxygen as a combustion-supporting substance, the violent fire is extinguished in an instant, leaving only a piece of wreckage after the fire.

After extinguishing the fire, Kino relieved his telekinesis, and the turbulent air flowed into the oasis again, making the wind and clouds turbulent.

Some of the high-temperature wreckage appeared to re-ignite after being exposed to oxygen, but it was only on a small scale and would no longer impede progress.

Edward picked up the bandit leader with one arm, strode into the messy oasis, stood in front of the two charred corpses, and stared at them with frowns.

The bandit leader looked at the two charred corpses and subconsciously asked, "Is this the person you are looking for?"

Edward didn't say a word, but his breathing became extremely heavy, and there was a dangerous signal like a raging beast hidden in his eyes.

The bandit leader swallowed his throat, and muttered to himself: "Whether it is or not, these two people are really stupid. This oasis is a very dangerous place. There are often desert assassins, let alone caravans, we are nomadic The tribes dare not camp casually. Resting overnight in this kind of place, no matter whether you bring money or not, it will be bad luck."

The two charred corpses were one tall and the other short. Except for the height, the rest of the body had been completely burned, and it was impossible to distinguish them. It was not known whether they were Hu Shanrong and A Bao.

Edward asked silently: "Consul Kino, you have seen Po, and now that the two bodies have been burnt like this, do you have a way to identify them?"

Kino thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes, but it depends on whether the assailant is careful."

Edward lifted his chin and motioned for his hand.

Kino pried open the dwarf's mouth with his thoughts, and then narrowed his eyes slightly: "It seems very careless."

Kino does not mean anything else, it is one of Po's characteristics, full of golden teeth.

Ah Bao has a surly and unruly personality, and he doesn't know whether his teeth were all decayed or pulled out on purpose, anyway, they were all replaced with gold teeth.

Now this charred corpse, which matches the figure of Ah Bao, is also full of gold teeth. The assailant took away all the belongings of the two people, but did not find the "treasure" hidden in their mouths.

At this time, at this place, and under such circumstances, finding such a charred corpse that fits Ah Bao's characteristics can basically be said to be a conclusion.

"So, this is the result of our work? We chased all the way from Wangcheng to the desert, and finally caught up with two corpses, and they were completely burned and could not be identified." Edward turned his head slowly, with a rather strong expression Looking at Chino with deep eyes, "His Majesty the King will be very dissatisfied with this result."

Kino: "At least we didn't get into any trouble, didn't we? Ah Bao died in the desert, not in the kingdom. The Far Eastern Dynasty will pay the debt to the desert forces."

Edward: "There are two prerequisites—first, this corpse full of gold teeth is indeed Po, not another corpse used to replace his identity."

He paused, and his tone became more profound: "Secondly, Ah Bao really died in the desert, not somewhere else."

Chino shrugged: "I can't answer that."

Edward: "Do you know where the weird place is? Let's assume that Hu Shanrong took Abao to live here, and was attacked and killed by the assassin organization while waiting for the horse bandits to return to camp. Those assassins killed people and took the money. Why should Burn the body?"

Kino spread his hands calmly: "If you want to continue the investigation, I will accompany you, and we will find clues again."

Edward was silent for a moment, then suddenly slapped the bandit leader's Tian Ling Gai.

"Bang!" Under the huge force, the bandit leader's Tianling cover was smashed directly, and he died before he could react.

This kind of unaware and painless death can be regarded as the fulfillment of the previous promise of "die happily".

"Let's go here. The fire has burned away all traces, and there is no way to track it down." Edward kicked away the limp corpse of the bandit leader, and walked out of the oasis expressionlessly. Return to the royal city."

Chino looked sideways at Edward's back: "Are you sure this is Abao and Hu Shanrong?"

"Whether the corpse is the two of them, I'm not sure, but I can be sure of one thing - these two people are dead." Edward stopped walking, turned to look at Kino, those deep eyes reflected the fierce desert sun, also Kino's figure was reflected together, "As for whether he died last night or whether he died here?"

"I don't know. But someone must know—someone who's running this."

(End of this chapter)

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