honor me as god

Chapter 476

Chapter 476

When they heard that there might be a war, the soldiers not only did not panic, but seemed a little excited: "War is good! Especially in that kind of fierce war, the death rate is high, and senior officers are easy to die. The positions at the top are vacant. Promotion is also quick."

"Fuck you!" The centurion slapped him directly on the head, cursing, "You mean to tell me to die quickly, and make the space available for you, right?"

The soldier realized that what he just said was ambiguous, and he quickly scratched his head and apologized with a smile: "No, no, sir, I misunderstood, I didn't mean that. I just want to say that I was a soldier to fight. It's so boring to catch fugitives like this! A man should fight on the battlefield, defeat thousands of troops, and make great achievements for the kingdom!"

"Stupid. You have never fought a war to say such a thing. Do you really think that you are the chosen one, the son of destiny? Everyone is dead, and you are promoted alive? Let me tell you, I really let you see You are the first person to pee your pants in a scene of thousands of troops.” The centurion rolled his eyes and walked towards a residential building in front of him angrily, “Quickly check the last house, we are going to check it A small town."

"Dong dong dong." The two walked to the door and knocked.

Soon, the door opened and a young woman stepped out.

This woman is 25 years old, and her husband died last year. Because she is very young, she is good-looking, and she is a widow coveted by many people in the town.

The woman wore a leather jacket, but she was wearing pajamas that were as thin as gauze, which made people fantasize.

The centurion has seen a lot of worlds, his concentration is also good, and his eyes don't wander randomly.

The soldier was a young man, full of vigor, poor self-control, and his eyes were all crooked.

The centurion was not greedy for a woman's figure, so he directly handed over the wanted portrait in his hand: "The Lulin City Defense Force is now ordered to arrest fugitives. Have you seen the man in the portrait?"

The woman shook her head: "No."

The centurion shouted sharply: "You said you didn't even look at it?!"

The woman was startled by the loud voice, mist appeared in her eyes, she subconsciously pulled her fur coat tighter, shivering in the cold wind and was at a loss.

Although the soldier didn't dare to confront the officer, but he was eager to protect the beauty at this time, so he stood up and apologized to the woman with a smile: "Miss, I'm sorry to disturb you at night, but please cooperate with our work. The person in the portrait is A fugitive suspect is very dangerous, have you seen this person? Look carefully."

The centurion took a picture of the wanted portrait into the woman's hand, and said solemnly: "Look carefully, don't be perfunctory, if you don't report what you know, or deliberately cover up the suspect, you will be responsible for the corresponding crime."

A woman's husband loved her very much when she was alive, and after she lost her husband, all the men in the town surrounded her, saying all kinds of flattering words, and smiling with shy faces. She had never been treated so hard by a man before, so she couldn't help biting her lower lip lightly, aggrieved Looking at the portrait in his hand, he felt pitiful for that weak appearance.

Not long after, the woman returned the painting, shook her head and said, "I've never seen it before, you two adults should go to other places to have a look."

"Okay, then you should be more careful. If you have any clues, you can report to the local security soldiers." The soldier reached out to take the portrait, but before he could take it back, his hand was suddenly gently held by the woman.

Soldiers have never been very feminine since they were born, and except for their own mother, no other women have even touched their hands.

At this moment, when someone held his hand suddenly, the soft touch like cotton candy made him feel refreshed, and he couldn't help but feel ecstatic: Could it be that my luck is about to change?Today is my peach blossom day? !Good guy, I won't go back to the barracks today, I'll just sleep here!
Just as the soldier was about to say something flirty, his mouth was suddenly covered by the centurion's big hand.

I saw the centurion staring directly at the woman with cold eyes, and the woman did not avoid her gaze, but also looked at him directly, the fear and panic in those eyes became more and more intense.

The centurion squinted his eyes, and looked behind the door, as if hinting something with his eyes.

The woman didn't even dare to make a slight gesture like nodding, so she could only blink her eyes vigorously.

The centurion slightly moved his pupils sideways, looking at the soldiers.

Although the latter was young and inexperienced, he was not stupid, and immediately realized the situation.

After the two made brief eye contact, the centurion slowly released his hand covering the soldier's mouth, and complained: "Let's go, it's really bad luck to catch people in the cold weather, when I catch people, I will give this cub Give me a punch."

"Count me in at that time." The soldier also silently chimed in, "Let's go, it's time to search the next place. Miss, you should go back and rest quickly, and report back anytime you have clues."

The woman suppressed the panic in her heart and said in a calm voice: "Okay, please go slowly, both of you."

"It's a pity." Without warning, a faint voice came from behind the door, breaking the atmosphere into deathly silence.

Centurions, soldiers, women, all froze in the cold wind
Immediately afterwards, the second half of the sentence sounded: "Listen to me honestly, don't play tricks, you can still live. Now you can only be a dead person."

"Boom!" The iron sand palm with internal strength burst out from the darkness, smashing the woman's Tianling Gai directly, and her delicate body fell limply to the ground.

The black shadow broke through the door, and Iron Palm attacked the two of them.

The centurion was experienced, so he immediately drew his knife to block, and at the same time shouted: "Xiao Tianlei!"

However, these movements that have been honed through thousands of years are useless in front of the domineering iron sand palms of the warriors from the Far East.

"Bang—bang!!!" The iron sand palm shattered the steel knife effortlessly, hitting the centurion's body, and the turbulent internal energy poured out in his body, and the tendons and veins were broken.

Before the centurion could utter a scream, he was bleeding from his orifices and died suddenly on the spot.

Although the soldier has received militarized training, training is one thing and actual combat is another. He has never experienced the scene of life and death, and he never thought that the fugitive he caught this time was not a mortal, but a man with extraordinary abilities. The Far Eastern martial artist with internal strength was suddenly so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and the crap flowed out.

The centurion was so dead that the soldiers thought of firing Xiao Tianlei, but before he had time to put his hands into his arms, his throat was choked.

The irresistible force lifted the soldier up by the throat. In the reddened sight of the ruptured blood vessels in his eyeballs, he desperately saw the man in the wanted portrait, kicking his feet in the air, but struggling in vain.

"Crack!" Hu Shanrong twisted his hand, broke the soldier's neck, and threw the corpse aside.

The killing momentum of this electric light and flint was too fast, the palm was as fast as the wind, but the movement was extremely small, and the sky thunder did not come out, and the soldiers searching in other areas did not notice it at all.

Hu Shanrong took away the moon coins and dry food carried by the centurion and the soldiers, and then took off their clothes and changed into their attire, which looked no different from the soldiers of the kingdom from a distance.

"It's a pity, I still want to have a good time tonight before killing you." Hu Shanrong touched the woman's body, and ran to the place where the soldiers and the centurion tied their horses after finishing their hands, got on their horses, and galloped away into the darkness middle.

(End of this chapter)

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