honor me as god

Chapter 461 Remaining life after catastrophe

Chapter 461 Remaining life after catastrophe
The living room after the ravages can no longer be described as a mess, it is simply a vicious hell, all kinds of messy fragments are mixed together, some come from living things, some come from dead things, even the bravest fighters will have no courage to enter.

Lugo was holding the space ring given by Chino at this time, and it was impossible to tell whose fragments were being cleaned up all over the floor. The space ring had a strong storage effect, whether it was fragments or blood stains, whether it was stuck on the wall or Sprinkled on the ground, there will be no residue after harvesting.

Except for those Gatling bullet holes, there is really no way, and they must be repaired in the later stage. The traces of Hualan's existence have been completely cleaned up by Lugo, and the tragic massacre seems to have never happened.

When Lugo cleaned up the scene, Kino probably felt that the rage just now was too unrestrained, so he held a book of poems in his hand and read them attentively, so as to soothe his emotions and thoughts.

I have to say that this scene is really weird. Lugo is collecting the corpse behind the back, but Kino is reading a book indifferently. The five claw marks on his face are still bleeding, but it still does not affect him while reading the poetry collection. With my own musical attainments, I hummed lightly when I adapted those lines of poetry.

It is worth mentioning that there are not two living people present, but three, and Hu Shanrong is still alive.

Hu Shanrong was in an extremely restless mood at this time. He curled up in the corner fearfully. Lu Ge ignored him several times after packing up and passing by.

Hu Shanrong looked at Kino in horror, then at Abao's body on the ground, thinking it was a dream for a while
Grandpa was actually killed.
That master who covered the sky with one hand in the northern snowy field, stepped into the temple and put on the three-clawed golden dragon robe, was killed on the spot like a wild dog.

what is the reason?Hu Shanrong has not figured it out until now.
Is it because the contract has collapsed?
What old grudges have the two sides had for a long time?
Or the joke about the nine princesses?

Killing people because of a joke, is that so serious? ? ?

Hu Shanrong had heard of this person before, and he only took those mysterious things as jokes, but it was the first time he saw that kind of killing scene today, and he realized that those jokes were true, this is a crazy criticism !

Even more frightening is Kino's ability
Facing Kino's gaze, those indescribable giant shadows, the madness of looking directly at the ancient existence, and the severe colic in his heart, Hu Shanrong really didn't want to and dare not experience it again
Even when he was in Desperate World before, he never felt that kind of fear and despair.
The rumors are right, this man is Death.
Not a metaphor, this man is Death.
"Damn!" Suddenly, Lu Ge's exclamation interrupted Hu Shanrong's thoughts, and Lu Ge jumped back in fright, and exclaimed, "Master Consul, there is still a living person here!"

Kino lowered the book slightly, revealing those indifferent amber pupils, and quickly moved the book up again, without even looking at it, as if the living person here was just a corpse, saying without any emotion : "You deal with it, don't disturb my reading."

Seeing Lu Ge grinning and pulling out the knife, Hu Shanrong's heart tightened, and he jumped up quickly: "Wait a minute! I have something to say! I'm just living with Abao, and I'm not a confidant who needs to be eradicated. Why bother to beat the workers, there is no need to kill them all!"

"You bastard, wasn't it very arrogant before? Chewing the branches, chewing chewing chewing chewing chewing chewing, how about you chewing Nima?" Lu Ge gestured in the air with a knife, and sneered, "There's no need to kill them all? But it's not necessary to keep you Use it, what use are you to us? Good sword skills? Isn’t Lao Tzu’s sword skills better than yours?”

In normal times, when Lu Ge said this, Hu Shanrong really wanted to compete with him to see whether it was the rascal's indiscriminate sword skills, or the orthodox sword skills of himself, the coach of the forbidden army.

But now that his life was hanging by a thread, how could Hu Shanrong dare to intensify the conflict, and quickly changed the subject: "Whether I am useful or not is not up to you! Are you the boss of the executive mansion? If you say it is useless, it is useless?"

The words of "Eh" really choked Lugo, he didn't dare to make up his own mind for a while, and looked at Kino tentatively.

"Tap, tap, tap." Kino tapped his fingers lightly on the table, he finished reading the last line of the current collection of poems, and said plausibly, "Here is a line of poetry, which is said to have been written by the Sun King back then - The wind rises, the clouds fly , Andy Warriors Guarding the Quartet—What do you think of this poem?"

Hu Shanrong gave a thumbs up without thinking: "Domineering! Domineering leaks! The Sun King is indeed the leader of the gods!"

Kino made a throat-slitting motion: "Cut him."

"Shuh—" Heiye Dadachi struck.

"Oh?!" Hu Shanrong evaded the knife with his flexible body, and quickly changed his words, "No! I was wrong just now! What is the Sun King? It's just a rookie that can't even be defeated by visitors from outside the sky!"

Kino closed the book and said flatly: "What do you think of your master, Ah Bao?"

At the critical moment, and with the fact that everyone is dead, Hu Shanrong didn't keep any morals, so he blurted out: "It's just a cub!"

"Cut him." Kino cut his throat again.

"Wait!!!" Hu Shanrong dodged Lu Ge's slash again, and he was about to cry, "My lord, don't play with me. You didn't kill me before, you must think it's useful to keep me, and you didn't kill me on purpose. , tell me what you want me to do now."

Hu Shanrong was so smart, and Chino really got a little excited, and asked with a smile, "Whatever I ask you to do?"

This sentence made Hu Shanrong a little worried. If he said "yes", who knows if this crazy critic will say "then go kill yourself".

Hu Shanrong hesitated for a moment, and added to Chino's words: "As long as I can survive, I can do anything."

"Hmm~" Kino nodded thoughtfully, "That's still the same question, what do you think of your master, Ah Bao? Speak from the bottom of your heart and don't worry about my thoughts."

At this point, Hu Shanrong has no room for tricks, so he can only say truthfully: "How else can I look at it? I have an arrogant and domineering personality, causing trouble everywhere, and I have to help him with dirty and dirty work. He wiped his ass everywhere to clean up the aftermath, and he has been annoying him so much."

Chino: "Then why don't you leave Po's caravan?"

"No way, he gave too much." Hu Shanrong gave a reason without any problems, shrugged and said, "Abao has shortcomings all over his body, but there is one thing to say, he gave a lot of money, so much Makes you lose your temper. Who would have trouble with money?"

Chino: "Do you envy him?"

Hu Shanrong couldn't help sneering: "Of course I'm envious, how can I not be envious? You have a lot of money and beautiful women, and you are respected as a guest of honor wherever you go, and you can bully whoever you want. Who doesn't want to be a master of this kind of person?"

The smile on Kino's face became mysterious: "Since you envy him so much, how about I give you a chance to become Po?"

(End of this chapter)

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