honor me as god

Chapter 457

Chapter 457 Second Shipment
After attending Lorna's coming-of-age ceremony, Kino didn't stay too long in Cold Valley, and left for Twilight City after saying goodbye.

More than half a month later, on the 20th of "Canghan", the Abao caravan arrived again.

The last time Abao's caravan was robbed in the kingdom, all bodyguards were wiped out, and all people and goods were lost.

Pensions for the escort's family members, the value of the valuable goods themselves, and compensation for breach of contract. The sum of these losses is enough to directly destroy a large caravan.

But for the huge economic size of the Abao caravan, this loss is not fatal, at most it is a small bleeding, and it will be over after the pain.

Moreover, what is the truth about the caravan being robbed, Needless to say, Chino, Po also knows it well.

However, in this matter, Abao suffered a huge dumb loss.

The bigger the caravan, the dirtier the means. This is the same principle no matter where you go.

A Bao used the contract to entrap Paladin before, which was just a small means of many means.

It should even be said that it is precisely because Paladin is in charge of the caravan at the Governor's Mansion in Twilight City that Ah Bao made him face this kind of "small trick".

If you play the big one, Po has a hundred ways to kill him.

Paladin was not the first businessman Po had entrapped, nor would he be the last. He was just one of the countless victims. Po's business never relied on integrity.

What?You say honesty is the foundation of business?
Shit!The monopoly of resources and channels is!
Only I can buy what you want, and I will sell it to you if you are obedient, otherwise you won't even be able to drink soup!
So what if I cheated you?The entire market is in my hands. If you want to do business with me, you must be as obedient as a dog. If you dare to stand out, I will let your business go.

If someone dares to challenge my monopoly position, I will kill him in the bud, or use physical means to make him disappear from the world.

This is the essence of business!
Ah Bao has this mentality when dealing with Paladin, I just want to mess with you, how about it?

Not only do I want to cut off a few catties of flesh from you, but I also let you have nothing to say about your suffering, and in the end you have to continue to do business with me with a shy face.

This is a declaration of one's own hegemony, and it is also a process of reshuffle.

Those who can swallow their breath and are willing to admit being cheated are "high-quality customers" in Abao's eyes. These people can see the situation clearly and are willing to be dogs, so they can also give some small favors after the big stick, meat eaters At the same time, leave a mouthful for the other party, and will not kill them all.

And those who are unwilling to accept their fate and die hard to the end are of no value to Ah Bao, unwilling to kneel?Then lie down.

At that time, whether it is a clear acquisition and run, or a covert physical erasure, he will do whatever it takes to make this kind of caravan disappear.

Just shuffle the cards like this, keep shuffling, and wait until the vast majority of people in the market are "high-quality customers", then you will be successful, and then add another claw to the golden robe and become a "four-clawed golden dragon" It will also be around the corner.

But Ah Bao never expected that he thought he was already a ruthless person, but in the end he ran into a wolf like Kino.

It's not that Ah Bao has never encountered tough people before, but these people follow a little rule anyway, and everyone fights with each other in court.

That guy, Chino, is fine, he let the dart team evaporate without saying a word, swallowing all the goods without leaving any traces, insisting that it was the Abao caravan who lost the goods, and he wanted to claim compensation from the caravan.

This is like playing chess with two people. When he realizes that he can’t beat you, he overturns the chessboard with his backhand, rushes to compete with you in person, beats you up, and finally tells the referee—the referee!I report!He hit my fist in the face!

Originally, when Ah Bao encountered such a thing, he could pay liquidated damages to terminate the contract.

Unexpectedly, Kino used his power to implicate the matter in the military field, saying that the loss of this batch of goods would affect the military deployment against the aliens, and even cause a storm in the city. Everyone knows it and turned it into a diplomatic incident.

Although Ah Bao is the founder of the Ah Bao caravan and is also the "boss" in name, it is impossible for a caravan of this size to be run by an individual. It must have a backer, that is, the "behind the scenes boss".

Abao is working for the imperial court, and the boss behind the scenes is in the temple, who is the supreme real dragon emperor.

Once this matter becomes a diplomatic matter and gets stabbed to the emperor, how the matter will develop in the future is out of A Bao's control.

If it is not handled well and a diplomatic crisis arises, it is hard to say whether he will be able to retain his position as the "boss in front of the stage".
He belongs to the emperor, and the emperor will naturally protect him, but there are conditions.

The game between high-level managers is the replacement of interests. The insurer will only be insured when the benefits outweigh the losses. If the insurer does not get the due income after spending a lot of money, then the insured person will be an abandoned child. Just throw it away.

Ah Bao couldn't bear the risk of being treated as an abandoned son, so this matter must not be raised to a diplomatic incident, he dared not gamble.

Therefore, Ah Bao suffered a huge dumb loss here. He knew that the goods were robbed by Lugo, and he also knew that Lugo was instigated by Kino. The weapon that killed more than 200 bodyguards without any ammunition left must be It was hunted by the death squad from the aliens.

The whole ins and outs, Ah Bao is actually very clear.

But there is no way, who let others take the initiative, and the handle falls into the other party's hands, so I can only smash my teeth and swallow it in my stomach, and try my best to meet Chino's requirements, in order to suppress the incident in the commercial field.

For the second batch of goods shipped by A Bao, as stipulated in the new contract, Chino only paid 10% of the market price.

Tiancaidibao is an out-and-out monopoly market, and as Chino said, the profit can reach a shocking [-] times profit.

Now sell it to Chino at 10% of the market price, except for the transportation costs along the way. Although Abao did not lose money or pay back, his mentality is really uncomfortable.

Watching other people make money is more uncomfortable than losing money yourself.

Moreover, in order to prevent Chino from doing something wrong again, such as letting someone rob the goods without saying a word, and then dumping the blame on the caravan, Ah Bao was extremely cautious when transporting the second batch of goods.

A Bao sent several times of bodyguards, all armed to the teeth, many of them were masters invited from the imperial court.

The range of the caravan trooper's pathfinding directly covers 24 miles around the caravan, and he is on duty [-] hours a day and night. Any disturbance must be reported to the escort, and even a rabbit passing by will be searched out.

Moreover, A Bao also specially used his identity as a three-clawed golden dragon to ask for help from the local defenders in Doguland in the city of entry, asking them to send people to go with them.

Ah Bao didn't count on the high military quality of the defenders of these kingdom cities, and only regarded them as amulets-the death of a group of bodyguards and the death of a group of regular kingdom troops are two different concepts.

With allies around, if Kino still dares to kill people without distinction, it will definitely attract the kingdom's investigation team, and Ah Bao decided that he would not dare to take such a risk!
(End of this chapter)

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