honor me as god

Chapter 445 Dragon Blood Confrontation

Chapter 445 Dragon Blood Confrontation
Sting nodded slightly, pointing to the gun body of the Blood Oath: "Look there."

Soon, Lorna noticed the detailed writing on the gun, and she read them out in Dragon Language: "Darm Lak Claan Seblun."

"The giant dragon protects the laurel forever." Sting's eyes seemed to be immersed in deep memories, "This is the word your mother engraved."

"Mom." This word is very familiar to most people, but it is so far away in Lorna's memory.

The body of Sting's bloodline couldn't touch the blood covenant, but he still stretched out his hand and stopped an inch away from the gun body, as if he was touching gently: "This line of words, engraved on the day the nine princesses were born, is your mother The birth gift given to Solandelle is also an entrustment to your future—"

"The dragon will take care of Laurel forever. You are older than Thorandell. You must take care of her like a sister, protect her, and protect the friendship between the dragon and Laurel forever, until death."

Lorna couldn't help chuckling, and she didn't know whether she was amused by the words her mother engraved, or she was laughing at Sting's promises that she had fulfilled a long time ago.

Sting put his hand on Lorna's shoulder, staring deeply at the blood oath: "This gun used to be the weapon of the Dragon Queen, and it has the queen's dragon blood on it. Once we servants touch it, we will be strongly repelled. Only members of the Ragnome clan with the Queen's blood in their bodies are eligible to use this weapon."

"Back then, your mother took this gun and galloped across the sky, becoming the dragon knight closest to the realm of the seventh sequence "Black King" after the Dragon Queen. Now, it is yours. "

"Go, hold the blood oath, and when you pull it out of the stone formation, you will be an adult Ragnome."

This was the moment Lorna had been waiting for since she was sensible, and she walked towards the formation without any hesitation.

When Lorna approached the blood oath, the gun seemed to come to life, and the faint roar of dragons resounded around, and the indescribable pressure came to her face, forming a repulsion to Lorna.

Although Lorna is the successor of the queen's bloodline, in theory, only the Dragon Queen herself is 100% pure bloodline. The later successors, including White Dragon Sura, including Lorna, have mixed with other bloodlines , not pure blood.

For these mixed-blood dragon descendants, the queen's dragon blood left in the blood oath will be strongly repelled, which is also the ultimate test for latecomers.

Those who cannot resist the queen's coercion, even if they are the heirs of the queen's blood, are not qualified to hold the blood oath.

Every step closer to the blood oath, Lorna felt that majestic coercion became heavier and heavier. At first, there was only a faint dragon chant lingering in her ears, but then it became loud and tidal, and the sense of oppression surged from every corner of her body. It made her body hot and cold, and even brought on waves of dizziness and numbness.

Later, that coercion even became substantive, pressing down on her body like a huge wall, cold sweat dripped down, and even her knees were unconsciously bent, as if she was about to kneel down at any time.

Lorna is facing the heaviest test in her life. In the face of the blood oath belonging to the Dragon Queen, the Queen's blood inherited in her body has lost its effect and no longer provides her with any protection. Only her own blood is fighting tenaciously.

The blood oath is like a raging beast waking up from a deep sleep. The arrogance and fury above all the dragons is about to burst out, turning into invisible shackles and attacking Lorna, launching a merciless attack on her. suppress.

Lorna's heart rate was rising at a high speed, but her body temperature was losing at a strange speed. The once hot dragon's blood lost its original temperature, her body couldn't stop trembling in the cold wind, and all her strength disappeared like sparks falling into the deep sea. Shadow, the rest is only irresistible trembling.

Sting was watching this scene the whole time, his fists clenched tightly, and although his face was expressionless, it could be seen from the cold sweat on his forehead and the nails that almost sank into his palms that his heart was no worse than anyone else's. easy.

Lorna has now struggled to reach the edge of the Blood Oath, only a few centimeters away from it, but the distance within reach is like a moat at this moment. She raised her head trembling a few times, but because the coercion was too heavy, It fell down helplessly.

This is a confrontation between dragon blood and dragon blood.

The blood oath is not ordinary, and those who cannot bear the queen's dragon blood have to surrender and leave.

Over the past 513 years, there have been hundreds of heirs of the Queen's blood in the Regnome family, but only a few of them can really take the blood oath.

No one knows whether Lorna can withstand the pressure and pick up this magical weapon.

Between man and gun, there can only be one winner.

At that time, Sura took the blood oath at the age of 22, and her strength was already the fourth sequence "Qianyin". Even so, she was still at a disadvantage in the confrontation, and her consciousness was on the verge of collapse several times, and finally she was in a semi-comatose state Desperate to die, struggling to pull out the blood oath.

Now, Lorna is only the third sequence "Dragon Roar", and she has not even passed the annual ceremony. Is it really appropriate for her to challenge the blood oath at the age of 3? Sting looked at his daughter in pain, and couldn't help but feel bad about his decision. Suspect.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!." Lorna's heartbeat frequency has exceeded the limit that ordinary people can bear.
pressure, pressure like never before
Lorna's whole body strength has been drained by the coercion of the queen's dragon blood, and the coldness permeates her body, making her unable to move, not to mention reaching out to touch the blood oath, even moving her eyeballs is impossible .

Consciousness quickly fell into a blur, and there seemed to be countless dragons roaring in her ears at the same time. She was like a solitary boat in a huge wave, roaring with terrifying coercion, and the same two words came from all body instincts - surrender .

unable to compete
I can't stand it anymore.
Under Queen Longwei, Lorna's consciousness is on the verge of collapse, this process is too painful, really painful
Or give up.
It's not something I can handle
i can't beat it
Gray thought is like a strong poison, there is no threat from a distance, but once it touches, even a slight touch, it will spread throughout the body in an instant, eroding the remaining will.

Lorna's sense of resistance quickly disintegrated, and the strength supporting her body also disappeared, as if being tamed by a stronger existence, she unconsciously knelt down to the ground, about to bow her head in front of the blood oath.

Seeing this scene, Sting slowly closed his eyes, with a complicated expression on his face, and he didn't know if he was disappointed. Maybe he was disappointed by this scene, or maybe he had already made psychological preparations and expected the result, but it was just a simple loss. .

The feeling that the consciousness is on the verge of collapse is very similar to the body dying. People will fall into a kind of cold numbness, and the consciousness will be occupied by past memories.

"When you grow up to be comparable to your ancestor Dragon Queen, we can have a serious fight~" Without warning, crisp laughter rang in Lorna's ears.

The gloomy mind seemed to be illuminated by a ray of light, and the broken consciousness was reunited. Lorna murmured: "Dinisa"

"Come on, little dragon cub, you are far away from the "Black King"~"

"Don't give up, didn't you say that you want to become the seventh sequence like me? How can you surpass me like this?"

"Get up, don't admit defeat, Sura must be very disappointed to see you like this!"

"Come on, when you defeat me one day, you will be the "King's Blade". "

Memories of the past come rushing in, scenes of getting along with Denisa emerge in front of my eyes, and the words left in the past become so clear and echo continuously.

Time is too hasty, 12 years seems to be a long time, but it is so short, the eternal time begins to flow backwards, she seems to have returned to the past of her childhood, to the afternoon when she first met Denisa.

Suddenly, it seemed as if a gentle kiss was left on her forehead: "Little dragon cub, grow up quickly."

Just when Sting closed his eyes sadly, an unexpected roar came from the front: "Faas——Tah!!!"

Sting was shocked like an electric shock, and opened his eyes in shock, only to see Lorna, who was about to kneel and surrender, stood up again, burning hot spots on her body, and they flowed violently in the blood, bringing out the shocking in the blood. This is the signal of the dragon's blood boiling.

Faas - Tah dragon blood suppression? !
Lorna initiates dragon blood suppression to the blood oath? ? ! !
Not only did this behavior not surprise Sting, but it directly caused him to panic.

What is dragon blood suppression?
Giant dragons, like all highly intelligent creatures, have hierarchical relationships. Noble bloodlines are always superior to inferior bloodlines. The suppression of dragon blood is a declaration-I am above you, and you must submit to me.

Throughout the ages, the queen's bloodline has prevailed over the bloodline of the subordinates, and it is not uncommon for low-rank queen-blooded dragon knights to suppress high-ranked subordinate bloodline dragon knights.

Before Jack the Ripper invaded, Rezakhal of the 5th Sequence relied on his strength and launched dragon blood suppression on Lorna of the 2nd Sequence at that time, but was immediately counterattacked by the Queen's bloodline. Forced to surrender.

Giant dragons are respected by their bloodlines. As far as high-level bloodlines are concerned, they can initiate dragon pressure suppression against inferior bloodlines at will. If any inferior bloodlines dare to suppress the superior, it is not only a challenge, but also an unforgivable offense. Will be the most powerful counterattack.

Now, as the only dragon knight with the queen's bloodline, Lorna's bloodline ranks above all the clansmen, but don't forget, she is still a mixed blood after all, but the purity of the queen's bloodline is higher.

And the blood oath she is facing at this time, what remains on it is the purest queen's dragon blood!

As an Inheritor, you can renounce the trial, surrender to it, and walk away.

You can also fend off Queen Dragon's Might, proving your will, which will allow your hold.

But dragon blood suppression?

Initiating dragon blood suppression to the blood oath is declaring to it—you must submit to me.

The consequences of this transgression have never been known for 513 years, because no Ragnome has ever dared to do so.

And now, the consequences are exposed to everyone.

"Boom—" The blood oath seemed to be in an endless rage. A scorching spot of flame appeared on the body of the gun, and then erupted instantly. The boiling queen's dragon blood spilled on the ground with infinite dragon power, twisted, entangled, and finally gathered to surround Luo Luo. Na's enchantment.

The raging fire rose from the barrier, it wasn't crimson red, but an almost abyss-like pitch black, the dragon chant that tore the eardrums resounded from the black fire, and then a giant shadow emerged, covering the entire summit of the ancient dragon.

In the next instant, the shadows of millions of giant dragons appeared in the black fire all over the sky. They rolled and howled in the black fire, scrambling to climb out, but they were all suppressed.

These are all giant dragons who were killed by the blood oath in ancient times. The corpses of countless challengers forged the unshakable reputation of the Dragon Queen. No escape.

Anyone who trespasses will be paid with blood!

The guests under the altar were already in commotion. They didn't know what was going on. The accompanying imperial guards realized that something was wrong, and they lit up the god seals one after another. The burning sun and golden fire stretched into a wall, trying their best to guard the princes and ministers.

Resakhar was already in a cold sweat at this time, stumbled towards the altar, grabbed Sting's arm and shouted: "Tell her to stop! She will die!!!"

It can be seen from the pale face that this kind of thing was not what Sting expected, but after a brief silence, he still shook off Rezakhal's hand vigorously, and looked at the trapped in the black fire with determined eyes. Lorna in: "Leave it alone, she knows what she's doing."

After 513 years, the queen's dragon blood remaining in the blood oath has inevitably been diluted by the years, but the blood that once belonged to the seventh sequence "Black King", even though it has declined hundreds of times, its coercion is still unbearable. block.

In the center of the enchantment, the altar under Lorna's feet was billowing with boundless black fire, as if it was burning up her remaining sanity and throwing her into a hell from which she would never be able to break free. Escape, there is no way to escape, you can only bow your head to the ground and pray for mercy, or be crushed to death by it.

At this time, Lorna's mind was not only destroyed, the furious Queen Longwei had even materialized, causing her skin to crack and hot blood pouring out wantonly, and her whole body almost became a bloody person.

"Faas——Tah!!!" No one knows what is supporting Lorna, she is still roaring unyieldingly to the blood oath, the violent veins on her forehead burst under the pressure, hot blood flows into her eyes, and her naked eyes Hitomi dyed a deeper red.

"Boom!!!" The blood oath will not show mercy to any trespassers, let alone be moved by the so-called unyielding, it will only fight back endlessly in fury to protect the queen's old honor.

The erupting dragon power has swept across the entire area of ​​ancient dragon peaks, and all the nearby giant dragons fell into extreme panic because of the queen's dragon power, shivering in the corner and wailing miserably.

Even Sting's nearly [-]-meter-long golden dragon was covering its head with its wings, curled up and bowed its head on the ground, not even daring to move.

Just when Lorna spilled blood on the altar and the dragons panicked, something unexpected happened.

Fei Ye, as the smallest dragon among the 24 dragons, is also the only one that is still in its infancy, and Queen Longwei has the greatest influence on it.

But when Lorna was in peril, the young dragon screamed and tore the dragon scales on his body, suppressed the fear in his heart with severe pain, struggled to climb up the altar, rushed into the black fire barrier, and came to the conclusion the owner of the contract.

Share the dragon's blood, share the same robe with your son!
"Roar!!!" The blood vessels in Fei Ye's body were bursting inch by inch due to the heavy pressure of Queen Longwei, but she resolutely spread her wings and let out a thundering dragon roar, sharing part of the pressure for her master, and facing the fury of the blood oath with her .

The successor of the new generation and her giant dragon launched an unyielding challenge to the old king!

The strong wind hunted, black and red collided, two completely different colors swallowed each other, countless energy ripples washed away, and the entire ancient dragon peak seemed to be torn apart and lost its original color.

When the partner who shared the dragon's blood came to her, Lorna seemed to gain a supreme power, trust!side by side!In the same robe as the son!Entrust this life!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!." The more violent the heartbeat, the clearer Lorna's consciousness became, and then turned into a frenzied restlessness, just like the sleeping angry beast in the body was awakened and broke out.

"Boom—" The heaviest heartbeat in this life resounded, and the turbulent heat in Lorna's body surged through her body as if breaking through the shackles. A series of afterimages.

"Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud Hold it in your hand!
(End of this chapter)

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