honor me as god

Chapter 442 Breakthrough Airflow

Chapter 442 Breakthrough Airflow
Gulong Peak, the top of this mountain range protrudes from the turbulent layer. Because it is isolated by the thick freezing haze, the climate here is completely different from that of the Lenglie Valley below.

Although the temperature at the top of the ancient dragon is also low, it is majestic and desolate, with no snow, and everything is immersed in the unique emptiness of the plateau.

This is a wonderful scene far away from the world, the sky is like washing, and the sunshine from the sky dots the mountain that no one has stepped on all the year round. Unknown wild flowers bloom on the rocks, shaking gently with the wind, The majestic peaks are full of mountains and ravines, as if lifted in the air by the turbulent flow of freezing and haze, standing for thousands of years, majestic and vast.

The summit of the ancient dragon is usually protected by the enchantment of dragon language. Except for the family members who climb to the summit once in a hundred years to pay homage to the immortal ancient dragon, no one can enter the rest of the time.

Today is not a hundred-year pilgrimage day, but the summit of the ancient dragon is also open, which is very lively.

An hour ago, the leader of the dragon, Sting, temporarily lifted the barrier of dragon language. All the guests who came to Lorna's coming-of-age ceremony stopped here, some were waiting quietly, some were whispering, and some were lingering The beautiful scenery is unforgettable, looking into the distance.

The summit of the ancient dragon, where the legendary "Immortal Ancient Dragon" ascended to become a god, today will witness a dragon's descendant enter adulthood.

However, Lorna, the protagonist of this coming-of-age ceremony, has not shown up for a long time.

Sting was standing at the top of the altar on the top of the mountain, frowning, waiting silently.

Under the altar, Resakhar had already arrived, and Bolton asked in a low voice beside him, "Are you sure you have explained to Lorna?"

Resakhar looked puzzled: "I told her, I asked her to come to the top of the ancient dragon, and she started one step ahead of me, why is there no one?"

Bolton was a little speechless: "She won't be lost again, right?"

Resakhar said angrily: "How is it possible?! Such a large mountain range, just fly straight over it, how can you get lost?"

Solandelle approached, with a worried look on her face: "It's hard to say! Lorna's sense of direction is very bad. If you tell her to walk straight, she may turn around while walking. She has come to the palace so many times. , now I don’t even know where my mansion is!”

Resakhar wanted to cry but had no tears: "Then what should I do, do I have to be a coachman again and drive her up?"

While the three of them were whispering, the turbulent flow of freezing haze around the top of the ancient dragon suddenly changed.

A vortex of freezing haze suddenly bulged up, as if it had been under some kind of heavy pressure. Immediately afterwards, a red giant shadow broke through the clouds, as if a prairie fire was ignited in the sky, and the roaring dragon chant echoed for a long time on the top of the ancient dragon.

"Boom!" The dragon flapped its wings and landed in the open space. The violent impact shook off the three-foot-thick frost on the dragon's scales, and it fell like a drizzle of snow.

On the dragon's back, a "little snowman" jumped down, slapped the snow on his body, and shouted excitedly: "Oh! Fei Ye, we rushed out!! It's great!!!"

Seeing Lorna appearing in this way, all the guests were stunned, and Resakhar was also dumbfounded: "No. Lorna, what are you doing???"

Luo Na shook Yu Xue off her body, tilted her head and said, "Uncle, didn't you ask me to come to the top of the ancient dragon? Here I am."

Resakhar looked inexplicable: "I asked you to climb up from the cave path, why did you fly up? The turbulent layer is very dangerous, I dare not fly in it casually, are you desperate? ?!"

Lorna shook her index finger left and right, and said proudly: "Look at what you said, this is my coming-of-age ceremony, of course I want to take Fei Ye with me, it is my most important partner, how can I leave it behind under?"

Resakhar was even more puzzled: "Then you can bring it up, and I didn't say that you can't bring it, can you come up from the cave path together?"

"Ah?!" Lorna was stunned for a moment, her eyes wandering, and she asked awkwardly, "Is the cave path that wide? Can Fei Ye get in?"

Resakhar laughed angrily, and kept rolling his eyes: "It's so wide that ten Crimson Nights can pass side by side. All of us came from the plank road, and so did the dragon."

Bolton added secretly: "The plank road is very comfortable. Not only is the temperature suitable, but there is also a cable car for climbing to the top. People and dragons don't have to climb by themselves, they are all transported up by cable car."

It was only then that Lorna realized that, except for her, the other giant dragons of "24 Dragon Riders in Cold Valley" were all present, chasing each other in the open space, biting me, and flicking your tail, having fun with each other Almost.

The oldest and largest is undoubtedly Sting's [-]-meter-long golden dragon. It yawned and scratched its stomach with its paws in boredom, while looking at Lorna and Fei Ye with eyes that cared for silly children.

"Ah, here." Under the eyes of everyone, Lorna blushed with embarrassment and stammered, "I thought the cave was too small for a dragon to get in, so I rode Fei Ye up directly. Me, me, me I know the cave is so big. No one told me about the fact that there is a cable car.”

Bolton joked: "No one told you that rocks can't be eaten, but after you take a bite, you should know that it's not food."

"You're the one who talks too much!" Lorna rode a dragon to break through the turbulent layer, and did something stupid that looked powerful but was useless. She was afraid of being laughed at, so she jumped up and down to change the subject, "That's right, that's right. Now, what are you all doing at the top of the ancient dragon? Do you want to hold a banquet here? Alright, let's have an open-air barbecue! I want to eat a whole roasted cow, you are not allowed to grab me!"

"Lorna." At this time, Sting's voice came from the altar on the top of the mountain. He stood at the end of the stairs and watched Lorna. There was no fatherly love on his face, only the coldness of being the head of the family, "You look very happy ?”

Lorna's thoughts were sketchy, she was not the kind of person who was good at observing words and feelings, and she didn't realize that Sting was very serious now, so she nodded without thinking: "I'm happy, I'm going to be an adult soon, of course I'm happy!"

"Swish—" Without warning, Sting's cold light rose sharply, and a sharp stream of light tore through the air, piercing the ground in front of Lorna precisely.

"Ding!" The hard rock was pierced in an instant, and a rough blade was deeply sunk into it. The handle carved with a giant dragon pattern remained outside, and the scarlet streamer fluttered in the cold wind on the top of the ancient dragon.

Lorna was unprepared just now, the sudden attack startled her, she staggered backwards, and almost fell to the ground.

The master was threatened, and Fei Ye suddenly became nervous, hurried over to stick to Lorna, protected her with her wings, and looked at Sting vigilantly with her head shrunk.

The guests also exclaimed when they saw this, their eyes widened in bewilderment, apparently they did not expect Sting to do this to his daughter.

What is this doing?
(End of this chapter)

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