honor me as god

Chapter 425 Shameless

Chapter 425 Shameless

Not long after, Paladin took back the document bag containing the contract. The document bag was sealed intact and there was no trace of being tampered with.

Paladin handed the document bag to Kino with both hands, then looked at A Bao, and scolded righteously: "I really can't imagine that A Bao's caravan would be so dishonest!"

"According to the principles of the code, in a commercial transaction, if there is a difference in the contract between the buyer and the seller, the two parties are only responsible for the content of the contract in their own hands, and can ask the chamber of commerce for mediation. If the contract is maliciously tampered with and suspected of a crime, you can apply to the court to intervene in the investigation !"

A Bao shrugged and said calmly: "Of course, I have memorized these code items by heart. If the content of our contract is different, I am willing to follow the standard process and deal with it as I want."

Ah Bao has said that, Paladin has nothing to say, he can only admit that he is unlucky to be exposed to such a cub, and let the rest be business-like, he said to Kino in a deep voice: "My lord, please take a look at it. "

Kino opened the file bag, took out Paladin's contract, and carefully read it page by page.
After reading it, Kino didn't say anything, and threw the contract backhandedly at Paladin's face.


Caught off guard and being slapped on the face, Paladin suddenly felt nervous: "My lord?"

Kino still didn't speak, just looked at A Bao expressionlessly, and A Bao shrugged and raised his eyebrows.

Paladin didn't understand what was going on, so he hurriedly picked up the scattered contracts and looked through them intently.

He turned over and over again, but his expression didn't change, probably because he didn't find anything unusual.

until the last page is turned.
Paladin's face suddenly turned pale, and he felt a cold current rush down from the back of his neck and spread to his limbs. The spine of the whole portrait was removed, and he couldn't even stand upright.

There is no problem with the main content of the contract, that is, the one he signed with Abao at that time, the number of goods and the unit price are all right, and they have not been tampered with.

This contract does not have the official seal of the Po caravan.
There are standard templates for commercial contracts, and the last page presents the documents of the buyer and the seller, and stamping the official seal means that the contract becomes effective.

On the last page of the contract that Palatine is holding, for some reason, there is only the official seal of the caravan from the Consul’s mansion, and the official seal of the Abao caravan has disappeared!

how so.
This contract was signed by him and Abao face to face. After signing and getting it back, he put it in the safe without touching it. Why did the official seal disappear?
Cold sweat dripped from his forehead and soaked into his eyes, causing Paladin's eyes to sting, and Ah Bao's figure in front of him also became blurred, with layers of phantoms appearing.

what is the problem
At that time, the interview between the two parties went smoothly. The price offered by Abao's side to the Consul's Mansion was acceptable, and the various transportation guarantees of Abao's caravan also made the Consul's Mansion very satisfied. The two sides hit it off.

Because this is a major transaction involving a huge amount of money, there cannot be any negligence, so Palatine was very focused and vigilant that day-the wine served was not drunk.The cigarettes handed over are not smoked.Women's conversations will never be answered.Only talk about business, not private.

After the details are negotiated, the two parties start to go through the standard contract process - use the same pen to write the contract items on the same piece of paper, write four times, cut them into four copies, proofread the details of the content, confirm that they are correct, and cover them. The official seal of the caravan to which it belongs.

The whole process is under Paladin's nose without any problems.

But now, the official seal of the Abao caravan on the contract in my hand is gone
Paladin only thought of one possibility - when the contract was signed, the official seal of the Abao caravan was fake!
There was no problem with that fake official seal when it was affixed, so it could be confused with the real one, but it is very likely that some kind of special dye was secretly used in it. This dye will volatilize with the passage of time and disappear without a trace.

After Abao signed the contract with the fake official seal, he waited until the dye evaporated completely, then began to falsify the terms of the contract, and then covered the real official seal on the last page, and a "fake real contract" was completed.

As for Paladin, the only contract in his hands is the official seal of the government residence caravan, and the official seal of Abao's caravan has been volatilized, which is equivalent to an invalid contract.

At this time, the contract with the official seals of the two caravans in Ah Bao's hand became the only document with legal force.

In this case, even if you go to the court to sue, it is empty talk.

Because in the eyes of outsiders, the contract in Ah Bao's hand is real—and it is indeed "real", with official seals, and it is clear.

As for tampering with the traces, if Ah Bao dared to do this, he must have been fully prepared. He must have used the top handwriting imitators. I am afraid that even the trace experts in the trial court will find it difficult to find flaws.

On Paladin's side, he couldn't come up with a valid contract, and would only be judged as poorly kept.

According to the transaction principle, poor storage of the contract cannot be used as a reason for the termination of the contract, and both parties must perform the transaction obligations in accordance with the existing valid contract.

In this way, the Executive Mansion must purchase the goods from Abao's caravan at a tampered price that is 10 times higher than the market price.

I didn't expect this Ah Bao caravan to be so dark that they would do such a shameless thing.
I also blame Paladin himself for being "overly" vigilant. After signing the contract, he was afraid of being stolen, so he was eager to keep it sealed and locked it in the agency safe in the reference room without stopping.

If you're not in such a hurry, you can put it outside and look at it twice a day, maybe you can find that the official seal of Abao's caravan is fading, so you can go to the court to leave evidence in advance.

Miscalculation I have always acted vigilantly, but this time I was mistaken by my vigilance
"Paladin, my old friend." Ah Bao called Paladine's attention back, and he asked with a puzzled face, "What's the matter with your contract? This is the discarded version that we made a mistake at the time. The official version is in Where? Quickly show it to Consul Kino and let him judge for us, who is right and who is wrong."

"Shameless!" Paladin slammed the contract on the table angrily, his eyes were red, "In business, credit comes first! You tampered with the official seal, don't you want any integrity?!"

"Oh! Old friend, is there something wrong with you?" A Bao glared, threw the contract on the table, pointed to the last page and said, "Is this the official seal of the government residence? Is it? Did you stamp it?" Is that right? I didn’t force you from the beginning to the end, and I didn’t threaten you, right? You were willing to sign this contract, but now you’re backing away?”

Paladin clenched his fists and hurriedly explained to Kino: "My lord, there is something wrong with their official seal! That official seal will disappear after it is stamped, and they are deliberately playing tricks to entrap me!"

Ah Bao was furious, pointed at Paladin's nose, and warned: "You are infringing on my reputation by talking nonsense in front of Consul Kino! I will sue you in the court!"

Paladin yelled back: "You know what you have done!"

A Bao slapped the table: "What did I do? I signed a contract with you with all sincerity, hoping to establish a friendly business relationship between the two parties, but now you want to bite me back? How about this, let's stop talking, and directly apply for a trial If you intervene, how about you and I going to court?"

(End of this chapter)

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