honor me as god

Chapter 423 Real and fake flower orchid

Chapter 423 Real and fake flower orchid
As soon as Qino said this, the atmosphere suddenly became extremely strange. Everyone looked at "Hua Lan" in A Bao's arms with doubts, and the girls who looked exactly like her behind her, with erratic eyes, not knowing what was happening. What does no mean.

The "Hua Lan" in A Bao's arms also had a stagnant expression, and her eyes were a little flustered. Although she quickly adjusted her mood and continued to smile and snuggle into A Bao's arms, what was the paleness on her face after the blood faded? I can't hide it.

Ah Bao still had that smiling expression, he hugged Hualan without hesitation, shrugged his shoulders and asked Kino: "Can you see the difference between them?"

Kino rested his chin and looked at the "Hua Lan" in Abao's arms with great interest, then turned his eyes sideways, looked at the standing "Hua Lan" and said with a smile: "What does the real Hua Lan look like?" , I don't know. But these women's faces are more or less different - very subtle, but there is. The people who disguised them are quite skilled."

"Hahahahaha, they are right. Your eyes can penetrate people's hearts, let alone your face." A Bao licked his dry lips, and there was a dangerous signal in his smile, "Do you want to meet the real man?" Is it Hualan?"

Abao still continued his flamboyant personality, and after asking the question, he didn't care about Chino's answer, and snapped his fingers at Hu Shanrong.

Hu Shanrong left the living room and brought back a box with one hand after a while. The box was big enough to hold a human body. The shape was full of Abao's extravagant style. The overall material was made of gold, and all kinds of strange pearls were inlaid on it, shining colorfully. The gorgeous light, if you just pick a small piece, it is worth half of the life expenses of an ordinary family.

Ah Bao got up with Hualan in his arms, and took off a piece of jewelry worn around his neck. This piece of jewelry has been modified in some way. There is a small mechanism that will open when pressed, revealing the exquisite little hidden inside. key.

"咻~咻咻~" Ah Bao whistled briskly, while using the key to unlock the rose-shaped lock on the box, and made a "please" gesture with a smile.

As the person who negotiated on behalf of Chino and Abao, Paladin took the initiative to stand up and carefully opened the box. When he saw the contents inside, his face turned pale. Fortunately, he was a veteran of the border guards and had seen many scenes before. The psychological quality is excellent, and there is no serious physiological reaction, but there is a little pantothenic acid in the throat.

The rest of the guards were not so lucky. They were all from inland areas. Although they had received professional military training, few of them rolled over the pile of dead people, let alone those shocking scenes.

A guard of the executive government mansion peeped into the box, his face was completely drained of blood, and there was a muffled sound in his throat. He covered his protruding mouth with all his strength, and stumbled out of the living room, only to hear a violent "" "vomit", the sound of vomiting and the sound of filth being sprayed on the ground came from time to time.

Ah Bao walked to the treasure chest, looked down, and stretched out his hand to say hello softly: "Long time no see, Boss, Hualan~"

What was in the box was not a corpse.

If it was just broken corpses and the like, the guards would not have such a big reaction.

Because there are living people inside, it looks even more terrifying.

There are two living people in the box, a man and a woman, who must be Ah Bao's boss when he was working in the granary, and Hualan, the top actor in the theater that he has been thinking about.

Although these two people can still see their original appearance, they have been subjected to some kind of operation that is so evil that it is difficult to describe in words. Their heads and tails are stitched together, and after food and water are introduced into the body through catheters, they will participate Each other's digestive cycle, the slightest struggle is a tearing of flesh, and even the most savage voodoo rituals pale in comparison.

Hualan and the man she once devoted herself to have been imprisoned for an unknown amount of time, maybe more than ten years. Their bodies and hearts have been trapped in this closed treasure box, day after day, year after year, even though they are alive , but it is only "alive", consciousness and thinking have long been destroyed, like two puppets made of flesh and blood.

Now that the box was opened, Hualan and the boss didn't even notice it. The only reaction was that there were faint tears in those eyes with dilated pupils.

A Bao looked at the two people leisurely, and his words were full of tenderness: "You know what? I am a very kind person. I will never take revenge on those who have despised me, and I will never say anything like 'Don't bully the boy Poor' and the like.

"Youth is powerless, old age is successful, the me who was down and out in the past, and the me who became rich later, they are two different people. Others have different attitudes towards the two different people. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"So, after I got rich, I didn't seek revenge from anyone, and I even specially thanked those who bullied me, because without them, I wouldn't be where I am now."

"If it were another scumbag who met men and women who despised him before after returning home, he would probably kill the man to vent his anger, and then occupy the woman to vent his grievances and desires over the past few years. Kick people away."

Abao smiled and made a goodbye gesture to Hualan in the box, and asked Hu Shanrong to close the box, put his arms around "Huanlan" outside the box and sit back on his seat, and said righteously: "I never do this kind of thing." The success of a villain. Just like Hualan and my boss, not only did I not break them up, but I also let this loving couple stay with each other all the time, never to be separated. I have done my best, haven’t I~”

A needle can be heard in the room, but no one speaks, only the faint sound of candle flames.

Ah Bao looked at Kino under the shadow of the candle, and joked: "Consul Kino, give me a reaction, don't you like my work?"

"I really don't like it." Kino's face emerged from the shadow of the candle, unlike those pale-faced people in Paladin, he had the usual smile on his face, unchanged, "I prefer works with a sense of art."

"Oh~ you mean I don't understand art?" Ah Bao chuckled and lowered his head, gradually, his shoulders began to tremble, and his laughter became more and more exaggerated, "Hahahahahaha!!!"

"You're so right! I came from a lowly background. I was a Liba carrying rice bags since I was a child. I don't understand everything in music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine, flower tea, and I haven't read a few books. How can I understand art? Hahahahaha !"

"But, you know what? I'm a person who cares about one thing, and that's respect."

"I'm a Liba, you can pay me to do things, you can use me as you like, but you can't insult me. I'm a pariah, you can feel that I don't deserve you, I don't deserve to breathe the same air as you, but you can't step on me. You can't spoil my flowers, let alone spit on my face, and even spit three mouthfuls."

"For me, respect is very important. People who respect me can often achieve great success. People who don't respect me usually have a short life." When Abao said this, his smiling expression completely disappeared. There was no anger or smile, only Those dark eyes stared at Kino, "Then the question is, do you respect me?"

(End of this chapter)

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