honor me as god

Chapter 419

Chapter 419
Dusk City Executive Mansion.

In Kino's hand was holding an exquisite letter sent from Wangcheng, and the sender was none other than Lorna.

The general content of the letter is that "Frost Sky" is Lorna's birthday on the 25th, and her 16-year-old coming-of-age ceremony will be held in Cold Valley on that day, and Chino is sincerely invited to attend.

There is nothing to say about this, whether it is private or public, it is impossible for Kino to miss Lorna's coming-of-age ceremony.

Today is the 15th day of frost, and there are still 10 days left. Even if the journey is counted, there is plenty of time, so there is no need to rush to start early.

The only question now is, what gift for Lorna?
This kind of extroverted and carefree girl definitely doesn't like things that are too literary.

For example, if you compose a piano piece for Lorna like the birthday present you gave to Solandelle before, it will definitely not have any surprise effect.

Lorna has no artistic talent, and she doesn't appreciate literature and art. She is a very down-to-earth person, and it would be better to give her more practical things.

what should i send
Just when Kino was thinking, Paladin's voice interrupted his thoughts: "My lord, Mr. Po is here."

Abao, this name sounds very simple and simple, full of local flavor, but don't underestimate the energy behind this name, because the owner of the name is rooted in the "Northern Snowfield" and is a giant businessman with great powers.

At the northernmost tip of the Dogland Kingdom, there is a military facility called "Frozen Fortress". Further north of the fortress is the "Northern Snowfield".

The northern snowfield is covered by ice and snow for thousands of miles, and has the unique extremely cold climate of the ice field, but it is not a land without life. On the contrary, the northern snowfield has large-scale settlements.

And the members who make up those settlements are the "Six Kings Ancestors".

The "Eight Kings Dispute" in the year 2188 of the Divine Fall calendar ended with the founding of the "Ancient King" and the bloodshed of the "Dragon Queen". The Dogrand family and the Regnom family were thus forever allied. Yang Wangtu has been flying so far.

Except for these two kings, the other six kings were destroyed, and the followers behind them were expelled in the continuous purges year after year, and finally drifted to the northern snowfield, which is very unsuitable for human habitation.

As for these "ancestors of the six kings", theoretically speaking, the Dogland Kingdom should be wiped out. After all, they are alien races with different blood and different hearts, and it will be a disaster after all to keep them.

However, the northern snowfield is covered with ice for thousands of miles, and the terrain is complicated. It is very difficult for the army to move forward. Even the extraordinary can easily get lost here, and fighting in different places is even more laborious and costly.

Therefore, in the 513 years since the founding of Doguland, it has not organized a large-scale extermination operation, but has adopted a relatively conservative method - to establish a "frozen fortress" in the natural dangerous valley at the northernmost part of the border, and to garrison it with heavy troops. Forever cut off from the borders.

Those exiled ancestors of the Six Kings were just a mass of loose sand at first, but in the face of the harsh weather, they were forced to form settlements, lingering in the northern snowfields, seeking a spark of survival.

It should be said that the ancestors of the Six Kings were lucky. Although the ice field has a severe cold climate, it is not barren, but has a unique ecosystem.

The trees and vegetation adapted to the severe cold are full of the unique vitality of the snowfield. They can not only bear berries to feed their hunger, but also breed many beasts adapted to the severe cold. Whether it is hunting for food or making warm clothes from wild animal fur, it is a must for survival. opportunity.

The ancestors of the Six Kings indeed froze to death in the early days of being exiled, but after generation after generation, they finally adapted to the climate of the northern snow field, no longer regarded the cold as an enemy, but learned how to get along with nature, They settled there in the form of settlements and have multiplied to this day.

The unique ecosystem of the northern snowfield brings not only vitality, but also business opportunities—many treasures of heaven and earth, rare and exotic animals often live in extreme environments, such as the dark and dull deep sea, extremely hot melting caves, sky frozen ice sheet
The northern snowfield is such a land of treasures. There are many precious natural materials and earthly treasures growing in it, and exotic animals appear from time to time. These animals and plants that condense the cold air of the ice field are not only the top ingredients, but also materials for cultivating skills.

The Far East Dynasty and Dogland actually covet the natural resources of the northern snowfields, but the environment there is too harsh to be suitable for garrison or rule. The ancestors of the six kings also rejected these two countries, especially the "ancient king" and The Dogoland Kingdom, which was jointly established by the "Dragon Queen", is unwilling to open trade with them.

As a result, businessmen like Ah Bao came into being.

A Bao has a very high business talent. After completing the accumulation of primitive wealth through business and trade, he invested all his capital in the northern snowfields. He spent more than [-] years helping the ancestors of the Six Kings build infrastructure and bring them tools to improve work efficiency. , build igloos to shelter from the wind and snow, and open up roads one after another in the forest covered by frost and snow, which greatly improved the quality of life of the ancestors, and forged a deep friendship with them.

In return, Abao obtained the exclusive right to exploit the northern snowfields, and the chief of the Six Kings Ancestors allowed, and only allowed, his caravan to pick natural and earthly treasures in the ice and snow forest, and capture or hunt rare and exotic animals to a certain extent.

Except for Po, any mining or hunting behavior of any caravan would be regarded as hostile and would be mercilessly attacked by the ancestors.

This exclusive mining right provides Ah Bao with a stable source of goods and business routes. Whether it is the potion of Dogoland or the practice of the Far Eastern Dynasty, it is inseparable from these natural treasures.

For the two countries, the leaders of the two countries are more willing to see a "middleman" like Po than an expedition that wastes people and money, and the investment and return are unpredictable.

You can buy it directly with money, so why mobilize people?

After Abao obtained the exclusive right to exploit the northern snowfield, the trade routes became wider and larger, and his caravan had to carry out the mining work in the northern snowfield by himself at first, but later on he didn’t need to do it himself at all. When a few bags of air-dried meat come out, many people in the settlement are willing to help them work, and they just need to wait for the harvest and sell the things for money.

In this way, with continuous positive circulation, Abao grew into a world-renowned giant businessman, and became the guest of many princes and ministers.

Today, Ah Bao visited Twilight City at the invitation of Chino.

Since Dusk City broke away from the Beacon Province and became directly under the royal family, Kino took "fighting against aliens" as the banner, and has stronger power than before, and the operation of the independent space is also flourishing.

In the name of cultivating extraordinary soldiers, Kino has already purchased a large number of natural materials and earthly treasures, and secretly used them to study their secrets.

For Ah Bao, the business route has always been open to all comers, and the reason is very simple - as long as there is money to make.

In this way, the two sides got on line, and after Chino dispatched Paladin several times to contact Po, he decided to invite him to meet in Twilight City to show his sincerity and lay the foundation for the long-term cooperation between the two parties in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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