honor me as god

Chapter 37 Unbelievable

Chapter 37 Unbelievable
Hearing this question, Li Minkai's expression was not very good, and he was a little embarrassed: "Tier 1."

Chino was puzzled: "How many missions have you completed?"

"6 times."

"Have you completed 6 missions, or is it still Tier 1? What are the evaluation criteria for team rank?"

Li Minkai sighed and said, "The rank of the team is determined by the consumed reward points - the reward points are the rewards we get after completing the task, which can be exchanged for weapons, armor, bloodlines, etc."

Similar to the respect value of Triple Shackles.Chino thought.

Li Minkai continued: "The more reward points are used, the higher the rank of the team, and the more difficult the quests received. Normally, teams that complete 6 quests should be rank 2 to 3. But our team is special, I In order to control the difficulty of the task, never let the companions abuse the reward points, but spend them in the key places, and complete the task in a cost-effective way."

Chino said with great interest: "It is indeed a very cost-effective method to exchange a very small amount of reward points for the money of the target world, and then use the local forces to complete the task. But let me say that you are not a qualified captain. Keeping the difficulty at a low level and completing tasks comfortably is just a little clever."

Li Minkai tried to refute: "But our 6 missions were all uninjured! Other teams' early mission fatality rate was above 70%!"

Chino: "What's the point of you finishing 6 times without taking any damage, and then quasi-group destruction on the 7th?"

Seeing that Li Minkai fell into silence, Chino didn't make things difficult for him, but thought of a very crucial question: "Are the items and abilities that you can exchange for reincarnations the same as those who refuse?"

Li Minkai wanted to cry without tears: "How do I know this? I said, you are the first rejecter I met."

Kino took out a ring in his arms: "You exchanged this thing, right?"

Li Minkai glanced at it and nodded: "Well, the lowest-level D-level space ring can be exchanged for 1 D-level reward point."

Chino entered the respect system to search for a moment, and soon found a ring with the same effect, requiring 1000 respect points.

Chino asked: "Can low-level reward points be stacked to create high-level reward points?"

Li Minkai nodded: "Yes, 10:1 stacking, for example, 10 D-level reward points can be piled up to 1 C-level reward point, 10 C-level reward points can be stacked with 1 B, and so on. Advanced reward points can also be split according to this ratio. use."

Chino nodded, so it seems that the things that he can exchange with the respect system can also be exchanged with reward points for reincarnators. They are all common, but the medium required for exchange is different.

1 D-rank reward point corresponds to 1000 Respect Points, and C-rank corresponds to 10000, just do the multiplication calculation.

In the later conversation, Chino also learned that the way for reincarnators to become stronger is not only "reward points", but also "evolution points".

Reward points are obtained by completing tasks and can be exchanged for items.

The evolution point is to awaken itself through high-intensity battles and use it to evolve the genes in its body.

In other words, the former is given to you by others, and the latter is made by yourself.

Reward points will lead to an increase in the ranks of the team, and tasks will become more difficult.

Evolution points don't, as they don't count toward the rating themselves.

The effect of evolution points is similar to the "fear system" in the triple shackles, and Kino originally wanted to calculate the proportional relationship between them.

However, Li Minkai said that because he is relying on local forces to complete his tasks, he hardly needs to fight in person, so he has never accumulated evolution points and cannot provide specific reference.

Chino had no choice but to give up.

Li Minkai felt like he was on pins and needles at this moment: "I've said so much, you should be willing to let me go, right?"

Kino couldn't help but smile: "It seems that you really want to live. How much is left in the countdown to your mission?"

"3 hours and 12 minutes, ending at 18:21 local time."

"Even if I don't kill you, the countdown is over, and you won't be killed if you haven't completed the mission?"

"Failure of the mission is not directly obliterated, but first deducted the surplus reward points of the reincarnator. If the surplus of reward points is not enough, the equipment that has been exchanged will be confiscated, and the bloodline will be forced to degenerate. If this is not enough, the obliteration will be executed. In order to control the team rank, there are a lot of reward points on the body that have not been used, and it’s okay to fail the mission 10 times, just deduct it.”

"There's no hurry, anyway, there are still 3 hours, it's still early, sit down and continue chatting. Why did you enter the world of reincarnation?"

Li Minkai seemed to think of something sad and angry, so he clenched his fists and said in a deep voice: "My dad took a gamble and owed a lot of debt outside. The debt collector came to insult my mother. I stabbed one to death, and then the rest The next few people were killed."

Chino: "You signed a contract with hatred and wanted to become stronger and go back for revenge. But after you completed the first mission, you found that among the many exchange options, there was no way back to the previous life, and since then you have lost revenge. I just wanted to survive, so I chose the prudent little clever."

Li Minkai's body shook and looked at Chino in fear.

He just said his life experience, but he was deduced the key information that "reincarnators cannot return to their previous lives".

The person in front of him is like a devil who can read minds, and he has no secrets in front of him.

Chino smiled as always, and his pupils seemed to pierce people's hearts: "While waiting for the mission, where are you?"

Li Minkai lowered his head and muttered: "You can't find an independent plane."

"What kind of entertainment?" Kino asked.

Li Minkai sneered and said sadly: "There are many ways of entertainment. Eating, drinking, doing, watching movies, and playing games can create a beach, jungle, and snow-capped mountain for a few reward points, and you can go there for leisure and vacation. But this kind of life lasts for a long time. It’s boring, no different from a hamster under house arrest.”

Chino: "While waiting for the mission, do you know the destination and relevant information for the next mission?"

Li Minkai nodded: "I can know a little bit, the destination, the mission target, etc. For example, this time, the information given by the "Cube" is just."

"Sorry to interrupt. What is a cube?"

"When we exchange items and go to the mission plane, we all interact with a giant object in the reincarnation space, because it has the shape of a cube, and we also call it a "cube". "

Kino thought for a while, behind this "cube", or itself, should be the so-called "supreme existence".

He nodded: "That is to say, you can only exchange items in the cube in the reincarnation space, and you can't enter the mission world?"


"Okay, please continue the previous topic, about mission information."

Li Minkai continued: "In this invasion, the cube gave us more detailed information, and the mission location was clarified: Shilin Town, subordinate to Dusk City, Beacon Province, Doguland Kingdom. The mission target was also clarified: Chino Van., civil administrator of Xilin Town. Hilsing."

Chino stared at Li Minkai's eyes, observing every change in expression: "Before performing the mission, in the reincarnation space, can you exchange information with other reincarnation teams?"

Li Minkai shook his head: "This is impossible, only in the mission world can speak, not in the reincarnation space."

Chino just stared at him silently, his eyes deepening.

Li Minkai swallowed his throat subconsciously, and was stared at, sweating on his forehead and fidgeting.

Fortunately, Chino quickly changed the topic to a lighter subject: "I've almost asked about the world of reincarnation. Let's talk about something else, do you usually listen to music?"


"Listen to what?"

"Black RAP."

"Do you like Beethoven?"

Li Minkai was stunned: "I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

"Have you never heard of Beethoven's music?" Chino frowned and shook his head, "Impossible, you must have heard it. Haven't heard the Fifth Symphony in C minor? Dengdeng-"

Chino hummed its melody, fascinated, and waved his hands in the air with tempered precision. The rhythm and the rhythm fit so well that it was impossible to tell whether he was waving along with the humming or humming. Sing along with the conductor.

Li Minkai stared at Chino strangely, thinking that he was a lunatic.

After humming, Kino put his hands together: "How is it? The melody is familiar, right? You must have heard it, but you just don't know its title."

Li Minkai shook his head: "I haven't heard of it."

At the moment of "you", the smile on Chino's face froze, replaced by a rare anger, "You??!!"

Li Minkai didn't know what was going on: "What's wrong with me?"

Kino was expressionless, his muscles twitched, and said coldly, "You haven't even heard of Beethoven, what's the point of your life?"

Li Minkai was immediately stunned: "I haven't heard of Beethoven, so I can't live anymore? It's not just me who haven't heard of Beethoven in the world, there are so many people who haven't heard of it, such as the beggar on the roadside! They haven't heard of it either, Could it be that Chengdu cannot live?"

Chino: "You confuse one thing. Living and living are two concepts. A person can be 'alive' as long as he has something to eat and water to drink. But if you haven't heard of Beethoven, understand If he can't fight against his fate, he can't learn to break free from shackles and express his thoughts, it's limited to 'living', not 'living'."

Li Minkai smiled sadly: "I don't care, I don't have such high pursuits! You are amazing, you are awesome, you are a great artist, okay? I'm just an ordinary person, I can live, I don't need to live."

"Here's the problem—" Chino's amber eyes filled with a smile, "I don't like people who haven't heard of Beethoven."

Li Minkai completely froze in his seat, the remaining reason in his eyes collapsed, and he roared like a mad dog: "O, you, Beethoven! Make up such disgusting excuses to kill me, right?! Lao Tzu O your whole family for Beethoven!!!”

Chino spread his hands innocently and said seriously, "I had planned to let you go before, but you said you never heard of Beethoven, so I changed my mind."

Li Minkai almost bit his lower lip, and his mouth was full of blood. He took a deep breath and spoke with tears in his voice: "I'm so sorry. It's my fault I haven't heard of Beethoven! I'll definitely listen to him when I go back this time. Song!"

Chino frowned, looking very disgusted: "Your statement is wrong, Beethoven created 'classical music', not 'song'. The creation techniques of classical music are more complex and diverse, and the connotation is more profound."

Li Minkai was going crazy, struggling desperately with his hands on the table, streaked blood on his debut, and hissed, "Okay! Classical music! Okay?! After I go back, I will listen to every piece of his music. No! Listen to it a hundred times! A thousand times! Okay?! Let me go back!!!"

Chino smiled and shook his head: "You just want to please me now and let me let you go, not really want to enjoy classical music. So, I'm sorry, I can't let you go back."

Amidst Li Minkai's cries, Chino called Paladin in, motioned for him to be dragged away for execution, and sympathetically enlightened him: "If you want to open up, I will help you get rid of this 'living' skin, so that you can have Chance to be reincarnated as a 'alive' person."

Li Minkai cried frantically at Chino's back: "Wait a minute! Wait! Let me go!! I'll give you anything you want!!! I'll give you everything!!!"

Kino raised his hand, motioning for Paladin to go out first.

Immediately, he closed the door gently, turned his face sideways, and looked at Li Minkai expressionlessly: "Did you lie to me just now?"

Li Minkai looked terrified, his eyes kept wandering: "I am."

Chino: "I asked you if you could exchange information with other Samsara squads before the mission, and you said no. But you said earlier that this is the first time you've carried out an invasion mission. In this case, you are very important to the world I live in. You should know nothing. How could you exchange the silver moon in the cube in advance, and then go to bribe the desert horse bandits? Obviously, before the mission, you obtained the intelligence of this world from others, and you treat the desert horse bandits like money. Only when you know the habits of life like the palm of your hand will you make this arrangement."

Li Minkai closed his eyes and cried in despair: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I did lie. Please forgive me this time."

"Why lie?"

"Before the mission, the reincarnation team can indeed communicate remotely through the cube. The information we got was given by the reincarnation team who had been to this world before. They said that if the mission fails, in order to survive, you can use the reincarnation world's It’s not shameful to change the life of common information, and it’s not a big problem to leak it out. But the information that the samsara can communicate before the mission starts is top secret, and it must not be told to those who refuse.”

Kino looked at him playfully: "It seems that you are already a traitor to the world of reincarnation."

Having reached this point, Li Minkai didn't want any face, and shouted: "Survival is the most important thing! Whoever wants to keep these broken rules should keep it! I just want to live, what's wrong with this? Anyway, the other reincarnators don't know that I have slept!"

Chino looked him in the eyes. "Besides this, do you lie anywhere else?"

Li Minkai's defenses were already broken, and he shook his head like crazy: "No! Absolutely not! Every word I said before is true, I didn't lie to you! Please let me go, please. Let me go."

Chino's eyes became playful: "I have one last question. As long as you can answer it, I will let you go and never hurt you, I swear."

Li Minkai is like a drowning person grabbing the straw on the shore, staring at Chino with wide eyes, longing, looking forward, and praying for the hope of life.

The corners of Chino's lips rose, and his amber eyes filled with a smile: "How do you evaluate the status of Johann Strauss Jr.'s "Blue Danube" in the history of world music?"

Hope is broken, or rather, hope never existed in the first place.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Li Minkai completely collapsed after this play, he barked furiously, foam kept overflowing from the corners of his mouth, the whole person was like a rabid dog with rabies ,hysteria.

"Can't answer such a simple question?" Kino shook his head and turned away, "It's incredible."

(End of this chapter)

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